Here's What Happens at Bachelor Parties - 10 Things you Didn't Know

Celebrating the end of a guy’s single status, a bachelor party is usually given for a would-be groom by his best man and other buddies. While drinking and binging are expected at any stag party, here are ten things you probably didn’t know happened at bachelor parties.

Held hostage

While you may have sent your fiancé to his bachelor party with strict instructions to skip the strip-club routine, his pals may have lined up some really wild items on the entertainment schedule and unfortunately there is not much your man can do about it. The truth is that plans of most bachelor parties are kept secret from the bachelor in question and in fact it is his friends who are more likely to have planned the strip show. In all likelihood the poor guy wants just wants to get through the night without major damage to his reputation or person.

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Not welcome

Your fiancé may not tell you but one of his biggest irritants is likely to be a surprise visit from you or your maid of honor at his bachelor party. Remember a bachelor party is called so for a reason – to keep the bride and her pals out. Your uninvited presence may not only make him look like a wimp before his friends but signal a lack of trust on your part in his ability to take care of himself. So before you or your best friend decide to gatecrash on your fiancé’s bachelor party, consider if you are ready to deal with a disgruntled groom on the most important day of your life.

Cashing in on the fun

If you are beside yourself with worry on the night of your fiancé’s bachelor party, relax. Party organizers reveal that more than the groom-to-be, it is his married friends who are likelier to cheat with the strippers or other women guests at a bachelor party. Married guys who rarely get a chance to go to anything this wild and are usually kept on a tight leash by their wives, would be the ones looking forward to a bachelor party to engage in some pretty sleazy doings. They know that most eyes would be on the prospective groom and thus they can use this opportunity to let their hair down.
Making him look silly

Bachelor parties are not only about teasing the prospective groom with a display of delights that he stands to lose. They are also about making him appear ridiculous and the butt of jokes among friends and guests. An anecdote by Tom Nardone, president of makes a case in point. At one such party, the hired stripper dressed as a dominatrix tied the bachelor up and just when he was ready to enjoy a private lap dance, she applied makeup on his face. So while your fiancé may later gloat on the “really wild time” he had at his bachelor party, you wouldn’t catch him admitting to small revelations like these.
Girls go wild too

If you thought bachelor parties were only about guys, think again. Women guests are as likely as their male counterparts to have a swinging time at a wild bachelor or bachelorette party and then wake up in the morning next to a complete stranger after indulding in a one night stand or being part of an orgy. Only you wouldn’t find them looking shifty and uncomfortable when asked about it before their boyfriends. Of course if you happen to exchange private confidences, they may in turn teach you a thing or two about having a really wild time.
Jack n Jill parties

Yet another unknown fact about such events is that more people are holding joint bachelor/bachelorette parties, according to Brettan Bablove, editorial director of Wedding Solutions. Dave Navarro and Carmen Electra were among the earliest celebrity couples to have initiated the trend in 2003. And even though they are divorced now, an increasing number of couples seem to believe in the maxim that safety lies in numbers. After all the greater the number of guests at a do, the lesser the likelihood of something acutely distasteful or regrettable taking place.

Lips are sealed

You may pride yourself on the completely honest relationship you share with your fiancé, but it would be asking too much of him to disclose all the incriminating details of his bachelor bash. And even though he may not actually lie, hardly anyone would blame him for leaving out certain portions in his account of what really went on at the party. After all it is part of the night’s code of secrecy and woe betide any bachelor who lets the cat out of the bag.
Variety of themes

Not all bachelor parties need be about naked women and strip clubs. If your fiancé enjoys a particular activity like fishing or poker with his gang, his bachelor party may be planned around such a theme. Your guy’s buddies could whisk him off to a fishing or golfing retreat and spend the night indulging a common passion suitably accompanied by lots of booze but not necessarily sleaze.
Acting like it’s no big deal

Even when your fiancé knows that the guys have planned something really wild for his bachelor bash, chances are that he will act like it is just another boy’s night out. This is so that you do not lose your sanity wondering what is going on at the party now and getting mad that whatever it is, you are probably enjoying. Moreover he may reason that despite having frequented quite a number of such joints in the past, he still met you and wanted to marry you, so how can another night matter so much?
The bonding among guys

A real bonding among guys is probably the last thing you would expect to happen at a bachelor party. And yet most of them are not merely about binge drinking or watching a stripper but about hanging out together, talking and having some unmitigated time to themselves. While the bonding among men may not be as obvious or emotive as women, the fact there are increasingly fewer chances for men to get together in a relaxed way makes these occasions all the more memorable in the days to come.