Libra Zodiac Sign Symbol and its Meaning

Libra is the seventh sign in the Zodiac calendar and includes all those born from 23rd September to 23rd October. Librans are lovers of beauty, society and harmony, the last of which is indicated by the symbol of the Scales. The glyph or symbol, of Libra represents the setting sun. It can also be seen as resembling an "equal" sign, or more accurately, an "approximately equal to" symbol. Again, Libra's drive to compare and balance is represented in its glyph.
The Scales, first and foremost, stand for the desire to achieve balance in life and this is the most important impulse that drives all Librans. A Libra native will shrink back from anything that is excessive, whether in terms of individuality or sociability. Anything overpowering and smothering repels them; rather they are drawn to a beauty that conveys a harmonious mingling of qualities. A Libran is most often marked by an amiable and temperate personality, one which is based on absence of extremes. As far as physical appearances go, they avoid violent contrasts, jarring colors and too many frills. Librans usually have excellent and rather expensive tastes; they are cultured, refined and embody a natural poise in whatever they say and do.
One of the consequences of their temperate and balanced personality is their social popularity. They are more often than not charming, communicative and easy-going, all of which make them well-loved by friends, family and even casual acquaintances. To a large extent this is due to their innate grace, equanimity and the absence of extremes in their personality.
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In a relationship too, a Libran need to experience harmony and peace if they are to be committed partners. The nerve-racking ups and downs which thrill an Aries or the passionate intensity of a Scorpio are more likely to scare away a Libra who likes a life of poise and perfect balance as exemplified by the Scales. These individuals need a partner who will be a pleasing companion and a close confidante but at the same time allow them enough personal space and emotional independence.
A Libran is known for his/her tendency to take careful, well-thought decisions. Instead of rushing headlong into a particular course of action or being swayed by emotions, he/she will carefully consider all options and their consequences before taking a call. This is again signified by the image of the Scales which dips this way and that before it can find the correct point of rest. Likewise the Libran does will run through various alternatives and then arrive at the what he/she thinks is best to do. The flip side of a Libran’s balanced personality is however a vacillating and undecided nature. He/she may at times take too long in coming to a decision or veer from one extreme to another before finding equilibrium in life.
Suitably appropriate for a sign which bears the symbol of Scales, a Libran cares deeply about fair-play and justice. Among the things a Libran hates most in others is an mean and dishonest nature. The same sense of fair-play in Libra also makes him/her a good diplomat and a conciliator. This is because they mentally weigh both sides of an affair and then come to a decision. They excel in situations which demand collaboration and co-operation rather than confrontation. This is an invaluable trait in a partner or colleague, since at times of crisis they can be depended to keep a cool head, consider all options as well as aspects of the problem and then go ahead with a spirit of co-operation. At the same time, their innate sense of fair-play will immediately oppose any visible instance of unjust or unfair treatment of others. This coupled with a willingness to take the initiative makes a Libra native a natural choice in resolving conflicts and opening deadlocks.
However the downside of a Libran’s diplomatic trait is an unwillingness to take a strong stand even when the gravity of the situation demands it. The desire for harmony may also slide into an inability to confront harsh realities of life. A Libra man or woman like many others of their zodiac may turn away from unpleasant situations or refuse to talk about uncomfortable issues in their desire to avoid conflict and preserve peace.
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