The Three Decans of Sagittarius

The first decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Mercury.

This decan gives much versatility and capacity for general work. More particularly it gives a good judgment, a sober mind, a quick intellect; but powers running into profusion and disorder through richness of intellect and lack of method. Troubles and bickerings in marital life may be looked for; many enemies and many conquests. The native rises in life through the exercise of his faculties, and favours the more humane studies, natural science and philosophy.

The second decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Moon.

This decan confers much romance and strong imaginative faculty, love of travelling and life in foreign lands. Not infrequently it conduces to high renown, and gives wealth and good fortune. Death in a foreign land is to be feared, and in some way the native is responsible for his own demise. Inheritance or legacy falls to the native. The patronage of ladies in high life may assist in forwarding the fortunes. A certain restless activity of mind, together with a rich creative power, characterizes the subject of this decan.

The third decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Saturn.

The mind is of a philosophical and sober temperament; the passions are strong, but well controlled. Riches are difficult to acquire, but are yet certain to the native of this decan. Philosophical and literary pursuits, a taste for lofty speculations and deep researches, preferably of a scientific nature, are the chief characteristics of those under this decan. Success in literature is promised to those born under it. Friendships are few, but very steadfast.