Mars in the Various Houses

Mars Rising - Mars in the First House or Ascendant

Mars gives strength and courage to the native, and when rising always makes him confident of his abilities ; sometimes too consequential and assertive. This planet governs the desire nature and is ever eager for pursuit and disposed to destroy, It is only when the strong influence of Mars is...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Second House

Mars denotes gain through strength and force ; engineering; mechanics ; cattle-dealing ; breeding ; stock farming; timber, coal, slate, iron ; steel ; drugs ; chemicals ; mining ; sanitation ; hygiene ; surgery ; soldiers, and, to some extent, sailors ; if well aspected it somewhat favours money by...
By Futurescopes Research Team


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and rules Aries. Mars is named after the Roman god of war and has a rotational cycle of about two years. It was considered the ruler of Scorpio until the discovery of Pluto. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and is in its fall in Cancer. Mars denotes aggression in...
By admin

Mars in the Sixth House

Mars in the sixth house denotes a liability to suffer In health through carelessness or indiscreet action ; there is a tendency to inflammatory complaints when Mars is afflicted by Sun and Jupiter, and danger of suicide or some fatal accident when afflicted by Uranus, this latter being a very evil...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars Aspects Sun - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Mars Aspects Sun – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn any aspect, this increases the anima, passions and vigour of the body. In good aspect, the native has much `fire,' great energy and vigour, and achieves much; he pushes his way with intensity of purpose, and having also much...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars Aspects Venus - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Mars Aspects Venus – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn good aspect this is fortunate for money, whether earned by the native's own exertion, gained by partnership, by association with someone, by marriage, or by legacy. It favours money by any occupation of the four signs or houses...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars Aspects Mercury - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Mars Aspects Mercury – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn good aspect, this combination sharpens the wits makes the mind quick, bright, alert and lively, and gives humour, wit sarcasm and satire. It throws a great deal of energy, force and activity into all matters signified by the third...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars Aspects Moon - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Mars Aspects Moon – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn good aspect, greatly increases the activity, energy and vitality. If there is bad health indicated elsewhere, this will go far to counteract it and to preserve health and life. The native is capable of hard work, and works quickly. He...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Twelfth House

Mars in the twelfth house denotes strange and unfortunate adventures, in which grave dangers to the native are to be apprehended if he is shown to act more from impulse than reason ; to decide this the position and aspects of Mercury must be studied. The native is liable to false imprisonment,...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Third House

Mars in the third house denotes a turbulent and forceful mind, the native being usually over-energetic and impulsive mentally, possessing a keen, alert and sharp lower mind, but apt to lack control and balance. The only aspects that moderate and temper the influence of Mars in this house are those...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Tenth House

Mars in the tenth house denotes an ambitious and masterful spirit. It is favourable for success in business or profession, since the energy of the native is able to carry him through the turbulent and stormy periods he will experience in the business world. The native does not prosper when in...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Fifth House

Mars in the fifth house denotes a very unsettled and inharmonious home life, in which discord and disputes are frequent.Impulsive, sudden, and unfortunate attractions towards the opposite sex, and an over-ardent, emotional nature is shown by this position. It inclines toward rash speculation, and...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Eleventh House

Mars in the eleventh house shows few real friends, but several acquaintances whose influence upon the native is not in any way likely to add to his reputation. If Mars is in a watery or airy sign this position denotes friends who will turn enemies. if afflicted by :Neptune: Dipsomaniacs or very...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Eighth House

Mars in the eighth house indicates a liability to a violent or sudden death. If much afflicted this is a very evil position, but Mars alone in this house will not kill the native, although the end whenever it comes will be sudden and after an illness of short duration or by shock or accident. It...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Seventh House

Mars in the seventh house when afflicted denotes quarrels and unpleasant conditions in the marriage state. It is very unfavourable in a male horoscope, denoting a wife that is combative and over-forceful. In a female horoscope it is also evil and is somewhat disastrous to the husband, showing the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Ninth House

Mars in the ninth house denotes an over-enthusiastic nature with regard to religious and philosophical subjects, and tends to destroy reason or to allow impulse and desire to overrule the mind. If much afflicted it gives fanatical, irregular, bigoted or sceptical opinions on religious matters ; if...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Fourth House

Mars in the fourth is a very unfavourable and unfortunate position. causing the close of life to be perilous and fraught with many trials and troubles. It denotes quarrels with parents, and many disputes in the home life, domestic affairs going wrong and causing much unpleasantness and many...
By Futurescopes Research Team