How to Meet and Date Rich Men in Denver, USA

Almost every woman dreams of being romanced in style. Vacations at private islands, shopping at high-end fashion stores and being lavished with expensive gifts – all this and more are for the picking for women who have found wealthy partners. Setting about to meet rich men needs a plan and what better place to begin your search than in Denver which goes by the promising nickname of ‘Mile-High City’.

TIP: MillionaireMatch has many millionaire single men from Denver looking for women they can date and marry.

Oil Barons

The discovery of gold and silver mines in the mineral-rich Rockies was traditionally responsible for the earliest economic growth of Denver. However it was with the boom in energy and oil sector during the 1970s and ‘80s that city was thrown in the big league. Today, energy and mining are still important in Denver's economy, with companies such as EnCana, Halliburton, Smith International, Rio Tinto Group, Newmont Mining, Noble Energy, and Anadarko having base in the city. So if you are on the lookout for rich singles in Denver, don’t miss those connected to the energy industry. Oil barons, high paid executives in oil companies or highly skilled geologists and petroleum engineers all can be expected to take you out in style. Most of the oil and gas companies in Denver are located along the 17th Street and particularly Broadway so look for places like the Palace Hotel and Paramount Theater where singles from these professions can be found hanging out.

Federal Employees

Denver as the capital city of the state of Colorado houses several government facilities related to the running of the affairs of the state. Besides these the city is also home to more than a few federal offices and institutions among which are the Denver Federal Center, the Denver Mint and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. In fact Denver was till recently the headquarters of the former nuclear weapons plants Rocky Flats and even now it houses several companies working on US defense and space projects. All these imply a healthy presence of federal officials and engineers in the city who are quite often paid as well as similar positions in private sector. Add to this the security of jobs which means that even in times of economic downturn when the private sector would go on a downsizing spree, most federal employees would retain their cushy jobs. Such advantages make state and federal officials a great choice in dating partners who wield considerable influence in society as well as take home a decent paycheck.

Higher levels of academia

Denver is a major educational hub in the part of the country. The colleges and higher educational institutions of Denver range widely in age and study programs offered. The private University of Denver was the first institution of higher learning in the city having been founded as early as 1864, . Other prominent Denver higher education institutions include Johnson & Wales University and the three public schools that constitute the Auraria Campus, University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State College of Denver, and Community College of Denver. The city is also home to higher educational institutions run by religious bodies like the Jesuit Regis University of the Catholics as well as Hillel Metropolitan State College of the Jews. The academia or college employees thus figure as a significant segment of the city’s professionals and sometimes even their pay scale are quite comparable to the plum private and public sector positions. In fact an article in the online edition of Denver Post writes that “Neither Denver's mayor nor Colorado's governor makes the list, but some jobs paying in the $250,000 range include Denver's director of aviation, the University of Denver hockey coach, the superintendent of Aurora Public Schools, and the CU-Boulder athletic director.” 1 apart from taking home decent paychecks, such professionals are also blessed to have a low-stress working environment and a comfortable life on campus, all advantages that can help you to have a successful romantic life.

Exclusive recreational centers

Being a hub of trade, commerce and industry in the state, Denver offers wide choice in exclusive recreational opportunities to its wealthy businessmen and company executives. The Denver Athletic Club and Cherry Creek are the places where the affluent go to work out or soak in the sauna while the Country Club and Exclusive Resorts have a more lavish fare of attractions for its millionaire members. While getting a membership into any of the above clubs might be an expensive proposition, you can explore options of day-tours or volunteer positions which will also put you in touch with rich single guests. Another relatively affordable option is to become a member of clubs devoted to particular interests like golfing, riding, wines, travel and so on which also attracts its share of wealthy patrons.

Upscale Hangouts

Denver has one of the hottest nightlife in the state with most of the hippest destinations located at LoDo or Lower Downtown where people to go to be seen as much as to have a good time. Le Rouge is one of the poshest nightclubs in town with a very European feel. Among the newer establishments are the Lavish where you can chill out with Belvedere vodkas amidst tastefully done up and cozy interiors. Some of the watering holes like Martini Ranch retain the old feel of western saloons and have more than a few wealthy clients. On the other hand Funky Buddha Lounge is where trendy members of the beautiful and moneyed set flock to get their pricey booze and velvet-roped playtime. So the next time you decide on a night out in Denver, flock to the above hangouts and you might just get lucky to meet the date of your gilded dreams.

Wealthy neighbourhoods

Denver has more than a few exclusive suburbs where the wealthy of the city live. Addresses like Greenwood Village, Cherry Creek and Douglas County command some of the highest real estate. Then areas like Five Points owe their worth to historical value while Lower Downtown is a hip entertainment district with the high-end bars, shops and restaurants. While getting a place in any of the above areas may stretch your resources, living where the rich live definitely increases your chances of making their acquaintance.


  1. - Definition of rich varies by income, place