How to Find and Date a Millionaire Businessman

One of the many reasons why wealthy businessmen are among the most sought after dating partners is that they often bring to a relationship that amazing combination of hard work and resourcefulness which made them so successful in their enterprises in the first place. So if you would like to have a partner with deep pockets and who also looks sexy in a suit, here is how to find and date a millionaire businessman.

TIP: Browse photo profiles of single millionaire businessmen from USA, Canada and Europe.

Get a job

Common sense tells that in order to meet a potential date, you must be around the places where they spend most of their waking hours in a day which in case of a successful businessman would be his office or place of work. So get a job in a company or business which is doing really well and where the owner is a single guy. Even if you are not qualified for a managerial appointment, look for temporary or trainee positions which will also offer you valuable opportunities to come across the top guns and once that happen, be sure to turn on your charm full-blast.

Attend business-based events

Look for business conventions and trade conferences that are taking place in your city. Attending these would allow you to mingle with the most successful minds in the business, among which there are bound to be a few singles. However if you find any of these restricted to non-professionals like you or charging huge entry fees, consider volunteering at the event which could range from ushering in the guests to manning a business booth in one of the trade pavilions. Wealth-management seminars and workshops are other places where there is likely to be a fair concentration of successful businessmen. However if you decide to be present at such events, make sure that you come prepared with some knowledge of what is going on around you since a potential date might want to know what a pretty woman like you is doing among a sea of grey suits.


Look around where you are

Banks are one of the few places where wealthy businessmen and the regular crowd have frequent chances of coming across each other. So the next time you visit a bank to cash a check, look around yourself carefully and see if you can spot an entrepreneurial figure sporting a Rolex wristwatch but minus a wedding ring. In fact while filling up forms, you can even strike up a conversation with a seeming potential date and explore the chances of discussing shares and stocks over a cup of latte.

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Browse through bookstores

Bookstores draw people from various walks of life but if you want to meet wealthy businessmen, the sections to browse through would be finance, marketing, management and the like. Self-help and public relations are other favorite categories for the rich boys working to climb the ladder. While few millionaire entrepreneurs would have the time to sit for hours at libraries or join book clubs, bookstores on the other hand have a fair chance of attracting successful people, especially the book lovers among them. However when browsing for the best-selling management mantras on the bookstore shelves, be sure to watch out for co-enthusiasts in expensive ties and maybe you can find time to discuss a date among other things.

Exclusive clubs

Almost all millionaire businessmen are members of some club or other and nine times out of ten, they are ones where the annual subscription runs into thousands of dollars besides having a three-year waiting list. Such clubs are not only places to relax with a drink or work out with a game of squash for its exclusive patrons, but also ideal venues to entertain a client or strike a lucrative business deal. Frequenting such clubs will put you in direct contact with several wealthy businessmen, many of whom are sure to be single. Apart from traditional clubs, there may be clubs catering to specific interests and activities like wine appreciation clubs, yachting clubs or equestrian clubs that attract millionaire businessmen. Similarly many a billion-dollar deal has been known to be struck on a golf course while the business parties are teeing off. Even if you cannot afford the membership fees, look for occasions and events held at these clubs where guests are allowed and best of all, the rich and single are in a mood to socialize.

Upscale hangouts

No matter how hard a millionaire businessman may be working to pile on those millions, some time or other he would need to take a break and what better place to chill out other than the most happening party zones in your town. However don’t go pub or disco-hopping just about anywhere but only at those places where you know the rich and single hang out.  When waiting for a drink at the bar, remember to keep an ear open for business talk and when you hear a lot of words like TPS reports and sales estimates, you know that it is time to make your move. At the same time stay away from events and venues which ostentatiously expensive since a lot of millionaire businessmen are often frugal and dislike flaunting a lavish, indulgent lifestyle.

Rope in family and friends

Don’t discount the potential of friends and family to help you come across successful and, if lucky, single businessmen. They could be employers or clients of close friends whom you can get to know at their office parties. Again if you are a single parent, by all means get curious about other single parents at your PTA meetings, especially if any of them happens to turn up in a pin-striped suit or step out of a Mercedes Benz. 

Expand your horizons

If you want to meet and date millionaire businessmen,  look for opportunities to gather and display you own financial acumen. You could sign up for a financial accounting course or a workshop on successful entrepreneurship. Millionaires who have made their millions from scratch are most likely to be attracted by women who have a sharp mind to go with their pretty faces.