Snake - Pig Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Astrologically speaking, the Snake and Pig are considered to be opposites among the Chinese animal signs. This is perhaps because of the very different view of life that each has and which in turn diminishes chances of compatible relationship between the two. Still, whatever differences there exist can also be used to complement each other, should they be willing to put in some effort into the relationship.

High points of a Snake-Pig love match

The initial attraction between a Scorpio and Pig is likely to result from each finding in the other the answer to their secret dreams. The male Snake will be floored by the sweetness and gentle beauty of the female Pig while the latter in turn will be impressed by the calm confidence and the strong personality of the former. Likewise the female Snake will be touched by the romantic attentions of the male Pig while the latter will be attracted to the cool sophistication and mystique of the Snake woman.

One of the best chances of Snake-Pig compatibility lies in the fact that both signs are looking to make an emotional connection in love; unlike the Rat or Tiger they are not interested in merely intellectual companions and neither do they seek the material practicality of the Rooster or Ox. With each other, the Snake and Pig are assured of a meaningful emotional bonding as well as lasting security in love.

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Another factor which could bring the Snake and Pig closer is a shared social disposition. Neither sign is highly gregarious like the Rat or Horse but then nor are they very reticent like the Ox. Both the Snake and Pig like to be around close friends and family who they would much rather entertain in their own homes rather than go out and meet. Above all, both partners are fond of domestic pleasures like soft furnishings, good food and a nicely decorated home, overlooking a lovely garden perhaps. These are a top concern for both signs and owe something to their mutually sensualist natures. However neither sign is lazy -- both can work very hard when need be -- but both love to relax into luxurious, elegant surroundings.

The Snake has the gift of reading another’s thoughts and moods. This can be a god-send to this relationship since the Pig is not very good at expressing in words their innermost needs and feelings in a relationship. While a couple made of Monkey or Rabbit partners can look forward to natural effortless communication between them, the Pig needs someone like the Snake who would be able to intuitively understand what a partner feels and needs.  

Their lovemaking will be enriched by the romantic traits of each sign. It will glow with the flames of passion brought forth by the Snake’s earthy sensuality as well as shimmer with the sweet romance and tenderness which are the hallmarks of the Pig lover. In all, it will be a remarkable experience, not one to be forgotten in a hurry.

Finally each has a lot to give to the other and build up a fulfilling whole as a couple. The Pig could teach the Snake partner the virtues of compassion, forgiveness and build a space of sweetness and light. The Scorpio on the other hand could help her partner be more decisive and thus acquire the confidence to turn his dreams into reality.

Challenges of a Snake-Pig love match

One of the biggest stumbling blocks for the Snake-Pig pair could like in a lack of effective communication. The Pig is a shy personality and thus hesitant about putting their deepest emotions and needs with assertiveness. The Snake on the other hand is a rather private person; they like keeping their true feelings hidden from others-even from a romantic partner. It is part of the Snake’s nature to be suspicious, and they don't truly trust anyone. This can build resentment between the couple since the Pig seeks emotional intimacy in a relationship, something which may not be easy for the Snake to give.

Then again widely differing personality traits could also create problems for this couple. Pigs are rather naive and the Snake will find it easy to convince the former of just about anything they want. In fact, the Snake will even be tempted to take advantage of a Pig's naiveté on more than a few occasions. And yet the Pig is not stupid which is why when he/she finds out that the Snake partner had been manipulating them, the Pig can give in to their unique brand of stubbornness and refuse to come around. Furthermore the Snake may be loving and indulgent of his/her Pig partner but isn’t really likely to respect their talents. On his/her part, the Pig will admire the cleverness and sophistication of the Snake but will be bothered by the latter’s lack of honesty. Pigs are deeply compassionate and feel very strongly about undeserving people getting a raw deal. Thus this partner will strongly disapprove of how the Snake bends the truth and manipulates others to get his/her way. In all these ways, the Snake and Pig couple may find themselves being pulled in different directions.