Double Date Ideas

Dating in pairs can be a great idea if you are looking for something to ease the pressures of a first-time date. Even for couples who have known each other for a long time, a double date can make for an enjoyable evening of love and laughter. Here are some double date ideas which can bring friends and couples closer.


Go bowling

Bowling is one of those few activities which is greater fun among two or more couples than for one. This is why perhaps couples’ bowling leagues are one of the most popular double dating ideas. In fact some bowling alleys offer attractive discounts for larger groups and you can even split the food among friends.

Game Night

A gaming marathon makes for a great double date idea when you are stuck indoors due to bad weather or cost-cutting compulsions. Have each member bring over their favorite board games like Scrabble and Monopoly or suggest active games that they enjoy like Twister and Charades. Keep an array of wafers and munchies within easy reach so that everyone has something to snack on when awaiting their turn at the game. With general consent you can even put on some lively music in the background but just make sure that it does not interfere with the game. However if playing a game like poker, it would be a better idea to play for chips and not money. Also play for fun rather than to win if someone is new to the game.

Movie marathon

If both couples share a passion for movies, what better way to plan a date than by deciding to watch two movies back to back. If you want to make this really special, dress up and catch the movies at the theaters. However it might be a good idea to make the bookings beforehand since theaters playing box office hits can quickly run out of tickets. On the other hand if you and the other couple don’t wish to spend a bomb on movie tickets, rent your favorite DVDs and watch them at your home theater system. Don’t forget to make enough popcorn to last through one movie after which you can take a pizza break and get comfy for another one.

Scavenger Hunt

If you have had enough of the indoors, go on a scavenger hunt for your double date. For this, each couple would need to create a scavenger hunt for the other, with items and landmarks to find within a predefined location like a shopping mall or your hometown. After finding the items or completing the tasks, each couple would take pictures and then meet at set location and time. The couple with the most pictures would be the winners and get treated to dinner by the other couple. Choose this double date idea only if both couples like competitive activities or you and your partner like completing tasks as a team.

Ice Skating

For the times when you are a loss for things to do due to bad weather, call up a good friend and decide on ice skating for a double date. It will make a good change from being stuck indoors with a deck of cards and the sensation of gliding on ice, arm-in-arm with your partner can be matched by little else. To include more variety, you could even try to play a bit of two-on-two ice hockey. If you don’t have an outdoor ice-skating rink nearby, you can check out local colleges and high schools to see if they allow guests to use their facility over the weekends. However don’t forget to follow up your foursome skating session with a visit to a café for a cup of steaming espresso or any other warm beverage.

Outdoor activities

Take advantage of the summer by planning to go sailing or biking on a sunny afternoon. Enquire beforehand about sailing or biking rentals and routes that you can take without entering private property or dangerous zones. Such activities are not only more fun in another couple’s company but in fact safer too because of the presence of greater numbers. Pack along a picnic hamper with food and beverages and plan to stop for a lunch break once you can find a nice shady spot.

Winery tour

For couples over twenty-one who share a common interest in fine wines, a winery tour can make for a unique double date idea. Plan a day trip to a nearby vineyard where you can not only ramble through rows of delightful hanging vines but also get to taste and appreciate varieties of wines being distilled at the winery. Most famous wineries arrange for tasting tours for guests. And even if you do not live within easy access to a vineyard, perhaps you could visit a local brewery instead. Alternatively, look out for wine-tasting events scheduled from time to time in most major cities which allow wine lovers to indulge their tastebuds. Such events when attended in company of like-minded people can make for hugely satisfying social experiences.

Music Festival

Unlike a concert, most music festivals feature an eclectic line-up which ensures that there is something to suit each person’s taste in music. So book tickets for four to an outdoor music festival that is packed with bands and performers from all genres so that you all are bound to have a great time. If food is permitted from outside, take along a picnic basket with packed goodies or else make the most of cafes and food kiosks at the festival to fill up from within.

Potluck picnic

If both couples are comfortable with each other, for once leave things unstructured and - weather permitting - simply decide to spend a day at the park. Decide on a potluck lunch and let each member of the party bring one item of food. Play Frisbee, fly a kite, strum a guitar or whatever else that interests the group. You will probably be surprised to find the day come to an end so soon even though you apparently didn’t do anything.