10 Places to Find Women Looking for Rich Men

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, or so the old saying goes. These are also the women who would like to be romanced in style – with vacations in private islands and dinners at the most expensive restaurants. But where exactly can you bump into such ladies who have their sights set high? Here are a few places to find women looking for rich men

  1. Rich neighborhoods

    Women who are looking to date millionaires know that hanging out in rich neighborhoods offer them one of the biggest chances of meeting such a guy. They may frequent the local Starbucks, the parks or the grocery stores in the downtown areas where the mansions and expensive offices are located. One of the common signs by which you can spot these women is by their approachable attitude – they might be reading a book at a coffee shop or walking with a poodle in the park.

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  2. Exclusive gyms

    This is the place where hedge-fund managers and bankers are likely to frequent to work off all the stress that they have accumulated chasing those millions.  Expensive gyms, spas and health clubs are thus a favorite haunt for women looking for rich men even though buying a subscription can set back a girl by some thousand bucks. But like every fledgling gold-digger worth her new tan knows, these are investments one has to make in order to reach out to the right people.
  3. Upscale hang-outs

    Even the fat cats of finance need to unwind sometimes. And what better way to do so than by letting down one’s hair at some of the most stylish – and expensive – nightspots in town. Women who are looking to meet such guys know this as well and thus weekend nights are likely to see them frequent the pubs, bars and nightclubs which draw the richest patrons. The best part about looking for a rich mate at these venues is that other person is likely to be in a sociable mood and not averse to striking up a conversation with a PYT even if he knows she is just looking for a good time.
  4. Law/finance/doctor’s offices

    The workplace may not be the first address when it comes to the mind when you think of women who are planning to date the rich guys. But considering that a secretary or an administrative assistant in a high-powered industry has almost unrestricted access to loads of successful professional guys, it may not seem such a strange idea after all. Working as an assistant in a law office, investment bank or even a top-end retail store for men’s fashion will not only offer a woman ample opportunities to chat up the rich guys but best of all, prevent her from coming off as a gold-digger at the very beginning. The only hitch here is that a woman would need to have some level of intelligence or professional acumen to snag a job that would throw her into the company of the rich and successful.
  5. Charity or Fundraising events

    Most people who have established themselves financially take up a favorite cause or two, to which they regularly donate. Charity or fundraising events are thus one of the easiest places to meet rich men since one knows that they have the disposable income to spend on philanthropy. Many women accordingly attend or volunteer at such $500 or $1000 plus-a-plate dinners to make acquaintance with the rich guys. While many of these guest might attend the charity galas with a companion, one can take comfort in the fact that most of the times, these companions are a date just for the evening and if a girl is determined she can still try her luck with the rich and eligible philanthropist.
  6. Niche areas of interest

    Like philanthropy, most rich guys also have a favorite passion which they usually follow quite zealously. This is because once they are successful they have both the time and resources to spend on a pet interest like collecting rare manuscripts or paintings of a world-renowned artist. So auction-houses, high-brow wine-tasting events or premieres of exclusive exhibitions are again places where one can find women looking for rich men. A woman may be there either as a guest herself or working as a volunteer if her own resources are a bit stretched.
  7. Professional conventions

    Workshops and conventions in high paying fields such as medical, finance, and technology can also be a great venue to meet successful men. So all the women guests here may not be professionals themselves but merely present to identify the guys who look loaded and then chat them up. Best of all, these dos tend to have after-hour social events and parties where both can take the first introductions to the next level.
  8. Premium Clubs

    Most rich and successful guys belong to some club or the other which are not only places of recreation but also where they can seal lucrative business deals. These may range from elite gentlemen’s clubs to exclusive sports clubs like yachting or golfing clubs. Many women looking to meet such guys know that they need to be seen in these places if they are to have a realistic chance of catching the attention of the guys with the greenbacks.
  9. The Internet

    Today the internet is awash with women looking to date rich guys. Just a single Google search on “how to meet and date a rich man” can throw up a million results. Many among these are about websites which specifically cater to the relationship needs of rich and successful men and thus draw girls who are on the lookout for a sugar daddy. However competition is tough here and only those girls who have something extra on their profile usually manage to catch the eye of the richest members.
  10. Fine dining places

    Rich guys who enjoy their food as well as their money are often willing to shell out a thousand bucks or wait for an entire week to be able to savour their delights of their favourite fine dining places. Thus weekends or chef’s special days at these exclusive addresses are a great place to bump into a few rich gourmands, who if a girl is lucky, may even be in the mood for some socializing.