10 Ways to Meet Wealthy People

While anyone can have an active social life, cultivating the right contacts is an art in itself. Knowing wealthy people brings a host of advantages in one’s life – they not only introduce you to material indulgences but also help you appreciate the worth of the finer things of life as well as that of hard work. So whether for whether for business, pleasure or life-long companionship, here are ten tried and tested ways to meet wealthy people.

  1. Log in

    Sometimes the most direct approach is the most effective. These days there are several social networking and dating websites designed just for the wealthy to mingle. These online forums are a good way to screen potential candidates for their money and get the ball rolling, all within the comfort of your home. However you need to create your profile with great care and put up photos which are just the thing the rich boys and girls are looking for.
  2. Get a job at a good place

    Even a summer internship or a part-time shift will do since this will bring you in touch with the men and women at the top of your company or workplace. So look for a company or firm which is reeling in profits every year and then try to find out who you would like to know among the movers and shakers there. Don’t fret if you do not sport a college degree or don’t have a resume with the thickness of a Bible; the basic idea is to get opportunities to meet the successful people and then let your personality and charm do the rest.

    TIP: Millionaire Match has many wealthy single men from North America and Europe looking for women to date and marry.
  3. Hang out at business places

    If you thought that banks were boring, you may need to change your outlook. Instead try and frequent places where serious professionals come together. These could be the usual places of business like banks and conference halls or professional events like  lectures, workshops and seminars. The best part about hanging out at such dos is that despite the dry professional environment, you can be more or less certain of finding singles who are successes in their field of work. So, after you have made your choice you can discuss the prospects of an upcoming hedge fund over a delicious cup of coffee and plan how to meet again.


  4. Get a swanky address

    If you want to meet wealthy men as part of a normal routine, then try to become a regular fixture in affluent neighborhoods. You can do this either by buying a small place here or if you can’t even afford a pad, by frequenting the cafes and parks in the area. Here you can come across the rich singles as they go about for a morning jog in the neighborhood park or pick up their favorite dessert at the local delicatessen, all of which are going to offer you ample opportunities to open a conversation without trying to appear brazen.
  5. Support a cause

    Supporting a favorite cause is one of the many ways wealthy people spend their money; so try and wrangle an invitation to a charity gala or fund-raising dinner in your city which is sure to attract its share of wealthy patrons. Even though the main purpose of these $500-a-plate dinners is underlined by philanthropic motives, such events are important places to be seen if one is to make a mark on the social scene. However be sure to look and dress your best since first impressions do matter when you are dealing with those who have the best of everything.

    Meet millionaire men at MillionaireMatch.com.
  6. Attend the best parties in town

    If you want to meet people who are rich as well as famous, the best place is to hang out at events and parties related to the entertainment industry. Movie and theater premieres are occasions when the rich and beautiful people come together. If you can, get hold of an invitation to the hottest post-premiere parties which generally go on till the early hours of morning and thus offer a longer time to socialize. However do your homework before attending such events so that you know who is a genuine actor/producer/singer and who is merely pretending to be one.
  7. Hang out at the upscale bars

    While the super wealthy do not make up the usual clientele of local bars and cafes, sometimes even the rich need to chill out at a favorite place. These are likelier to be upscale pubs and bars stocked with the choicest spirits and decked out in elegant discreet interiors. Also if you want to meet the successful professionals then hang out in places nearest to their offices. High class pubs near lawyers’ or doctors’ chambers are likely venues since busy people rarely venture far from their workplace when they wish to relax with a drink after a hard day. Other options would be exclusive wine bars or sports bars which have a selective clientele.
  8. Frequent leisure destinations

    What does a single and successful executive do when he needs to de-stress after wrapping up a particularly challenging deal? Take a day off at the spa, of course. So the next time you feel like chatting up a wealthy guy or girl, land up at a luxury resort which offers exotic massages and relaxing treatments. The main drawback of this venue is that the number of potential candidates is likely to be limited. On the plus side however, if you do come across a suitable person, he  or she is more likely to be relaxed and thus more open to meeting someone interesting.
  9. Take up an expensive hobby

    This option might create a dent in your bank account since it would involve subscribing to exclusive hobby clubs like one catering to a passion for fine wines or a love for original paintings of Monet. On the plus side however, a shared interest is more likely to yield to a longer lasting association instead of leading to a casual meeting which is usually what happens when you meet someone at the bar or nightclub.
  10. Go clubbing

    If you have tried everything of the above and met with little success, take your search to where the really rich boys and girls hang out – the  Millionaire clubs. Cocktail parties and weekend bashes are only some of the events regularly hosted at such venues where the wealthy and single can take their pick of the attractive partners. If you don’t have one such in your city, explore exclusive country clubs or golf clubs which only the very rich can afford. While it may take some hard work to get access to such exclusive venues, once there you have opportunities galore. However be certain to look your most seductive as the super-rich are used to being surrounded by the best.