Planetary Parts in the Human Body

Pluto governs that part of the head where the ‘opening’ in a child is situated, together with the umbilical cord and the nerve centres that connect the solar plexus with the sacral plexus and the top of the spinal column with the pineal gland.

Neptune governs the telepathic and psychometric functions, the psycho-physical processes which induce to intuitive perception, etc.

Uranus governs the magnetic and physical aura, and the nerve fluids.

Saturn rules over bones and articulations, liver, spleen, left ear, the calves and knees; the secretive system generally.

Jupiter rules the thighs, hams and feet, the right ear, and absorptive system.

Mars governs the forehead, nose, sex organ, gall, kidneys, muscles and sinews; the muscular system generally.

The Sun rules over the heart, back, vital principle, the left eye in males and the right eye in females; the arterial system generally.

Venus governs the throat, eustachian tubes, aural ducts, reins, ovaries, chin, and cheeks; it governs the internal generative system, as Mars does the external; the veins generally.

Mercury governs the nerves, brain, bowels, lungs, hands, arms, tongue, and the mouth ; the nervous system generally,

The Moon rules over the breast and stoma eh, the right eye in males and the left eye in females, the fluidic system, saliva, lymph, etc., and the glandular processes generally.