How to Get Your Pisces Man Back

The Pisces man is one of the most sensitive souls of all the sun signs. The Pisces man is gentle, kind, and empathetic. He will always be a caring shoulder to cry on, and an active listener, waiting to hear all about your day. But the peaceful and malleable Pisces man also has his faults. Sometimes he can be a bit too much of a dreamer, and this can cause him to neglect his real world responsibilities. He may have a tough time finding his bearings in his career or getting his finances in order. All of this can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety in dealing with the Pisces man. Understand that the Pisces man is often a late bloomer, but when he finally blossoms, all of that dreaming he's done, and his idealistic natures, is sure to make it worth the wait.
If you've had a falling out with your Pisces man, all hope is not lost. The Pisces man is one of the most understanding souls in the zodiac, and if you open up your heart to him, he's sure to consider what you have to say. If the both of you are willing to take on the task of repairing your relationship, you'll need to learn how to work with your Pisces man's characteristics, in order to have the best chance of success.
Read the guide to prevent a break up or get back with your ex.
Don't be too harsh or critical
The Pisces man is very vulnerable to criticism. In fact, for those who don't understand him, he can seem a bit over-sensitive. He won't just brush you off or ignore you, as the more assertive zodiac signs might do. Rather, he will listen intently to all of your harsh criticisms and take them straight to heart. They will wound him deeply, and only further enhance the rift between the two of you. He is likely to keep much of his unhappiness to himself, but you'll be sure to feel the distance. Respect his sensitive nature. Kindness and understanding are the keys in strengthening a relationship with the Pisces man.
Encourage him and be supportive of his dreams (no matter how unrealistic they might seem)
So maybe you've realized that you are the realist in the relationship. A Pisces man could be described in many ways, but never as a realist. Let him keep his dreams. He needs to hold onto them. They are a part of who he is, and if you're being perfectly honest with yourself, isn't his idealistic and child-like optimism a big part of why you were drawn to him in the first place? You may have to remind him of his day-to-day responsibilities here and there, but don't ever try to crush that dreamer spirit in him. The Pisces man needs to be with a woman who appreciates that quality and not one who tries to squash it.
Talk to him in an assertive, but kind way, and work together to resolve the issues of your relationship
If anyone knows how to take feedback and work collaboratively, it is the Pisces man. The trick is to be honest, but focus on your feelings, not his actions. Put the focus on you and your needs. Don't blame him or try to make him feel badly. After all, the Pisces man is quite malleable. If you try to make him feel badly about himself, you will probably be successful, but your relationship will not be the better for it. But if you approach your Pisces man with kindness and respect, he will be receptive and listen intently to everything you are saying. The Pisces man is very fluid and changeable. He is not fixed in his ways. If he decides that his behavior or habits are worth changing, then he won't have trouble accomplishing that task. He will be especially open to changing, if he sees that his behavior is hurting you, someone he cares very much about. The Pisces man is sympathetic, compassionate, and reflective.
Appreciate his creative pursuits, and give him room to explore his passions
Pisces men are very imaginative and creative. They may be artists, writers, poets, or musicians. This goes back to them being dreamers. No matter how pointless his creative endeavors seem to you, don't try to steer him away from them. The Pisces man needs to imagine and create. It may not pay the bills, but it is good for his soul. He will feel much closer to you, if you can appreciate this about him.
Don't roll your eyes at his psychic abilities
Many Pisces men are psychics or mediums. Even if you don't believe in any of that, there's no denying that Pisces men are highly intuitive and keyed in to the emotions of people around them. The Pisces man feels connected to the world on a deeper, and more metaphysical level. Don't scoff at him or tell him he is being silly. You won't take away his feelings of spiritual connectedness, you will only hurt his feelings, something that is quite easy to do with Pisces men. The Pisces man is soulful and transcendent. You should honor these qualities in your Pisces man, however they present themselves. Besides, if you respect his intuition, he'll be more likely to share his insights with you, and he may be able to steer you away from a bad decision, or in the direction of the right one.
Don't try to manipulate him
The Pisces man is very easy to manipulate, as intuitive and sensitive as he is, he is highly suggestible. If you take advantage of your Pisces man's sensitive and trusting nature, you are dooming your relationship. There's also simply no reason to manipulate him. This is a man who is respectful of the needs and feelings of others. Just be open and honest, while also being kind and tactful.
Don't expect him to be the breadwinner
The Pisces man will often take a long time to become settled in a career, and it's unlikely that he will ever be rich. The good news is that the Pisces man is not old-fashioned, and he won't mind a woman who is focused on her career. In fact, being with someone who is more focused and goal-oriented than he is, could do wonders to add some balance to his life. The Pisces man will probably never be the provider that the Capricorn man is. But what the Pisces man lacks in direction and wealth, he will more than make up for in his devotion to you. He will be wholly dedicated to you. The Pisces man will give you a lifetime of tender unconditional love. He may be shy, confused, and a bit muddle-headed, but you'll never find a man who cares more about your feelings and is so in-tune to your emotional needs.
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