Adult Sex Toys - Dildos and Vibrators - Buying Tips

Sex toys have the ability to spruce up any relationship as well as the ability to help single peoples' solo sex lives feel much more like the real thing. You don't have to be a freak anymore to be interested in at least seeing what these gizmos have to offer. Over the last decade sex toys have become much more popularized and accepted, so stop fighting your curiosity and check them out.

Probably the most popular sex toys are the vibrator and the dildo. Dildos are typically shaped to look somewhat like a man's penis and they essentially act as one during masturbation or sex toy fun with a partner. Vibrators also act as a penis in most cases but they come in a variety of shapes and (unlike dildos) they have a battery or are charged through an outlet to create a vibrating sensation that many women find very enjoyable. Dildos and vibrators (this is true of most other sex toys as well) are typically made of one of a few materials: silicone, jelly rubber, cyberskin, and plastic. Silicone toys are somewhat velvety to the touch and they warm up to a person's body temperature more quickly than other materials. Rubber and jelly rubber dildos and vibrators and generally the least expensive of the bunch, and they're very squishy (especially jelly rubber), bendy and stretchy. Plastic is common for vibrators, as many women like the vibrations of the largely inflexible material.  Cyberskin is an elastomer material that is designed to feel like human skin. Glass dildos have also grabbed some popularity of late. These will be expensive, but they're quite attractive, long lasting (it's thick glass; it won't break unless you hurl it off a balcony) and obviously will be the hardest of the group.

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Sex toys tend to be geared towards female stimulation, but there are some products out there that are specifically for the guys. Any bachelor without a masturbation sleeve is simply missing out. Masturbation sleeves are essentially the equivalent of dildos but for male penile use. They usually simulate vaginas, mouths or anuses (or have a basic sort of neutral hole) but there are tons of different varieties out there. One bonus that masturbation sleeves bring to the table is the opportunity to train for sexual stamina. The stimulation created by a masturbation sleeve is much more realistic (in the sense that it simulates sex more closely) than manual masturbation. If you can go for a while in a masturbation sleeve (watching pornography to keep yourself highly stimulated while using it might be a good idea), then you'll probably be able to last a similar amount of time in a sexual encounter. The hand is sort of a different entity because it just feels so different; I would say that masturbation with the hand is useful in achieving a quick orgasm, but it's not going to feel as good as a masturbation sleeve nor is it going to help you out in future intimate situations (not that it will cause you problems; it just doesn't have the benefits of the sleeve).

Lubricant can serve as an excellent sexual enhancer. The human body creates a certain degree of natural lubrication during sex but often times the ease of friction can be improved with the aid of some good sexual lubricants. Lube also has the potential to serve as a great gateway to using sex toys with your partner. The addition of a new element in your sexual relationship (and one that's pretty harmless and accepted; sexual lubes even get daytime television commercials) can help to ease some of the tensions and insecurities that make people less inclined to want to add sex toys to their intimate relationship.

Lube is a must for the use of virtually any sex toy. Typically lubricants are either water based, silicone based, or petroleum based. Water based lubricants (Astroglide is the most popular example) are very versatile and can be used with any sex toy as well as with standard anal or vaginal intercourse. If you're in a situation where a condom is necessary, then always use water based lubricants as others can decrease a condom's effectiveness. These types of lubricants also have the added benefit of being extremely simple to wash away (just rinsing with water will usually do the trick).  Silicone-based lubricants are ideal for use with water-proof toys and general bath, shower, pool and hot-tub fun, as water-based lubricants will wash away in these settings defeating their purpose. Using silicone-based lubes with any silicone sex toys will cause the toy to erode, so make sure not to fumble on to this annoying error. Petroleum-based lubricants are generally intended for use with anal penetration. The thickness of the petroleum base (these lubricants are much thicker than the other two varieties) makes the initial anal entry (a point of severe pain and discomfort for many) much more bearable. Petroleum has somewhat of a tendency to cause vaginal irritation, so it's not recommended for vaginal penetration of any kind (whether through intercourse or toy use). Petroleum based lubricants cannot be used with anything (toys, condoms etc.) made of latex. Flavored lubricants can be a lot of fun as well for use during oral sex.

When first enjoying the pleasures of sex toys with a man, be sure to always let him know that as good as this feels, he still feels better. You don't want your husband or boyfriend to feel threatened by a piece of plastic, so make sure that your newly enhanced sexual interactions always include the man you love first and foremost. When you first purchase a dildo or vibrator to spice up your love life, try to make a point of buying one that's smaller than your lover (there are plenty of options here; the “bullet” vibrator is literally the size of a bullet while dildos are available from as small as three inches in length).

Always read the manufacturer's instructions on how to clean your toys and clean them after any use. It is also generally advisable to avoid using any sex toy anally and then vaginally without cleaning it thoroughly after the anal use, as doing so has the potential to spread harmful bacteria. It might be a good idea to have separate toys assigned for anal and vaginal use.

Sex toys can introduce a level of excitement into your relationship that you may have never experienced before. They can also take your masturbation to a whole new level. So whether you're looking to spark your intimacy or make your alone time feel much less alone, sex toys are something worth trying.