The Metal Goat in Chinese Astrology

The Goat is one of the most puzzling signs in the Chinese zodiac – at once social and private, helpful and aloof, the Goat is sometimes difficult to understand. Under the influence of Metal, this is even more the case since the element sharpens some traits and neglects some others, making for a highly complex personality.

In Chinese astrology, the Goat is known to be a rather shy person. They are uncomfortable mingling with a lot of people or meeting new people on a regular basis. They have a natural reserve and like to keep their deepest thoughts and feelings to themselves. Under the influence of Metal, this natural reserve acquires a sharper edge so that the Metal Goat seems even more aloof as compared to those of other elements. This Goat will rarely allow anyone into their inner world and indeed a colleague or neighbor could be working or living with the Goat for several years and yet be unaware of several aspects of his/her personality. Both the male and female Goat when tempered by Metal can be difficult to know fully and yet this inscrutability is not so much because they dislike mingling with fellow humans but because their inherent reserve acts an armor to protect their sensitive natures.

Another consequence of the Metal element is that the Goat acquires a greater determination in purpose. In general, the Goat is an easy-going personality in the Chinese zodiac – they do not like a life of too much strife or hard labor. As creative and homely beings, they would much rather be devoted to pursuits which can be carried on from comfortable and aesthetic surroundings. However with the Metal Goat, there is a greater level of resolve and self-discipline so that even if circumstances are not entirely suitable this Goat can be stay put in his/her course provided the end result is worthy enough. Unlike other Goats,  the Metal Goat is less likely to opt out of a course of action in case things become too tough or some amount of hard work is called for.

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As a direct consequence of the above trait, the Metal Goat is more likely to be ambitious in the professional and social sphere. Armed with a steely resolve to make good in the world, this Goat is likely to pursue his/her own goals with single-minded earnestness. There is a marked streak of self-interest in the general Goat nature, despite their caring and nurturing personalities. And in the Metal Goat, this potential for self-improvement is most evident. This Goat will quietly set his/her own goals in mind and like the sure-footed creature of the animal world, will put one step ahead of another in a slow but steady path to the top.

In the personal sphere, the Metal Goat may have some difficulty in opening up to potential partners because of the appearance of a reticent personality that they put on the outside. And yet curiously this is related to their deeply sensitive natures. In reality the Goat is an intensely emotional being who needs a high degree of support from their partners to feel secure in a relationship. For all their aloof appearance, the Metal Goat is no less needy when it comes to love, a fact which may be responsible for a strong streak of possessiveness in the personality.