When your Wife Wants you to be More Romantic

Most men are naturally romantic when they are dating a woman or have been just married. Once they are comfortably settled into a committed relationship, many men no longer feel the need to continue the romance. Finally pressures at work and family commitments do their bit to turn once-romantic partner into a staid husband and dad. If this seems true of you as well, probably you can sense your wife’s intermittent desires to rekindle those days of wine and roses. So when your wife wants you to be more romantic, here are a few things you can do without feeling like silly or clichéd.


Say it with flowers

One of the easiest ways to tell your wife that she has been in your thoughts is to bring her flowers. It is simple, quick and you don’t even need to prepare anything to say. Try to find your wife’s favorite blooms at the florist’s and if you cannot, just a single, long-stemmed rose will do just as well. Long married wives get less and less used to receiving flowers from their husbands so when you do surprise her with a lovely bouquet, she is going to love it. And when she asks about the occasion, perhaps you could make an effort and reply, “nothing special – just wanted to say I love you”.

Make magic with your fingers

For men who are uncomfortable with voicing their emotions, this makes for a wonderful way to express their love. So the next time your wife wants you to do something special for her, offer to give her a massage. Decide if you would like it to be relaxing or if you want it sensual with the massage perhaps leading onto a more intimate experience. Both are fine since the very feel of your fingers on her skin will make your wife feel warm and loved. Touch therapy is increasingly being recognized by the medical community as effective way of relieving pain and hence a massage can not only do wonders for your love life but actually make your wife feel refreshed.

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Put on your dancing shoes

If you both are music lovers, what better way than this to tell your wife how much you love her. Put on your favorite kind of music after dinner when the kids have been tucked in and gently pull her away from the kitchen or whatever she is doing. Lace your fingers together and draw her close while shutting out the rest of the world. On the other hand, if your wife is fond of jiving to something louder and faster, try to keep an evening free so that you can take her to favorite nightclub and there you both can have the time of your lives.

Head for the outdoors

This actually depends on the kind of place you and your wife find most romantic. For some couples it could be cuddling on a warm night under the stars while for others it could be a picnic for two on a sunny day in the park. A leisurely drive through the countryside or a walking hand in hand along a golden beach are some other romantic ideas which are sure to make your wife feel loved and connected to you. The only catch here is that being outdoors depends on good weather but then there is nothing like being in the midst of Nature to invoke the true beauty and wonder of romance.

Cook it up

Preparing a meal is one of the most sensuous experiences since it involves playing with all the five senses of taste, color, aroma, texture and if you include raising a toast, sound too. So the next time your wife complains of being married to an unromantic boor, plan to present her with a home-cooked dinner one evening. If you pride yourself on being a mean hand in the kitchen, by all means think of the most exotic dish you can rustle up perhaps with ingredients which are known to have aphrodisiac properties like oysters, strawberries, lots of fresh herbs and aromatic spices. On the other hand, if you can barely boil an egg, choose a single and simple recipe which you can make without setting the kitchen on fire. Team this up with some good bread and a fresh attractive salad and have a menu already. Don’t forget the dessert for which something in rich dark chocolate would probably be most appropriate. Set the dining place with some clean linen, delicate china, soft music and muted lighting and Voila! You are ready to impress.

Write a poem

For that rare breed of men who can find their way with words, few things are as likely to bowl over your wife as a letter you have written just for her. For this you need not take a day out to compose an Elizabethan epistle - just a simple thanks to your wife for being the person she is and for all that she has enriched your life with would probably be enough. On the other hand, if you can come up with a love poem for your beloved, she would most likely think she has died and gone to heaven! Just make sure that your letter or poem is hand-written and preferably on good quality, perfumed paper. After it’s the little things that count in love, don’t they?

Help around

If you think that all this is too much work and effort for you, how about being romantic in maybe the only way that really matters – by your actions, like by helping your wife out with chores and duties around the house.  Consider the things that your wife finds most difficult to do or simply hates doing and then go about performing those tasks. It could be peeling vegetables, doing the dishes or taking Roger out in the freezing cold. Romance need not always be about poetic words and bottles of champagne – just being thoughtful about your wife and going out of your way to help her can mean more to her than anything else in the world.