
How to Attract and Seduce a Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman is blunt, adventurous, enthusiastic, and talkative. Courting a Sagittarius woman is a whirlwind of fun and flair. It can also be quite frustrating to the suitor who isn't well-versed in the Sagittarius nature. She is courageous and ready to conquer the world and explore every...
By Futurescopes Research Team

How to Get Your Sagittarius Man Back

The Sagittarius man is an adventurer and an explorer. He is always looking for new challenges, new intellectual pursuits, and (unfortunately) sometimes new love interests. Because the Sagittarius man loves new experiences, he can sometimes be hard to pin down in a committed relationship. If you've...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sagittarius - characteristics and profile of the Sagittarius man, woman, child and baby

All pure Sagittarians (November 23 to December 22) have enormous potential, but by no means all of them fulfil the promise they display in early life. This is because one of the characteristics of the sign is a happy-go-lucky attitude, a carelessness about the consequences of actions, which...
By admin

The Three Decans of Sagittarius

The first decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Mercury. This decan gives much versatility and capacity for general work. More particularly it gives a good judgment, a sober mind, a quick intellect; but powers running into profusion and disorder through richness of intellect and lack of method. Troubles...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Dating a Sagittarius Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Girl

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between November 22 and December 21. Idealistic, free living and fun-loving, they make for great relationships. So if you want to date a Sagittarius woman, here are a few ways to go about it.TIP: Know your Sagittarius girl...
By kalyani10

Dating a Sagittarius Man - When you Fall in Love with a Sagittarian Guy

Lively and outspoken, Sagittarians believe in looking at the brighter side of things. People with this Zodiac sign are born between 22nd November and 21st December. The positive mantra that informs their daily life also colors their personal relationships and opens up untold worlds for their...
By kalyani10

Sagittarius Ascendant - Profile and Characteristics of Sagittarius Rising

Sagittarius rising denotes an open-minded, honest, sympathetic and generous disposition. The fate is dualistic and usually divided into two extremes of fortune and misfortune. The native is highly impressionable, though fond of liberty and independence. He is often reckless, extravagant and...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Sagittarius Employee - Personality and Characteristics

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between November 22nd and December 21st. Fun-loving and open-hearted, Sagittarius men and women also come with idealistic and brilliant minds – all reasons which make it great to have them on your team.A strong...
By kalyani10

The Sagittarius Boss - Traits and Characteristics

Active and outspoken, Sagittarians believe in looking at the brighter side of things. People with this Zodiac sign are born between 22nd November and 21st December. Though sometimes you may find their energy rather overwhelming, there is a lot you can learn working for a Sagittarius boss.Innate...
By kalyani10

The Sagittarius Child - Characteristics of Sagittarius Children

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between November 22 and December 21. Idealistic, free living and fun-loving, Sagittarius children are a delight to watch growing up even if they are likely to keep you on your toes.Exceedingly popularOne of the easiest...
By kalyani10


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