The Three Decans of Leo

The first decan of Leo is ruled by Saturn.

This gives a strong, forcible nature, difficult to control; poverty and trouble in life; domestic infelicity, loss of children; hazardous speculations; lack of sympathy in the nature; austere character, spoiled by false pride. Self- imposition and deception will mar the life. The native is distrustful of others and lacking in self-confidence also, but is apt to assert his independence at inopportune moments. Much sickness, and a wasting of the vital powers; a careful, watchful nature, seldom achieving any great work, but always

The second decan of Leo is ruled by Jupiter.

A fortunate and profitable nature; kind, humane disposition; warm sympathies; fortunate
speculations; dutiful family; plenty of confiance-en-soi; artistic faculty; inclination to form rather than colour; gain by legacy, and success through marriage.

The third decan of Leo is ruled by Mars.

Strong, forcible nature, capable of, and desiring command; frank, open, and generous disposition; many journeys; success in foreign countries; inheritance and acquisition of property at the close of life; adventurous spirit, inclined to exploits and hazardous feats. The native bears rule with a high hand, and is successful over his enemies.