How to Get Your Sagittarius Man Back

The Sagittarius man is an adventurer and an explorer. He is always looking for new challenges, new intellectual pursuits, and (unfortunately) sometimes new love interests. Because the Sagittarius man loves new experiences, he can sometimes be hard to pin down in a committed relationship. If you've lost the spark with your Sagittarius man, this could very well be the reason why. But you don't have to wash your hands of him and give up. The Sagittarius man will commit himself fully to monogamy, when it is with a fellow free-spirit, or at least someone who knows how to work with his adventurous and free-spirited qualities, rather than against them. What the Sagittarius man wants more than anything, is a partner in crime, someone who is up for anything, and has just as much zest and passion for new experiences as he does.
Read the guide to prevent a break up or get back with your ex.
Let's talk about some of the things that you ought to keep in mind, if you're striving to reconnect with an old Sagittarius flame.
Keep it casual
A Sagittarius man will find it difficult to connect with a clingy woman. It won't be possible to convince him to commit to you if he isn't ready. Ask him to come over and watch the game or just go out for a few beers, but don't jump straight into discussions of commitment, or try to make long-term plans. The Sagittarius man is likely to want to move slowly, and he'll appreciate a laid-back approach, especially if the two of you were in a committed relationship with each other once before. Starting out, he will probably worry that you're expecting everything to go right back to the way it was. If he gets even a hint of this from you, he could bolt. Respect his needs, and you're sure to have much more success.
Be outgoing and adventurous
A Sagittarius man will be most compatible with a woman who enjoys thrill-seeking, traveling, and trying new things, just as much as he does. He is not the type of man who will want to spend a Friday night at the movies. Instead he may want to spend Friday night on a plane headed for Vegas or New York City, and then spend the rest of the weekend zipping around an unfamiliar metropolis. He is spontaneous and will whip up enthusiastic ideas faster than you can think of reasons to say, “No! That's crazy!” Don't fight against the Sagittarius man's impulsive nature. It will only put distance between the two of you. Put on a brave face and remain open to all kinds of possibilities.
If you do this, you just might find yourself swept off your feet in the most exciting whirlwind romance you've ever dreamed of. The Sagittarius man wants a partner who is ready to saddle up for the next adventure at any moment. He is looking for a woman who loves freedom and has a thirst for life that can't be quenched.
Don't take things too seriously
The Sagittarius man loves to joke around, and his blunt nature can sometimes lead to him making jokes that are somewhat careless. Understand that this all a part of the Sagittarius man's lighthearted and honest nature. This is a man who says what he means. The good news is that he won't try to hide his motives and true intentions. You will always know exactly where you stand with the Sagittarius man. Though this does mean that he might tell you exactly what he thinks about a new haircut, and he may try to put a smile on your face by voicing his opinion in the form of a joke. Have a thick skin and toughen up. He isn't trying to hurt your feelings. He is trying to make you smile and he is trying to tell you the truth. Those are both commendable intentions. Learn to laugh at yourself, and send a couple of jokes his way too. The Sagittarius man can take it just as much as he gives it. This makes him a good match for a woman with a great sense of humor and lighthearted nature.
Be fascinating
Read lots of books. Watch documentaries. Visit museums. Have varied interests. The Sagittarius man will have enough eclectic intellectual pursuits of his own, but he won't be content with a woman who simply follows him from one interest or endeavor to the next. You should have your own interests that are separate from his. The Sagittarius man is very smart, but he's not so egotistical that he'll be flummoxed by a woman who can hold her own in the intellect department. He won't want to take you by the hand and teach you all about the world. He will want to walk arm in arm with you, so that the two of you can learn about the world together. The Sagittarius man is most happy with a partner who is not only interested in learning from him, but can also teach him a thing or two. After all, the Sagittarius man does love to learn. He is always questioning and searching for new knowledge, and while he can sometimes come across as a bit pretentious, he'd much prefer a romantic partner with insights of her own, rather than one who just bobs her head and agrees with him.
Have a love of the outdoors
The Sagittarius man is very outdoorsy, and he'll be happiest with a woman who is just as sporty as him. He will likely want to take you camping, hiking, swimming, or on any number of other outdoor quests. He will want to sleep under the starry sky, snap pictures of a hawk nest or a baby deer drinking from a stream, or scale the cliffs of craggy mountains. If these prospects frighten you, than you may be more compatible with one of the steady homebodies of the sun sign family, such as the Taurus man or the Cancer man. But if you have your sights set on that Sagittarius man of yours, then you'd best get a good pair of hiking boots and study up on your survivalist skills.
Be open-minded
The Sagittarius man is forever questioning the conventional. Answers such as, “That's just the way it is!” will never satisfy him. If you want to keep your Sagittarius man interested, you'll need to be open to thinking outside of the box. If challenging authority, going against traditions, or having deep philosophical conversations about the meaning of existence make you uncomfortable, then you're likely to feel nothing but discomfort with the Sagittarius man. He is very chatty and loves to use his verbal prowess to probe into deeper issues. He's not one to waste time on small talk. He'll want to discuss large abstract concepts. You may find yourself talking religion one moment and metaphysics the next. If you enjoy broadminded and frank conversations, then you should feel right at home with the Sagittarius man.
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