Sixth Marriage Anniversary Gift Ideas

If you are about to observe your sixth wedding anniversary, you have come quite a way in your marital journey together. Now is the time to celebrate all those years of being together and the fact that no matter what the temptation you never gave up on each other. So pamper your spouse with one –or many – of the following sixth marriage anniversary gift suggestions.

The traditional gifts for sixth wedding anniversaries are candies and anything made of iron, probably as a way of highlighting both the sweet and strong aspects of a relationship that has endured this far. The best part about sixth anniversaries is that the twin items ensure that gifting possibilities are thrown wide open.

  1. Home décor

    A sixth marriage anniversary is a good opportunity to acquire home décor made of iron. Options can range from a decorative mirror to plant stands and iron sculptures. While the original look of iron may not be very aesthetic, these days iron-made products come with a wide range of finishes, both matte and smooth, which make décor items both easy on the eye as well simple to maintain. However antique iron ornaments and sculptures have an appeal which is unique and best left untampered.
  2. Furniture in wrought iron

    Furniture in wrought iron is a favorite with many couples and if combined with colorful seats and cushions can be used to brighten up any room. The best part of wrought iron furniture is that they are both light on the pocket and in actual weight which makes maintenance that much easier.
  3. Sports equipment

    Very rarely does a traditional wedding anniversary theme allow for purchase of sports equipments but a sixth wedding anniversary is one of them. So if you have been egging your spouse to hit the gym, why not buy something for your own home. Other than equipments for “pumping iron”  your spouse may also welcome golf clubs with iron handles. However if you are unsure about what he/she really wants, it would be much better to present them with a gift certificate from a sports store so they can shop to their hearts’ fill.
  4. Kitchen items

    For partners who like rustling up new dishes, iron-based cookware can make for ideal gifts. A heavy cast-iron skillet to deep-fry the succulent ribs or an iron grill to turn out sizzling barbecues – the choices are endless and only limited by your budget or you’re your spouse’s culinary preferences.
  5. Candy

    Candies are yet another traditional gifts for sixth wedding anniversaries and as such a perfect excuse to indulge spouse with a sweet tooth. Here again you can choose to gift your beloved a particular type of candy that he/she loves, like those flavored with truffles, fruits or nuts. Or you could decide to put together an assorted selection of candies of different flavors and textures in an attractive gift basket. Most gift and confectionary stores can help you choose one that will be ideal for your spouse.

  6. However if you want to combine both the traditional themes for a sixth wedding anniversary gift, you could prepare a gourmet assortment of your spouse’s favorite candies and place them in a decorative iron bowl or any other metal that gives a similar look. Keep the gift on your beloved’s bedside table so that they receive a lovely surprise as they wake up on this most special of all days.
  7. Even for partners who have a thing for jewelry, the traditional sixth anniversary material offers ample gifting possibilities. For instance you could consider artisan iron jewelry or those made with metals which give a similar look like sterling steel, antique silver and even tungsten. However don’t forget to personalize your gift by engraving your spouse’s initials or maybe a very brief note of love.

According to modern convention, couples can give each other present made of wood on their sixth wedding anniversary. Here too gifting options are wide-ranging, from the decorative to the practical.

  1. Furniture

    If you are planning to buy furniture for your home, a sixth wedding anniversary may offer the perfect opportunity to go ahead with your plans. The best part about wooden furniture is if offers varied choices in types, finishes and prices. For the heavy antique look, you can explore furniture made from mahogany or teak while wicker and cane are the right materials for lightweight furniture.
  2. Showpieces and ornaments

    Showpieces and ornaments made from expensive wood like ebony are perfect to add character to a drawing room or study. Other more affordable options could be smaller items like book-ends, paper weights, decorative cabinets, wine racks and paper knives. In fact hand-crafted items from other cultures like lattice-work screens from India and statuettes in Ethiopian ebony are among the most attractive of gifts in wood.
  3. Plants

    However for a more eco-friendly take, you could settle on a potted plant as your sixth anniversary gift to a spouse. To make your present even more exclusive, check out bonsai trees which could range from flowering and fruit-bearing to ones with bright and attractive foliage.
  4. If you want to make your gift truly unique, how about something carved from wood by your own hand? You could take a quick course in carpentry for a month before your wedding anniversary or if you are already familiar with the skill you could spend a weekend creating something that your spouse would love. And even if it is only a simple sculpture or a plain-looking shelf for the kitchen cabinet, you can be sure of it being received by tears of joy from your spouse.

So whether you decide to keep to the traditional theme for your sixth anniversary gifts or explore more contemporary options, the best way to go about it is to make it as personal as possible for only then will it be truly romantic.