How to Meet and Date Rich Men in Wales, UK

One of few contemporary nations to uphold its ancient Celtic identity, Wales is an amazing bled of the traditional and the modern. This fusion makes it one of the best places to live, work and love in UK. So if you happen to find yourself in this part of the world and are looking to be entertained in style, here is how you can meet and date rich men in Wales.

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Get yourself a rich guide

The geographical location and character of Wales makes it a tourist’s delight. It is a generally mountainous country but bordered by the sea on all sides except to the east where it is bordered by England. Thus Wales is endowed with a wealth of natural beauty ranging from mountains, cliffs and forests to bays, coastlines and lakes. In fact Wales has five Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty including the Anglesey, the Clwydian Range, the Gower Peninsula and the Wye Valley. Of these the Gower Peninsula was the first to be designated as such in the UK, way back in 1956. Apart from nature, Wales is also rich in cultural landmarks and attracts thousands of tourists to heritage sites as the Gresford bells the Llangollen bridge, St Winefride's Well, the Wrexham steeple and the Overton Yew trees. All these attractions have resulted in tourism comprising of a significant portion of the Welsh economy. In 2002 there were around 8,078,900 visitors to National Trust and Welsh Tourist Board destinations. The industry is estimated to have an annual turnover of £3.5 billion. In 2005 tourism contributed to over 100,000 jobs in the service-sector, more than 8% of the country's workforce. So if you are looking for successful single rich men in Wales, it might make sense to zero in on someone who is part of the thriving tourism industry. Apart from being wined and dined at the best places, you could also find yourself a suitable guide to go walking, shopping, hiking in the mountains and visiting historic attractions, museums and galleries, all of which make up the most popular activities undertaken by tourists in Wales.

Mingle with successful professionals in Wales

Despite being originally an agricultural society, the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century saw Wales engage in hectic heavy industrial production. In fact for a time Cardiff was the largest coal-exporting port in the world while in the 1920s, over 40% of the male Welsh population worked in heavy industry. However the Great Depression and subsequent economic factors led to a decline of heavy industries in Wales. Today along with tourism, the service sector is an important segment of the Welsh economy and in 2000, services contributed 66% to Gross Value Added of the country. So when in Wales, make it a point to head for Cardiff where the majority of the white collar jobs are concentrated. You can pick and choose from the vast number of retail, finance, media and hospitality sector professionals, all making good money and ending up wealthy. The Cardiff City Center as well as the Cardiff Bay are the prime financial areas of the city where most of the offices and businesses are located. A good idea is to hang out at the cafes and bars in these areas which will give you ample opportunities to strike up conversations with successful professionals. Also don’t forget to visit the Vale of Glamorgan, a county borough lying to the south of Cardiff which is an exceptionally rich agricultural area and is thus home to many budding farming entrepreneurs. You'll find many millionaires or soon to be millionaires among the entrepreneurs here.

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Frequent the upscale hangouts

While the single rich men may have enough money to chill out at swanky destination, the local pub is the normally the venue of choice in Wales. Pubs and local bars are the hub of social life and here people come to have a drink, meet and make new friends as well as to listen to live contemporary of folk music. However if you want to be certain of rubbing shoulders with the successful and single rich men in Wales, Cardiff is the natural option. The capital city has the most rocking nightlife in Wales made up of more than 350 pubs, bars and clubs. Located in the city centre, the Liquid-Life has over the years become a local favorite for its music, hosting the most famous DJs from all over the country and attracting patrons with its array of fine lightning, an amazing laser and sound system along with visual graphics. For a smarter setup, head to the Mina where the restaurant and the cocktail bar are popular both with the jet-set as well as the student crowds. The Globe is a hotspot of suburban live entertainment in Cardiff where the mezzanine dancing levels as well as great options in drinks add to the partying experience. In Swansea, the Square is a lavishly decorated bar which is the place to be seen in the city. Then again there is the Sanctuary which has two stylish designer bars on two floors as well as a large dance floor and state-of-the-art sound system. You'll find wealthy singles here too.  Another city you must check out is Bangor where the large student population keeps the music going on till the wee hours of morning. Here the Octagon is one of the best destinations if you are in the mood for some hard partying and meeting single rich men who like to have a good time. In Llandudno, the place to go is Mostyn Street which literally has every kind of bar imaginable. Thus while Wales cannot boast of the kind of nightlife found in metropolitan centers of the globe, it has nevertheless ample venues to bring together singles who are fond of the good life and more importantly can afford it.