Sun in the Various Houses

Sun in the various zodiac signs

The Sun is not a planet in the astronomical sense. Astrology refers to it as a planet because astrological norms are from an era which was geocentric. The Sun is the traditional ruler of Leo. It is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. The Sun is seen as a masculine, hot and dry planet. A well...
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Sun Rising - Sun in the First House or Ascendant

The Sun rising strengthens the constitution, giving abundant vitality, recuperative power, and making the general health good provided the Sun is not heavily afflicted. The Sun rising improves the carriage, adding importance and dignity to the personality ; the native nearly always presents a...
By admin

Sun in the Fifth House

Sun in the fifth house denotes success in speculation and matters of enterprise, also gain through children, pleasure, society and entertainments. It is favourable for courtships and promises a successful and honourable attachment. This is not a fruitful position, however, and often denies...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Fourth House

Sun in the fourth house shows success at the end of life, realised ambitions, hopes and desires when the life is nearing the close. It denotes a good heredity with which pride of ancestry is connected. It promises gain by inheritance or some benefits coming through, or by means of, the parentage....
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Ninth House

Sun in the ninth house denotes a very austere mind, firm and self-reliant, inclined to investigate scientific subjects with an unbiased and clear judgment. It gives success in matters connected with the church and the law, and those in which the mind is engaged in higher problems dealing with the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Second House

Sun indicates money derived from the father or his side of the family, from superiors, and from the holding of responsible positions or official appointments, also through social influence. Its occupations are mainly those indicated by the sign in which it is placed. Like Mars, it may give money...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Seventh House

Sun in the seventh house in a male horoscope denotes a proud but honourable partner, and progress in life through marriage. In a female horoscope it is not so important unless the Sun is ' void of course,' i.e., makes no aspect during its progress from its place at birth before quitting the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Sixth House

Sun in the sixth house is not good for the health of the native, the vital forces of the Sun having less power while in this house, but unless afflicted the native is careful and generally knows how to safeguard his health. If afflicted by Saturn or Uranus the constitution is weak and the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Tenth House

Sun in the tenth house denotes honour and success in life, a good moral heredity, and the favour of persons of power and position. It gives fortune and prosperity toward the middle- portion of life; right means of livelihood, and the ability to become independent, prosperous, and successful in...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Third House

Sun in the third house bestows magnanimity of mind, with some pride, and ambitious tendencies. Firm and self-reliant in all mental pursuits, always aiming at success, seeking honour and fame through mental qualifications, and ever desirous of benefiting others mentally. When in good aspect to...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Twelfth House

Sun in the twelfth house denotes that one-third, if not more, of the native's life will be unfortunate and liable to obscurity ; but from misfortune and sorrow 11-_: will rise to success, principally by his own efforts. He will have strong leanings towards the occult and psychic side of life,...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Eleventh House

Sun in the eleventh house is a favourable position. It gives the good-will of elders, superiors, masters, those who are more powerful or of higher rank or standing than the native. If in business, he rises through association with these and benefits by them, even though they may not be his friends...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Eighth House

Sun in the eighth shows that the middle period of life will be critical ; and if malefics afflict, danger of violent or sudden death. If well aspected, the life is prolonged and vitality increased. This position is liable to affect the heart. Death may occur through hereditary or constitutional...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun Aspects Moon - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Sun Aspects Moon – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareWhen these are in good aspect, and especially when in conjunction, the individual and personal sides of the nature form a  harmonious blend, and the result is decidedly good. It is also good if both are in signs governed by the same...
By Futurescopes Research Team