How to Meet and Date Rich Men in Belgium

Belgium, despite its relatively small size, is an important country in Western Europe. It is home to the headquarters of the European Union as well as other important international organizations such as the NATO. Belgium’s intensely globalized economy, based on international trade and transport, is one of the strongest in the region and is responsible for a high standard of living. So if you are passing through this country, don’t forget to make use of socializing opportunities along with taking in the sights and scenes of the land.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many rich single men from Belgium looking for women to date and marry.

The trade barons

International trade accounts for the most important part of the Belgian economy. Promoted by the government’s open trade policy, the country is a hub of exports like machinery and equipment, chemicals, finished diamonds, metals and metal products, foodstuffs;in fact it has one of the highest exports per capita in EU region. So if possible, keep a lookout for rising entrepreneurs and successful rich single businessmen who are associated with this sector of the economy. A good place to meet them would be banks and other financial institutions as well as trade fairs and promotional events held in the financial districts of the bigger cities like Brussels and Antwerp. The Northern Quarter is the central business district in Brussels and is characterized by high-rise buildings, like other financial centers of the world.

All that glitters

Belgium all over the world is known for its diamond processing industry. In fact finished diamonds make up of the most important items of export in the country’s economy. This is concentrated in the Flanders region with Antwerp as its nerve center. It is estimated that more than 70% of all diamonds in the world come from Antwerp in Belgium. Most of the diamond processing units and associated business institutions are located in the Diamond District of Antwerp, also known as the Diamond Quarter or the Square Mile. this area includes the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, four trading exchanges including the Diamond Club of Antwerp and the Beurs voor Diamanthandel as well as four banks specializing in the financing of the diamond trade.  Bruges is another Belgian city that has an important place in the history of its diamond industry. Though it is no longer as prominent as Antwerp now, the one place you should not miss out when in Bruges is the Diamond Museum. thus make it a point to frequent the cafes, bars and other meeting places if you want to rub shoulders with the successful single rich Belgian men in the diamond industry.
And who knows along with finding a gem of a partner, you might also be the proud recipient of a glittering engagement ring.

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Get to know the captains of industry

Belgium was one of the greatest beneficiaries of the Industrial Revolution and indeed the the first country to undergo an industrial revolution on the continent of Europe in the early 19th century. Despite having little or no natural resources of its own, Belgium became an importance place for the production of steel, textiles, refining, chemicals, food processing, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, electronics and machinery fabrication since much of the last two centuries. The main industrial areas in Belgium are concentrated mainly in the populous Flanders in the north, around Brussels and in the two biggest cities of the southern region, Liège and Charleroi. This area is also known as the sillon industriel which is French for "industrial valley" since it lies along the Haine, Sambre, Meuse and Vesdre rivers. In the recent decades, most of the industrial activity has shifted to the northern part of the country, centering around Flanders and has been marked by foreign investment in the automotive and petroleum industries especially. Even though manufacturing no longer forms the most important economic sector of Belgium today, the country nevertheless possesses many wealthy capitalists and industrial and if lucky you may even make the acquaintance of a single rich man belonging to its ranks. For this however you will need to frequent industrial conventions, conferences and other business dos where the big-wigs of the sector gather. You can also make yourself seen at posh resorts and country clubs which usually boast of the richest men as their guests.

The Nightlife in Belgium

Brussels is the hub of nighttime entertainment in Belgium even though other cities like Antwerp and Bruges too have their own share of action. In the capital city, if you want to come across wealthy singles, head for the swanky nightclubs and bars where most of the jet-setting crowd congregates. One such destination is the Studio Athanor. The red-themed interiors, extensive list of cocktails, as well as different kinds of music on weeknights serve to attract the most beautiful people in the city. If you are looking for a wealthy partner with classic tastes, head for the Chez Johnny, the best retro-club in town. On the other hand the truly sophisticated crowd can be found chatting over custom-made cocktails at Koyla, the restaurant cum bar situated in the ultra-chic Hotel Manos Premier. This place is well known for its swanky atmosphere which is not only provided by a cushy lounge but also with an elegant roof that is entirely enclosed in glass. When in Antwerp, don’t miss the Barbarie, a stylish restaurant near the Stadspark that specializes in French cuisine. It has a splendid town garden for outdoor eating. Crystal glasses, china tableware and silver cutlery are set on exclusive tablecloths and a multitude of plants add a Mediterranean touch. For lovers of dance and music, the Bar Mondial is a great place to meet suitable partners since this is a hot and happening club which hosts numerous music concerts all through the year besides numerous music concerts besides regularly entertaining guests with varied genres like rock, pop, electro and hip-hop. You'll find many of the rich single men hang out here. In the city of Bruges, for a different kind of recreational experience, you can check out the Brugge Anno 1468, where actors reenact the wedding of the Duke of Burgundy, Charles the Bold, to Margaret of York in a former Jesuit church, while customers pile into a medieval banquet. All these places attract the rich single men and while you check out socializing opportunities, you can have a good time here yourself.