St John's Wort – Aphrodisiac for Men

Aphrodisiacs work in several ways to enhance a sexual experience. It can work to stimulate sexual desire by acting directly on the senses or sex organs so that sexual arousal takes place and the person's libido gets a boost. Alternatively aphrodisiacs work to enhance a sexual experience by bringing about psychological well being and alleviating any stress or anxiety which may otherwise hinder pleasure in sex. St John's Wort is one such substance which works as an aphrodisiac by alleviating mood disorders and creating a relaxed state of being.

About St John's Wort

This herb is derived from a yellow flowering plant known as Hypericum perforatum. St John's Wort is native to Europe and has been used for several centuries to treat a range of mood disorders like depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances. In the earlier times, the herb was especially used in German folk medicine for the treatment of mild to moderate depression. The word ‘Hypericum' comes from the Latin phrases hyper meaning ‘above' and ‘icon' meaning ‘spirit'. The word perhaps refers to the ancient practice of hanging St John's Wort above doorways as a way of protecting the household from evil spirits. The specific name “perforum” most likely alludes to the many puncture-like black marks visible on the underside of the plant's leaves.

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St John's Wort as an aphrodisiac for men

The key to this herb's aphrodisiacal properties lies in its ability to ease symptoms related to depression. It is only when a person is feeling good and positive about himself that he will be able to enjoy sex. St John's Wort, in fact, has been used for ages in the treatment of depression. The active ingredients in this herb are hypericin and pseudohypericin which have proven anti-depressive and anti-viral properties. Studies have shown that hypericin works to inhibit the activity of a chemical compound known as monoamine oxidase which is found in high levels in people suffering from depression. St John's Wort being a natural source of hypericin works to reduce to symptoms of depression and thus create psychological conditions more conducive to the enjoyment of sex.

Yet another way by which St John's Wort aids in combating symptoms of depression is by helping the body to produce greater amounts of chemicals like serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. All these are neurotransmitters which play a crucial role in improving mood and morale. For a person to be responsive to sexual stimulation, it is necessary that he or she should be relaxed in mind and free from psychological disorders. Thus by treating mild to moderate depression, St John's Wort works to enhance libido and acts as an aphrodisiac.

Besides its indirect aphrodisiacal uses, St John's Wort also has other healing properties. The herb has been traditionally used in Europe as an anti-inflammatory agent and thus used to treat sprains, strains and contusions. It is also believed to provide relief in cases of muscular spasms, cramps as well as tension that results from muscular spasm.

St John's Wort is a rich source of biflavonoids which are helpful in reducing vascular fragility and improving venous wall integrity. This makes the herb an important remedy for swollen veins, internal bruising and inflammation following a traumatic injury on the body. The herb is especially useful in treating pain at nerve endings and trauma to the nervous system. The strengthening effect of the herb on veins and blood vessels may also benefit blood circulation which is essential for the attainment and maintenance of penile erection in men.

Besides helping to create the right mood for sexual experience in men, St John's Wort is also proven to alleviate pelvic pain and cramps among women. By alleviating psychological symptoms associated with menopause and Pre Menstrual Syndrome like anxiety, mood swings and other emotional disturbances, the herb acts to create a mental state congenial to pleasurable sex among women too. In fact according to the 1983 British Pharmacopoeia, St John's Wort is specifically listed as a remedy for ‘menopausal neuroses' among women.

St John's Wort usage

The leaves and fresh buds of St John's Wort are either made into oils for topical use or dried and crushed to be used in capsules or herbal powders. Orally, the herb may be consumed in a powdered form or as liquid tinctures. For the treatment of muscle cramps and sprains, the oil from the herb is applied onto the affected area. In some cases, it may also be gently massaged over an area where there is mild internal inflammation or bruising. As an anti-depressant, the dosage is three grams of powdered form of St John's Wort to be taken every day. However it could be weeks or even months before any positive result from the herbal remedy is noticed.

St John's Wort side effects

One should not take St John's Wort if pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Some studies have revealed that using the herb may lead to greater photosensitivity among animals and the same may be true in humans too. So if taking St John's Wort, it is better to avoid exposure to strong sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light like “tanning booths.” Research also shows that St John's Wort may interact with certain drugs, affecting the way the body processes or breaks down those drugs. As a result, the herb may slow down or speed up the effect of certain drugs. This becomes very crucial when people on the blood thinning drugs like Warfarin or contraceptive pills proceed to use the herb. In such cases, people should always be guided by their healthcare provider on the use and administration of St John's Wort.

Since ancient times, St John's Wort has figured in traditional medicine as an important remedy for a wide range of disorders of both the mind and body. While there is no definite proof that the herb acts directly to stimulate sexual desire among men, the fact that it is proven to alleviate symptoms of depression makes it useful in creating the right mood for love and hence, a significant aphrodisiacal aid.