Love Poems for Him - Romantic Poetry for your Boyfriend

Love poems for boyfriends
Classic love poems contain some of the most exquisite expressions of love, which seem to hold good for all time to come. Their words distill the innermost feelings of a lover’s heart and are strung together in lines that are as musical as they are expressive.
So, if you want to make a message to your boyfriend extra special, include some lines from timeless love poems and watch how he melts. For it will not only convey the depth of your feelings for him, but also make him aware of the effort that you have taken to express your feelings, in the most lucid manner possible. Following are a few famous love poems whose words seem to spring from the deepest recesses of a woman’s heart, and convey her love for the special person in her life.
A woman’s love takes many hues. The tender emotions of a quiet, satisfied love are beautifully expressed in Eliza Acton’s poem, “I Love Thee”
“I Love Thee, as I love the calm
Of sweet, star-lighted hours!
I Love Thee, as I love the balm
Of early jasmine flowers.
I Love Thee, as I love the last
Rich smile of fading day
Which lingereth like the look we cast
On rapture passed away…”
Here, being in love evokes all that is noble and pure in the woman and you could quote from these lines, if you find that like her, your life has been elevated by your emotions for the man you love.
Yet another aspect of a woman’s love is her full-bodied passion for the beloved. This is a love which courses through the veins, in warm crimson waves and finds vibrant expression in Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Wild Nights”.
“Wild Nights, Wild Nights!
Were I with thee
Wild Nights should be
Our luxury…”
Here a woman compares the storm of her passion, with the wild winds blowing without, and wishes that she could have lived the night with her beloved. These words are an apt quote, if you would like to convey your own passionate feelings for your boyfriend.
While a woman yearns to love her beloved with all her soul and body, she does not wish to be loved for merely her physical attributes. It is her heart, the innermost core of her being, that she desires to be loved for. Nowhere is this emotion better expressed, than in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s 14th Sonnet From the Portuguese, “If thou must love me”
“If thou must love me, let it be for nought,
Except for love’s sake only…
… that evermore
Thou mayst love on, through love’s eternity.”
This, I presume, is what every woman in love wishes to tell her partner - that love me for what I am, and only that.
A far stronger love is that which goes beyond temporal attractions. The graces of youth and beauty are as ephemeral as the bud which blooms in summer and fades with the arrival of autumn. But “At Last”, by Elizabeth Akers Allen describes a love which rises above the vagaries of time.
“At last when all the summer shine
That warmed life’s early hours is past,
Your loving fingers seek for mine
And hold them close – at last – at last!
…I fear not all that Time or Fate
May bring to burden heart or brow,
Strong in the love that came so late
Our souls shall always keep it now!”
This poem is especially apt for women who have been through other relationships before finding their true love. If you are one, consider quoting its last beautiful lines, on the satisfaction of finally being happy in love.
Modern poems may lack the ideal sentiments of classic romantic poetry but when it comes to expressing emotions of love, they can do the job with a deftness of imagery and conciseness of phrase that takes the breath away. Consider these lines from Sylvia Plath’s “Mad Girl’s Love Song”:
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
I lift my lids and all is born again.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead…
Don’t you sometimes feel that you want to express the unbearable ephemerality of love – the fact that it often seems to be a creation of only our own imagination? This depiction of the conflicting sentiments that love evokes, can add depth and dimension to your love epistle.
Think of a poem expressing a woman’s love for her man and Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s famous sonnet, “How do I love thee, Let me count the ways” immediately springs to mind.
“How do I love thee, Let me count the ways
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach…
… I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears of all my life! – and if God choose
I shall but love thee better after death."
This is a poem which will help you to effortlessly encompass the whole range of a woman’s feelings for her lover – her full-bodied passion, and her tenderness, her quiet, everyday affection and her timeless love, which will live beyond death.
From the vast genre of classic love poems, these are only a few that you can use to highlight your own expressions of love. Even though your boyfriend may not be too literary, quoting a few lines from a simple love poem will make him feel special. Poetry has a way of evoking the purest and deepest of our emotions, and this is why verse scores over prose when anything profound has to be conveyed in the fewest possible words. Again, if your boyfriend is a lover of the arts, he is sure to be bowled over by the thoughts expressed in the love poems which you may have quoted while writing to him. So open up the deepest recesses of your heart and let timeless love poems mirror what lies hidden beneath.
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