Moon in the Various Houses

Moon Rising - Moon in the First House or Ascendant

The Moon rising influences the temperament, making it more pronounced and having the stamp of heredity more clearly defined. It affects the functional arrangements according to the sign it occupies. It never fails to make the native ambitious or fond of fame and public recognition and gives a...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Fifth House

Moon in the fifth house denotes much fluctuation in all speculative affairs, and much activity and change in all enterprise. It gives a love of pleasure and a peculiar aptitude to gain pleasure out of amusement. It denotes changeable and fickle affections, and an engagement with the opposite sex...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Ninth House

Moon in the ninth house denotes a keen imagination, a mind receptive to higher thought ideals, and the ability to study or understand metaphysical subjects. It gives a love for travel and denotes many changes in the life and those chiefly of a beneficial and improving nature. If afflicted : by Mars...
By Futurescopes Research Team


The Moon is the natural ruler of Cancer. The Moon is really not a planet but a satellite of the earth. It is considered as the second most important body after the Sun. The Moon takes 27 days, 7 hours and 43 minutes to complete one rotation around the earth. It is a feminine planet and rules...
By admin

Moon in the Third House

Moon in the third house shows native to be changeable and inconsistent in mental pursuits ; very curious and inquisitive ; fond of enquiring into all kinds of knowledge, ever possessing a fund of information and superficial learning, but lacking in continuity and stability. Fond of publicity, and...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Twelfth House

Moon in the twelfth house denotes a life in which restrictions and limitations play a prominent part. This is the ideal position for a monk or nun, a hospital surgeon or nurse, for it favours all out-of-sight sympathy or work. The native will either carry the secret of another, or have some secrets...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Tenth House

Moon in the tenth house denotes fame and publicity, fluctuation and change in business, or occupation. Ephemeral success without permanent stability or assured position. If afflicted this will bring notoriety and scandal. If well aspected many advantageous and desirable changes. In cardinal signs...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Sixth House

Moon in the sixth house denotes a liability to suffer in health through changes and fluctuating causes ; it is particularly inimical during the infantile stage, and if much afflicted shows danger of an early death. The health is always liable to break down when under adverse lunar influences. If...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Seventh House

Moon in the seventh house in a female horoscope denotes some romance in married life and a partner whose affections fluctuate. Unless the Moon is well aspected this is not a very favourable position. It should not be taken as the sole significator in a male horoscope, but it must be considered as...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Second House

Moon indicates money derived from the mother or her side of the family, from females, or from inferiors through the employment of labour. It indicates subordinate positions, the employee rather than the employer, unless it is elevated or rules the mid-heaven ; arid it has a general signification of...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Fourth House

Moon in the fourth house denotes much fluctuation of circumstances and many changes of residence at the close of life. It is only a favourable position when the Moon is well aspected at birth, when it denotes probable gain by inheritance and some reputation or popularity through one or both of the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Eleventh House

Here's what it signifies to have Moon in the eleventh house:Moon in the eleventh house, if fairly well placed and aspected, gives a large number of acquaintances, either of a social and domestic character, or among the general public, equals, and inferiors : more acquaintances than friends in...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Eighth House

Moon in the eighth house denotes a death of a more or less public nature, death by drowning, shipwreck, public calamity, or in the presence of many people. Afflicted by Mars, danger of sudden or violent death ; by Saturn, a lingering or very grievous end ; by Uranus, a peculiar, sudden or...
By Futurescopes Research Team