Sexual Toys -Tips on Buying a Vibrator

The first version of a vibrator made its appearance in 1883 when a British doctor Joseph Mortimer Granville patented the electromechanical vibrating device as a cure for female “hysteria”. It took another eighty years for the vibrator to be fully accepted as a sex toy, long after the American Medical Association announced that “hysteria” was not a clinical diagnosis but a female orgasm. Till date the Rabbit vibrator, which appeared in the popular series Sex and the City in 1998, remains the best selling sex toy on the planet. So if you are thinking of getting one for yourself, here are a few tips to keep in mind before you hit the stores.

The first thing to keep in mind before buying a vibrator is that anyone can use them. They are made for a particular gender or a particular kind of body but for a particular function. Although more women use vibrators as a way of attaining orgasm, they can be equally used by men to enhance sexual pleasure. Men can in fact use a vibrator on a particular erogenous zone or even internally like for prostate stimulation. The possibilities are endless. The only thing that you have to keep in mind that it is basically a sexual toy and there are as many reasons to use a vibrator as they are too feel good.

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Not all vibrators need be used as a dildo or artificial penis

Among the female buyers of a vibrator, there are many - perhaps even more - who use a vibrator for external stimulation around the vulva rather than for internal use. Though most vibrators serve a phallic purpose, keep in mind that there are all kinds of adjustments and attachments which can convert an external vibrator into an internal one. So before you buy one, decide what would personally like rather than settle for common perceptions.

Check the material. Vibrators come in various materials like plastics, rubber and jelly. Before you buy one, be careful that the material agrees with you. Since vibrators are classed as “novelty” items, the plastic from which they are made is largely unregulated and may contain “phthalates”, a compound used to soften plastics. Phthalates have been known to be linked to cancer and infertility. So if you are going for plastic vibrators, be sure that they are sold by reputed manufacturers and retailers and are preferably phthalate-free. You could also choose sex toys made from materials like elastomer, silicon or glass instead of going for plastic ones.

Choose a vibrator according to your age

According to some psychotherapists, women over forty need vibrators with higher intensity, since the nerve receptors around the vagina become dull with increasing age. Good choices among the more powerful vibrators are Emotional Bliss range and Hitachi Magic Wand which promises over 6000 vibrations a minute.

How powerful a vibrator is just right for you

When choosing a vibrator it is best to be guided by what kind of stimulation best turns you on. If you like a gentle massaging of the vulva or parts around the clitoris, it is best to go for toys which produce low-intensity vibrations diffused over a relatively wide area. These will lead to pleasing sensations without being too direct or heavy on sensitive organs. However if you are looking for more powerful sensations, it is best to go for toys which focus their vibrations on smaller area and thus produce more intense and direct sensations. One such type is the coil-style vibrator which can be used to direct a number of quick, high-frequency vibrations on a particular hot-spot. Wahl has a popular range of coil-type vibrators which come with various attachments which can be used for massages as well as sex.

How and where are you going to use it?

Yet another point worth considering before buying a vibrator is the place where you are likely to use it. If you are going to use a vibrator while camping out, in the back of the car or at a motel where the electrical connection is dicey, it is better to go for battery-operated ones which are relatively easier to carry about. The same goes for those times when you are interested in using a vibrator as a sexual aid while performing other acts of foreplay with your partner and don’t want it to get in the way. Again if you intend to use the vibrator deep inside, having a device with a lot of wires dangling about can be cumbersome while a smaller, battery-operated one might be handier. However the battery-operate gadgets have limited power and may not be able to deliver as powerful vibrations or last as long as the ones that are directly plugged into an electric socket. On the other hand, if you are fairly certain of using a vibrator at a fixed place or intend to focus just on the vibrations, the plug-in ones may be better a better deal.

How much are you willing to pay?

The price of a vibrator is yet another factor to consider especially when you are buying a vibrator for the first time. The battery-operated ones tend to be less expensive and is thus a better bet if you don’t want to spend a packet on something you are not sure about. However they are not always well-made and have been known to die out after around a year of intensive use. The plug-in vibrators on the other hand are more expensive, come with a wider range of attachments and may last for years.

Where to buy a vibrator

It is always best to buy a vibrator or any other sexual aid for that matter from a reputed retailer or manufacturer. Adult sex shops and video parlors are some common places where one can find vibrators on sale. Some department stores may also carry electrical vibrators but they are more likely to be labeled as “personal massagers”. Again there are thousands of websites where you could check out vibrators but always ensure the reliability of the seller and the prices.

Today there are hundreds of models of vibrators which make choosing the right one a daunting task. However if you keep the above points in mind, your search may be that much easier. Finally remember that a vibrator like any other sexual toy works best as an aid to enhance sexual pleasure and are not meant to resolve sexual issues that you may with your partner or your own psyche.