Aries - characteristics and profile of the Aries man, woman, child and baby

Aries has always been looked upon by astrologers as a fiery and masculine sign. Consequently, those dominated by its influence were described by Raphael, a key astrologer in the last century's revival, as being 'commanding, choleric and violent'. Contemporary astrological practitioners tend to use politer language perhaps because they do not wish to offend their Arian clients unduly but, in essence, they are in agreement with Raphael, describing the typical Arian personality (whether biologically male or female) as having all the virtues and vices traditionally associated with masculinity.
Thus, the Aries woman tends to dominate a relationship, to take the lead in joint activities, and to be both boisterous and extrovert. Similarly, the Aries man is outgoing, confident of his own virility and, on occasion, the archetypal male chauvinist. Success in career matters is as important to the Arian personality as it is in his or her emotional life . The Arian wants to get to the top - and he or she is usually very good at doing so in any field which calls for plenty of energetic activity, physical or mental.
Men and women of note in whom Aries characteristics have been predominant have included Marlon Brando, Bette Davis, Louis Armstrong; the painter Vincent Van Gogh; the novelists Emile Zola and Georges Sand; and conductor Leopold Stokowski.
Sexuality and the Emotions
The typical Arian tends to be dominated in his or her emotional life by a need to express a burning sexual drive. This can lead to an emotional selfishness which, at its worst, can amount to an arrogant disregard for the inner needs and feelings of partners and close associates. Often, however, the sexual egotism of the Arian is tempered by a more romantic side; this largely prevents him or her from indulging in a selfishness which would inflict emotional trauma on others.
General Characteristics
'Choleric' is the word which would have been used by the physicians of three centuries ago to express the typical Arian psychology, in other words, 'fiery', pugnacious and, on occasion, extremely bad-tempered and dangerously impulsive.
The choleric psychology of the Arian often begins to find expression in early childhood, sometimes in temper tantrums, more often in a precocious adventurousness and spirit of enquiry. This last is more usually directed towards practical rather than theoretical ends; an Arian child is more inclined to take a clock or radio to bits in order to see 'what makes it work' than to bother his parents with questions about the nature of clockwork or electricity.
In later life these childish characteristics take the fonn of an 'outgoing practicality' - a concern with the nuts-and-bolts aspects of reality rather than its theoretical concepts. In other words, the Arian is concerned with tactics rather than strategy. This does not mean that the Arian is not an intellectual; but Arian intellectualism is rarely divorced from the world of everyday things. Thus, for example, the Arian intellectual is more likely to be drawn towards applied rather than pure mathematics; more likely to be an engineer than a theoretical physicist; more likely to be a sculptor than one who makes a profound study of the philosophy of aesthetics.
The same practicality is apparent in every aspect of the Arian personality. The Arian judges others by their deeds, not their words; is concerned with the effects of others' actions, not their purposes; and is detennined to influence what actually happens, not to analyse it.
The Arian wants to control reality - not to be controlled by it or even to understand it. Careers which are not in some way concerned with material reality cannot satisfy the Arian. His or her job must be concerned with the control of natural things and/or other people.
Manipulation, whether of things or people, is an Arian characteristic.
Thus, for example, they make adequate social workers but not social workers of genius. In other words, they are good at moulding clients to the Arian pattern and setting them on the right path - in Arian tenns. They are, however, rarely able to achieve the goal of the outstanding social worker - to bring out the fundamental nature of a client, to enable him or her to express their inner nature successfully in the social environment. The pure Arian, for the same reason, makes a better leader than a follower; he or she is not an ideal team-worker because Arians are incapable of understanding the need for self-expression in anyone but themselves.
In general, Arians make better innovators than administrators. They are better at starting a project off than keeping it running; better at metaphorically speaking -launching a ship than sailing it. In work, as in all aspects of their lives, they are forceful, finding it difficult to cope tactfully with either active opposition or the passive opposition of inertia.
Excerpted from 'The Complete Fortune Teller' by Francis X King.
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