What are Spanish Women Like - Dating Girls from Spain

Apart from its rich cultural heritage and fantastic landscape, Spain is known for its smoking hot senoritas. Women from Spain consistently feature among the most attractive faces in the world of fashion and entertainment. But what are they like as persons and how to impress the women you are more likely to meet at bistros and beaches of Spain rather than on fashion magazine covers? to find out all this and more about Spanish women, read on.

Gorgeous looking

Few would contest the opinion that Spanish women are one of the best creations of the Almighty. They have a stunning, olive complexion that is a gift of many of the Mediterranean people. The tan that the Spanish acquire is immensely attractive and more so on its women. To add to their charming physical traits, Spanish ladies are endowed with beautiful raven hair, well complemented by their dark, lustrous eyelashes. You only have to look at stars like Penelope Cruz to know that Spanish women are known the world across for their gorgeous beauty.

TIP: This website has many Spanish women looking for wealthy men to date.

Proud of their feminity

However one of the most attractive physical features of Spanish women is their full-sized figure which gives them a sensual appeal. But what makes the overall package even more irresistible is the fact that Spanish women actually like how they look. While women in most western societies are obsessive about attaining size-zero figures, Spanish women are more self-assured and thus sassier about their feminine figures. The British daily The Telegraph has an interesting article 1 on how Spanish women as opposed to British women are more comfortable with their fuller figures. The article quotes a survey conducted by the Spanish government, which reveal that seven out of 10 Spanish women are satisfied with their bodies, compared to which only a measly 2 per cent of British women were reportedly happy with their shapes. The article not only draws on the Spanish cultural associations of fuller figures with good health and fertility but also makes an interesting association of anorexic, stick-thin female figures in western societies with the dominant Puritan tradition and its values like self-denial and even a kind of self-flagellation. Indeed the Spanish love of shapely figures goes all the way to the top since its government was one of the first in the world to ban size zero models on the catwalk in 2006.

Quite social on the whole

The Spanish are very social people and women are too are generally open to making new friends. The best way to meeting Spanish women is to get invited to parties and gatherings which are a regular feature of Spanish life. Young men and women get together after classes if they are students or after working hours if they are professionals. You can also find Spanish girls heading for the café and bar in groups but probably checking out potential partners just like everybody else. So splash on your best cologne, spruce up that smile and get ready to impress that gorgeous-looking Senorita at the table in the right corner of the restaurant.

Strong personality

Despite their feminine looks, Spanish women are no delicate darlings. They are strong-willed, self-assured and do not suffer fools gladly. Women here know instinctively and immediately when someone is trying to act smart with them and they will not stand for it. Examples include setting a bill straight when a crafty waiter has added one too many drinks, dealing with someone who has jumped a long queue and whipping tardy customer service reps into shape when a phone call isn’t getting any results. Incidentally when in Spain you may keep hearing about someone, especially a woman having carácter. In Spanish culture, carácter is not a word that refers to a personal moral leanings or even personality as a whole, but that feisty bit in Spanish people that wells up to sort out minor injustices and annoyances. So while you may be at the receiving end of a senorita’s temper if you have mixed up her order of drinks at the bar, you can at the same time look forward to her passionately defending you against rapacious parking attendants or getting started your long-defunct internet connection within a few hours.

Traditional culture

One reason why Spanish women are famed for their assertiveness could be because they have learnt to look out for themselves in a traditionally patriarchal culture. Their brand of plain speaking could be seen as a back-lash against years of male domination which is still present in some form or other. Earlier because of conservative Catholicism and later due to the brand of chauvinism imposed by the Franco regime, Spanish culture imposed strict norms on the movement and freedom of women. They were expected to stay in home and bring up children while the reigns of financial power rested squarely with the men of the family. Eventually things changed and Spanish women found their voice as well as the means to economic and social empowerment. And yet Spanish women know they have to put up a good fight in a country where they continue to lose out on promotions due to glass ceilings at work and are usually paid one third less than their male counterparts, sometimes even in multinational companies.

Close ties with the family

Spanish life is essentially rooted in the family. Even in modern times when kinship networks are getting looser, the bond among the members of a family continue to the primary building blocks of larger communal and social bonds. Thus you can expect your Spanish girlfriend to be quite close to her parents; on holidays and feast days her house may be filled with siblings, cousins, grandparents as well as uncles and aunts from every side. If you have been invited to her house on such an occasion, all this maybe a little overwhelming for you, especially if you come from a more individualist culture. The easiest way to impress your girlfriend would be to charm your way through her family; so don’t forget to bring some nicely-wrapped gourmet chocolates for Mama as well as some fine wine for Papa. Most of all, be courteous and respectful to the elder members of the family and generously compliment Grandma on her delicious risotto. On the upside once you are accepted by the family, you can be assured of a strong support network to stand by you both in good times and bad.


  1. The Telegraph - UK women can learn from Spanish señoritas