Dating a Gemini Man - When you Fall in Love with a Gemini Guy

People born under the sign of Gemini are typically characterized as social and multi-faceted. Bearing the image of the Twins and born between 20th May to 20th June, a Gemini lover is unlikely to ever let you have a dull moment in life. However, at the same time, you need to keep up with him or you stand the risk of losing him to a constant need for change and variety. Read on to know what it is like to date a Gemini man and how you can have a relationship with him.

Start by frequenting the right places which, in this case, means bright, intelligent gatherings. A Gemini loves to talk and more likely than not, you will find him the proverbial life of the party. Such a man will regale his audience with hilarious accounts of his travel or hair-rising stories of his adventures. A Gemini guy likes being surrounded by people and in fact thrives on exchange and collaboration. This is an indication of his extremely social nature and you would do well to go along with the flow instead of being jealous of his considerably large female social circle.

If you want to attract a Gemini guy, be sure to brush up your general knowledge. While a Gemini is fond of talking, it is not merely idle chatter with him. He is witty, intelligent and curious to know about people and places. He revels in exchange of information and particularly enjoys this with people close to him. Merely being a good listener is not enough to keep up with a Gemini lover. Draw him towards you with a clever remark or two and then be sure to maintain his interest by carrying on a scintillating conversation.

Dating a Gemini guy is being on a roll for most of the time. This is a guy who loves fun, frolic and variety. Today he may whisk you away to a rollicking time at a country dance festival while the next day, he may turn up in a black tux for an evening of Beethoven’s performance. This craving for diversity may at times seem to border dangerously on instability and fickleness. He is usually quick to grasp a new thought or appreciate a new sensation but within the blink of an eye he may have moved onto something else. To an outsider, this could smack of restlessness and an inability to see things through. However, those close to him know that a Gemini man needs new sights and experiences to feel alive. So if you intend to keep him, make sure that you have a whole range of persona and experiences to offer him and are willing to go along with this lifestyle without weighing him down.

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Multi-tasking is what Geminis excel in. So if you are dating a guy who has two jobs, plays football on Wednesdays, helps out at the local parish on weekends, works out at the gym three times a week and still asks you out, chances are that he is a Gemini. Such a person is adept at doing a number of things at the same time. His high energy and ability to pierce the heart of the matter instantly, allow him to carry on with his several interests simultaneously. Little wonder then that this sign is ruled by the planet Mercury who in Greek mythology was the quick-footed messenger of Gods. In addition to possessing a quick-silver wit, a Gemini guy is also fast on his feet and nimble with his hands. So if there is a flat tire that needs to be changed on the middle of the road or a movie that starts in just fifteen minutes, you can be sure that your guy will get you there. On the other hand, a Gemini may also suffer from burn-outs and at times leave a task midway. So if you are counting on your Gemini lover’s promise of helping you out with the Thanksgiving dinner on account of his self-acclaimed expertise in Southern cuisine, ensure that you have a backup plan ready. Such men are notorious for being quick to promise and not keeping it in the end. At the same time, rest assured that the excuse he will come up with for arriving late will seem entirely credible and he will salvage himself by playing the perfect charmer to your guests.

The sign of the Twins indicates that a Gemini is capable of seeing both sides of a matter. Partly it is this ability that makes a Gemini such a brilliant conservationist and easy to get along with. He can endear himself to a variety of personalities which is why he may be able to impress your nerdy cousin and diva of an aunt at the same time. The mix of yin and yang in them also makes him more flexible and adaptable in nature which is a refreshing change if you ever have been bulldozed by typically Taurus obstinacy. However on the flip side, you are never quite sure where you stand with a Gemini lover. The contradictory impulses within a Gemini may at times indicate a fickle and restless nature, lacking endurance and strength of purpose.

Having a long term relationship with a Gemini man may appear quite a challenge at first. This is a guy who craves new scenes and experiences and the thought that he may quickly tire of your company may seem unnerving. But this is also a guy who is easy to please and a delight to know. He prizes a sharp intellect and takes pleasure in connecting with another person, which is more than you can say for guys who cannot look beyond a curvy figure. The ease and effectiveness with which a Gemini is likely to communicate with his partner is sure to be a boon to any long term relationship. Above all, they are friendly, easy-going and brimming with charm – so what more do you need for a good date!