Fenugreek as an Aphrodisiac for Men

Most people assume that sex comes naturally. But the fact that all major cultures of the world have down the ages evolved various kinds of aphrodisiacs is proof that mankind invests great amount of thought in the art of love. Use of herbs, spices, fruits and even animal parts are believed to contribute to greater pleasure in sex either by directly stimulating desire or nourishing the body over time to make it healthy and ready for love. Fenugreek is a herb of the latter kind which has long been considered a plant with healing and aphrodisiacal properties.
Fenugreek is a tender, erect, fast-growing annual which grows is fertile, well-drained soil in full sunlight. A native of the Mediterranean region, the herb has long been grown China, India, Morocco and Turkey for medicinal and culinary purposes. The botanic name of fenugreek is Trigonella foenicum-graecum. The generic word is Latin for three-angled since the herb’s leaves are three-lobed and triangular in shape while the specific terms means “Greek hay”, perhaps a reference to the fact that dried fenugreek leaves have a sweet hay scent and the Greeks used it as an important fodder crop.
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Medicinal properties of fenugreek
Historically, the medicinal properties of fenugreek have been recognized since the earliest times. Archaeological evidence suggests that the ancient Egyptians used the herb not only as medicine and food but an important ingredient in the embalming process. The ancient Greeks and Romans too were aware of its healing and aphrodisiacal properties. In traditional Chinese and Indian herbal medicine, fenugreek was considered as an important remedy for cough, liver and digestive disorders besides being an aphrodisiac.
Fenugreek as an aphrodisiac
Traditional herbalists in China believed that the key to healthy sexual function lies in healthy kidneys and anything which nourishes the kidneys contributes to an active sex life. Herein lies the significance of fenugreek as an aphrodisiac since the herb is reputed to have beneficial effect on the kidneys – detoxifying the body of impurities and strengthening the kidneys with important nutrients.
As a herb, fenugreek is packed with nutritional supplements. It is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals essential for smooth functioning of all systems of the body. Sexual energy is extra energy and if the body is depleted of important nutrients, it can never experience healthy sex. Fenugreek not only possesses a range of Vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B15, B17, C, D, E, H, choline, folic acid, inositol but almost all essential minerals like calcium, chromium, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sodium, sulphur, zinc. Besides this, the herb is 30-36% protein with all essential amino acids.
Fenugreek has been considered an important antioxidant since ancient times. The nutritional value of the many vitamins and minerals works to combat the free radicals in the body with the result that the immune system gets a boost and signs of aging are reduced. Being disease-free and achieving vigor and vitality are important conditions for achieving sexual energy.
Modern investigation into the chemical constituents has revealed that fenugreek contains some hormone-like substances which may heighten sexual desire or optimize the effect of sex hormones already present in the body. Some of these chemicals present in fenugreek are trimethylamine and diosgenin, a steroid-like compound which is known to facilitate the synthesis of a number of sex hormones in the body.
Yet another way by which fenugreek seems to have gained its reputation as an aphrodisiac is probably because of its beneficial effect on the body’s circulatory system. The vitamins and minerals present in fenugreek serve to rev up blood circulation, a factor which is crucial for achieving and maintaining erection among men. Fenugreek in fact is known to act as an anti-coagulant and help in clearing blocked passages in veins and arteries. It is a herb which works wonders to cleanse the lymphatic system of the body and thus help to improve circulation as well as immunity.
Fenugreek for increasing the size of breasts
In ancient times, fenugreek was consumed by women who wanted to increase the size of their breasts. Along with this, traditional Chinese and India medicine also recommended use of fenugreek as a way of increasing milk by lactating women. This is probably because the herb contains phytoestrogens or plant-based chemicals similar to the female hormone estrogen.
The seeds of the fenugreek plant contain certain aromatic compounds which lead to a maple syrup-like odor. Chewing fenugreek seeds was thus one of the ways of achieving pleasant smelling breath, an important tool for sexual arousal in any culture.
What are the other health benefits of using fenugreek? Besides enabling the body to have a healthy sex life, fenugreek is beneficial in the treatment of many other conditions. It is particularly useful for clearing up congestion brought about by excess mucus like in the lungs. The herb is rich in a mucilage and is such an important ingredient in poultices used to soothe inflamed or irritated tissue. This property of Fenugreek is also responsible for providing relief in cases of peptic ulcers and inflamed conditions of the bowel. Finally, in recent times fenugreek has been discovered to work wonders in the treatment of diabetes. Preliminary studies in India show that in certain cases use of fenugreek lowered blood glucose levels among people with insulin-dependant as well as non insulin-dependant type diabetes.
Using fenugreek
The herb lends itself to a variety of uses. Leaves can be taken fresh as vegetable or dried and crushed into a type of seasoning. The seeds can be soaked and the made into a herbal tea or germinated into sprouts. For purely medicinal purposes one can also take fenugreek extracts in the forms of capsules.
Fenugreek contraindications
Fenugreek should be avoided by pregnant women as it may stimulate uterine contractions. The herb may also interfere with the absorption of iron and hence should be avoided by anemic people. Also those taking blood-thinning medication should refrain from consuming fenugreek. Consuming the herb in excess amounts may result in diarrhea, gas and nausea. Fenugreek’s herbal properties are not only remarkable for raising sexual energy among men but also for acting as a tonic for the entire body which is necessary if one is to enjoy sex.
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