Eleventh Marriage Anniversary Gift Ideas

After having crossed the first of the milestone anniversaries last year, you must be wondering how to celebrate your eleventh wedding anniversary. Add to that the thought of measuring up this year’s gift to the gorgeous ones from your tenth and you know you have a major concern at hand. Here are a few eleventh anniversary gift ideas which would work equally well for the traditional as well as the modern theme.

Steel is the traditional material for eleventh wedding anniversary gifts.  And perhaps rightly too, since to last eleven years marriages need to possess the qualities of strength and malleability associated with the metal. Despite the essentially utilitarian nature of steel, the metal offers itself to an amazing range of beautiful gift ideas.

  1. Cutlery

    Stainless steel cutlery sets are a must for every home and make for wonderful eleventh wedding anniversary gifts. These come in various price brackets and the designs can range from the merely practical to the ornately carved and even ones that are  highlighted with golden borders. The best part of choosing steel over silver for cutlery sets is that the former are not only much more affordable but far easier to maintain too since they don’t need polishing on a regular basis.
  2. Appliances

    If you have successfully continued with the same washing machine, dishwasher or stove that you bought in the first years of your marriage, now maybe a good time to change those. You could consider new appliances with a stainless steel body which are not only classier looking but more durable than others. However if your budget does not permit you to look at a major purchase, consider getting smaller appliances like a toaster or an updated mixer or blender with a steel finish.
  3. Knife sets

    If you spouse likes rustling up new dishes in the kitchen, a set of knives with stainless steel blades may be hugely welcome as an anniversary gift. Such knife sets usually have several pieces designed for an array of purposes like cutting fruits, vegetables, fish, steak or bread. On a more affordable side, you can also look at twin or three-piece sets but it would be a good idea to steer clear of cheaper products since poor quality knives can get dull quickly and expose the user to risk of accidents.
  4. Home décor

    If you though steel-based gifts could only find a place in the kitchen or dining room, think again. Figurines, musical wind chimes, display racks for curious, ashtrays, wall clocks and vases are only some of the many objects in stainless steel that can deck up a sitting room or a lounge. Most of these decorative pieces in steel have a smooth rhodium finish which gives them a matte silvery appearance. Steel can be used to highlight furniture as well. Glass furniture like corner tables and dining tables for instance can be given stainless steel legs for a classy appearance.

  5. Implements

    If your spouse is an outdoors person who likes to camp, hike or cycle, a tool kit with stainless steel items or biking equipments could be wonderful eleventh marriage anniversary gifts. Swiss knives for instance come with a ton of options including screwdrivers, tweezers, corkscrews and nail clippers. Again if your spouse frequently goes for hunting trips, a sharp hunting knife would make a great addition to a hunter’s equipment.
  6. Sculpture

    Steel-inspired art is becoming a rage these days and so if you know of an art student who would like to make some money, why not commission a piece of sculpture as a gift for your spouse. On the other hand if you are pressed for time and don’t mind spending a little, check out the major lifestyle stores for similar objects d’ art in steel.
  7. Get wired

    For those workaholic spouses who need to be updated all the time, an ideal gift would be a laptop, notebook, a hand-held organizer or a cell-phone. All of these are available in a steel finish, making for a wonderful combination of contemporary use and traditional association.
  8. Watch a movie

    For a different take on the traditional eleventh marriage anniversary theme, how about watching the movie Steel Magnolias with your partner on this day? Though the film is hardly a romance or even a rom-com, a saga of love as well as the cruelties and hope inspired by it can make a meaningful change from the usual fare of brainless comedy or mindless violence dished out by most releases.
  9. Jewelry

    The modern theme for eleventh marriage anniversary gifts is jewelry and a good thing too since it offers you the perfect excuse to continue splurging from last year when you had gone for the diamonds. This year, be the more generous partner and look for some nice jewelry to compliment your spouse’s style. If you thought steel was only for forks and spoons, have another think coming. Steel can form the base metal for an amazing variety of rings, cuff link and tie pins as far as men’s jewelry is concerned. Choose one of these items that your spouse regularly wears and then set it with a gemstone or leave it plain for a classy look. On the other hand, if your husband is wary of all kinds of jewelry, you could buy him a watch and have it paired with stylish steel straps. If you are looking something for your wife, consider rings, pendants, bracelets and ear rings in stainless steel and jazzed up with a gemstone of her choice. However if she is into more expensive stuff, you could even go for jewelry in silver, white gold or platinum which have the same look.

As you begin another decade of your marital journey, your eleventh marriage anniversary could be the perfect opportunity to look back and see how far you have come. Strength, adaptability and the beauty of love are bound to strike you as the essential aspects of your marriage which have kept it going – much like the qualities embodied by both steel and jewelry, the traditional and modern themes of the eleventh marriage anniversary gifts.