The Three Decans of Taurus

The first decan of Taurus is ruled by Mercury.

It gives a highly-endowed mind, poetical and creative fancy, amiable disposition, steadfast affections, intuitive faculty, fondness for the artistic and beautiful in form and colour; a sensuous love of life, desire for comfort, ease, and luxury, but capable of sustained efforts of a mental nature. It gives success in drama, music, line arts, and secures the patronage of women.

The second decan of Taurus is ruled by Moon.

This decan gives a changeful and romantic disposition, strong imagination, fine feelings, love of pleasure, fondness for dainty foods and good living generally; it confers the favour of women of position, and renders the native successful in travelling; disposes to artistic and poetical pursuits. It conduces to wealth and the acquisition of property.

The third decan of Taurus is ruled by Saturn.

Dependence and servitude, poverty or extreme difficulty in the attainment of wealth are the fruits of this decan. It renders the nature sensitive and languishing; leads to disappointment in love affairs; overthrows the ambitions, and destroys the pleasures of domestic and married life. It produces enemies, and renders the life generally very unfortunate. It gives, however, much depth of feeling and fidelity in attachments.