Romantic ideas

100 Love Text Messages

Sending text messages is seen more of a means of flirtation or casual communication instead of the ideal way of conveying deeper emotions like love. And yet their very brevity and fun nature can be the perfect way to let someone special know of your feelings for him or her. So here are hundred text...
By kalyani10

10 Games for Newlyweds

While a majority of couples have sexual relations before marriage, almost everyone agrees that married sex is something special. Indeed psychologists point out that the wedding itself leads to a surge of dopamine – a feel-good chemical - in the brain which continues to stay at elevated levels for...
By kalyani10

Unusual Date Ideas

There’s no doubt that you and your partner like spending time with each other. But sometimes, the dinner and a movie routine can get a tad too repetitive and you may want to do something different once in a while. So here are some unusual date ideas to put back the spark into your relationship and...
By kalyani10

10 Romantic Ways to Say Good Morning

Morning shows the day, goes the famous quote. And what better way to ensure a day full of love that to wake up your beloved with a romantic Good Morning. So go through these following ideas and then have your partner open their eyes to a great day and the wonder of your love.$ROMANCE-TIPS-OPTIN$A...
By kalyani10

10 Board Games for Couples to Spend Time Together

There are times when you simply need dollops of fun and sensuality to bring back the zest in your relationship. Board games on these occasions can not only motivate you to spend exclusive time with each other but also work wonders to spice up your sex life. So the next time you and your partner...
By kalyani10

10 Ways to Spend a Romantic Weekend at Home

Rising fuel costs and shrinking leisure hours have meant that it is no longer as easy as it was earlier to sneak away for a romantic weekend getaway. However it is still possible to do something special with your partner over the two days in a week that you are free. Here are ten great ways to...
By kalyani10

50 Printable Love Coupon Ideas

Love coupons are one of the best ways to jazz up a romantic relationship. You can either use them as gifts on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries or simply to tell your loved one how much he/she means to you. Best of all, you can also use them yourself to seek a little lovin’ and...
By kalyani10

50 Text messages to say 'I Love You'

Saying 'I Love You' never grows old or sounds cheesy but if you are looking for new ways to make the same feeling seem brand new, you are in the right place! The ‘three words’ have been gift wrapped, bows attached and glitter sprinkled, all for a makeover. The thought is the same but the packaging...
By Poonam Advani

Romantic Evening Ideas for Lovers

After being in a relationship for a while, it is not unusual for lovers to begin to run out of ideas on how to spend a romantic evening together. Once you have done the movie-and-dinner routine some seven times or ended up in your love shack for want of other ideas, you might begin to wonder if...
By kalyani10

When your Wife Wants you to be More Romantic

Most men are naturally romantic when they are dating a woman or have been just married. Once they are comfortably settled into a committed relationship, many men no longer feel the need to continue the romance. Finally pressures at work and family commitments do their bit to turn once-romantic...
By kalyani10


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