
How to Attract and Seduce a Libra Woman

The Libra woman is intelligent, thoughtful, fair, and welcoming. She can see both sides of any issue. She has a wonderful propensity for collaboration and cooperation. The Libra woman is truly one of the most charming and easygoing signs in the zodiac. It's not tough to see why a man might set his...
By Futurescopes Research Team

How to Get Your Libra Man Back

Libra men are hopeless romantics. It is because their ruling planet is Venus; the planet of love. When a Libra man falls in love, they fall hard and they are fiercely loyal. However, the flip side to this, is that once a relationship is over, a Libra man will rarely consider giving it another go....
By Futurescopes Research Team

Libra - characteristics and profile of the Libra man, woman, child and baby

For the Libran (September 24 to October 23) almost everything has to be 'weighed in the balance' - no astrological type has a stronger sense of justice and fair play. Sometimes this can result in a Libran behaving in a positively miserly way. He or she will work out, almost to the penny, the...
By admin

The Three Decans of Libra

The first decan of Libra is ruled by Moon. A genial but weak nature, easily influenced by women, and disposed to extravagance and unsteady habits; clever in general business 'natters, frequently changing his pursuits or position; a changeful and restless mind, halting between two courses; gains...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Dating a Libra Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Girl

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between September 23 and October 22. The women of this sign have oodles of charm and grace, which is which is why they make some of the most delightful dating partners in the zodiac.TIP: Know your Libra girl - ask her the...
By kalyani10

Dating a Libra Man - When you Fall in Love with a Libran Guy

As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are lovers of beauty, society and harmony, the last of which is indicated by the symbol of the Scales. Read on to know more about the finer points of a relationship with a Libra...
By kalyani10

Libra Ascendant - Profile and Characteristics of Libra Rising

Libra rising denotes a courteous, affable, kind, and affectionate disposition. The fate is largely in the hands of others, and there is very small ability to mould or alter circumstances, the natives being controlled principally by feeling and intuition more than reason. The native is keen of...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Libra Employee - Personality and Characteristics

As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Balance and harmony rank among the highest ideals for Librans which is only to be expected in a Zodiac that bears the symbol of the Scales. So here is what you can expect if you have a...
By kalyani10

The Libra Boss - Traits and Characteristics

As the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar, Libra includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are almost always sociable, fair-minded and great believers in the principle of harmony, qualities which you are likely to notice and appreciate in your Libran boss.A balanced...
By kalyani10

The Libra Child - Characteristics of Libra Children

Libra is the seventh sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born between September 23 and October 22. Children of this sign are among the easiest to raise, thanks to their equable temperament and neat habits. At the same time they need to be learnt to taught to face the realities of life if...
By kalyani10


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