Things to Do on your Boyfriend’s Birthday

Being in a relationship feels like heaven and special moments make it only better! So when it comes to organizing events like your boyfriends birthday, careful planning and creativity can be of great help. Spontaneity can be an added asset and can be used to bring in some excitement and zest in your lives while keeping the flame burning bright. Each level of your relationship warrants a special gift highlighting the importance of your boyfriend’s birthday, thus some ideas listed below may come in handy before the big day!

Card, cake and a party! $ROMANCE-TIPS-OPTIN$

You can never go wrong with this idea for your boyfriend's birthday, try as you may! A card, which is free of sexual and sappy jokes, a cake that is his favorite and a party with all his friends will always be appreciated. However, the scale on which you organize the birthday using this idea can help you use this at different levels in your relationship. For newbies, all the above on a small scale would be perfect, while for someone who has been in the relationship for long, a grand party can be organized. And though it may seem a cliché, pretending to forget his big day and then surprising him with a get-together can be a complete winner!

TIP: Get closer to your boyfriend with this path-breaking book from

Personalized gift

Half a month into your relationship with your boyfriend and presenting him a personalized gift can do wonders for your relationship and his birthday. For an athlete, an ideal example would be a bat with his name on it. If he plays football, you can gift him a personalized ball which he can treasure for days to come. Giving him a special gift like this will let him know that you are serious about being with him and that you care for him as well.

Pamper him crazy

Girls loved to be pampered, but here’s a secret… guys love it too! They will definitely not tell you that but when you make an effort to make him feel loved and special on his birthday, he won’t be able to thank you enough. Spoiling him rotten doesn’t necessarily mean a trip to the spa and to the salon for a facial, but doing anything and everything your boyfriend wants you to do, on his birthday. If he is adventurous, plan out a weekend, where both of you can go rock climbing or trekking. If he chooses to spend a day with you instead of two, ask him what he really wishes to do and do it for him. Even if that means, sitting at home, watching a football match.

Boy Toys

They were invented for men! Any item with a few wires and batteries is sure to get his juices flowing. But the catch is to find an item which will tickle his imagination or his curiosity for long. Everyone has an iPod but if you go ahead and get your boyfriend a Play Station/ Microsoft XBox/ Nitendo Wii or the watch that has him transfixed every time he sees it in a store, buy it for him. Sure, there may be something he likes which doesn’t fit your budget, but plan ahead and make it happen. Even if you have to plan a year ahead and save accordingly, do it. Show him your love and see how excited he gets.

Sexy, naughty, bitchy!

If you are in a relationship where you know his likings better than he does, this can be the ideal option for you. If you live together, you can work around his schedule and plan a sensual evening for him. Bubble bath, wine, dinner and some ‘naughty alone’ time together will keep this memory fresh in his mind. But you have to make sure that you take the initiative here. Women generally tend to be subdued, but your wild side can tickle the nerves he never knew existed. Let your imagination run wild and plan up a session which he will smile back on forever.

Sports fixation

Every man has an athlete in him. All you have to do is bring it out for him. Most women would skip a match and go shopping or may cook food instead. This year, surprise your boyfriend by booking two seats, of his favorite sports team and see the match with him. To make the event more special, get him tickets to great seats and take him to dinner after the match. Not only will he enjoy the match with you by his side, anticipation of what will come next will excite him for the time ahead.

Car Accessories

Men and machines go together. And if your boyfriend has a car, nothing will give him more pleasure than gifting items that will help him modify his mean machine. Even if you plan to give him something that will enhance the aesthetics of the car, he will appreciate it. However, if you understand cars, their accessories and their modifications, you can go ahead and gift him an item of your choice. Or else, be on the safe side and take his opinion before buying the gift.

Collage of memories

Yes, it sounds girly but the idea behind this gift epitomizes romance. The best ways to relive memories are by looking at pictures and nothing can beat looking at them in scrapbooks. The effort and the hard work you put in to paste pictures and to decorate the book will never go unnoticed. He will not only appreciate the hard work but he will always be grateful for those memories and for you being a special part of his life. You can either paste exclusive pictures of the two of you or give him a book full of memories of your friends and family.

With these ideas in tow, you either have the option of combining them or using them individually to brighten up your boyfriend’s birthday. Whatever you choose to do, don’t forget to add a special note with your gift telling your guy how lucky you are to have him. It is sure to strike the right cord and keep you in his good books forever!