Guarana – An Aphrodisiac for Men

For centuries guarana has been regarded as one of the most potent herbs by many ancient cultures of  South America. Guarana came to the notice of the western world in the sixteenth century but it was already in use among native tribes long before that. Today scientists are finding more about the herb and its uses as a medicinal and aphrodisiacal plant.

About  guarana

Guarana is a perennial climbing shrub of the Sapindaceae family of plants and is related to the maple. Botanically known as Paullinia cupana or Paullinia sorbilis, the plant is native to the Amazon basin and widely found in Brazil and northern Argentina.

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Guarana as an aphrodisiac

The secret of guarana’s reputation as an aphrodisiac perhaps lies in its stimulant properties. The seeds of guarana contain a crystallizable compound called guaranine which is chemically identical to the caffeine found in other sources like coffee beans, tea and mate. It is the presence of guaranine that makes guarana seeds capable of acting as a potent stimulant. According to some sources, guarana seeds contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans – guarana seeds contain 2-4.5% caffeine as compared to 1-2% in coffee beans. Among other components in guarana seed found with guaranine are tannic acid, catechutannic acid, starch and a greenish fixed oil. According to some researchers like Christian Ratsch, author of the Dictionary of Sacred and Magical Plants ( Prism Press, Dorset, 1992) this little-studied essential oil may have mild psychoactive and aphrodisiacal properties. However much more attention has been paid to The caffeine-like chemicals in guarana seed which appear to excite the nerves of the body and thereby increase sexual stimulation much in the way coffee does. At the same time it works in a gradual manner and stays effective for a longer time without giving the sudden jolt that comes with caffeine from coffee beans. So even though guarana does not directly stimulate the sex hormones, it warms and energizes the body, thus revving  it up for amorous action.


The stimulant properties of guarana seeds are also beneficial in treating cases of exhaustion, dissipation and fatigue. In such cases, the caffeine in guarana helps in increasing alertness and mental agility. Again, when the body is tired and lethargic, it cannot be expected to be sexually aroused. Use of guarana in such conditions may pep up the mind and body and prepare it better to enjoy sex.

Another consequence of high levels of caffeine in guarana may be a beneficial effect on cognitive development. In 2007, a human pilot study analyzed the impact of four doses (37.5 mg, 75 mg, 150 mg and 300 mg) of guarana extract on humans and found that the lower two doses actually led to cognitive improvement among the subjects.

The presence of tannins in guarana seeds may also make it a suitable treatment for mild forms of leucorrhoea and diarrhea. According to some sources, oral preparations from guarana seed were consumed by certain Indian tribes of South America for treatment of bowel disorders.

Using guarana

Commercially guarana is mostly available in the form of powdered or granulated seeds. However the traditional method, found among many Amazonian tribes, of manufacturing hard sticks or balls is believed to contain a higher concentration of its beneficial qualities. But this native method is rarely found outside Amazonian markets. According to this process, the seeds of guarana are first removed from the husk and then carefully roasted. Next they are pounded with enough water to form a pliable dough which is then thoroughly kneaded and rolled into cylindrical shapes. These are finally dried by a slow smoke-curing process. The resulting sticks or balls can be easily transported and stored in the humid Amazonian climate. When needed, small portions of the sticks are grated and made into a tea by stirring the gratings in cold water.

In Brazil, the commercial crop of guarana is mainly used to make carbonated soft drinks which are hugely popular but may actually contain only minute quantities of the medicinal product. Related to this is the use of guarana is several types of energy drinks, syrups and protein beverages.

As a medicinal supplement, guarana seeds are commercially available whole, in the powdered form or contained in capsules. The seed powder can again be consumed in several ways – as a cold infusion in which case one teaspoon of the powder is mixed with three ounces of water, or by directly placing the powder in the mouth and washing it down with plain water. Guarana seed powder can also be taken with honey in which case the usual ratio is 1/3 powder to 2/3 honey. The suggested dosage for adults is 2 to 4 grams of guarana seed powder which is enough to induce a pleasurable degree of stimulation.

Possible side effects of using guarana

Preparations from guarana seed when consumed by humans may exhibit many of the side effects associated with caffeine use like insomnia and hyperactivity. Excessive consumption may lead to trembling,  palpitations, anxiety attacks, diarrhea, headache, vomiting and even seizures.

Since the safety of guarana on pregnancy and breastfeeding  has not been adequately studied, women in these conditions are best advised to avoid use of the product.

People with cardiac problems or high blood pressure should avoid using guarana as with any other source of caffeine like coffee. Guarana should not be taken with any product containing ephedra.

For centuries, guarana has played a significant role in the Tupi and Guarani cultures of Brazil and is especially associated with the identity of the Satere-Mawe tribe in Brazilian Amazon. These native cultures of Amazonian basin have long used guarana for boosting up their immune system as well as promoting vigor and vitality. Even though the plant was discovered by the colonizers in the 1700s, it was only in the nineteenth century that the industrialized world woke up to the large-scale use of guarana as a stimulant and today it is one of the most popular ingredients in energizing drinks and supplements all over the world.