The 10 Worst Food Additives That Are the Source of Toxins in the Body

When you buy a pound of cheese, you expect it to be made with milk and salt. When you buy bread, it is understandable for you to think it is made of nothing more than flour, yeast, and eggs. When you buy a can of beans, you could not be blamed for thinking that it is just beans inside that can. But you would be wrong on all three counts. In reality cheese is commonly laced with preservatives and artificial food coloring. Bread is often made with high fructose corn syrup, preservatives and occasionally Trans fats. Those convenient canned beans are made with a lot of additives such as high fructose corn syrup, artificial food colorings, artificial sweeteners, not to mention that the metal of the can they come packaged in is probably leaking BPA.
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Nowadays practically all processed foods contain an extensive list of preservatives, colorings, emulsifiers, and artificial flavorings. The fact is, if you are like the vast majority of people and spend most of your food budget on processed foods then you are avidly consuming large quantities of these added chemical compounds. This trend is becoming apparently worrisome once you begin to note the potential adverse effects these chemicals might have on your health and wellbeing.
- Cancer: the additives most closely associated with higher risk of cancer are often found in baking products, bubble gum, chicken stocks, cereals, canned items, vegetable oils and even French fries. If your diet is heavily weighted towards the consumption of these products you are consistently exposing your body to carcinogenic toxins.
- Hormone Disruptors: these are chemicals that alter and interfere with the endocrine system. These disruptions can often lead to tumors, developmental disorders and even birth defects.
- Behavioral Disorders: Studies have now consistently shown a stretch relationship between the consumption of artificial food colorings and behavior disorder in children.
- Diminished Intellectual Coefficient: Studies have shown a correlation between artificial colorings and the reduced intellectual coefficient in children. Specific compounds such as Ponceau 4R and Tartrazine can do damage comparable to that done by the lead found in gasoline.
It is important to realize that when foods are processed, they lose valuable nutrients and fibers as well as suffer a degradation of their textures and flavors. Often whatever food is left after processing does not resemble much what the food initially looked and tasted like. Many times you are left with a bland, gray or brown, flavorless product. This degradation is the reason why so many additives are added in such a haphazard manner. Let us take a closer look at the ten most harmful additives that are the source of toxins in your body.
- Artificial Sweeteners
Aspartame or APM is one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners on the market. This chemical compound is almost always added to "diet" or "sugar-free" products. APM is believed to be a highly carcinogenic neurotoxin. It has been linked to cognitive disorders as well as brain tumors and fibromyalgia. Acesulfame Potassium of AceK is another calorie-free sugar substitute. Usually found in "diet" soft drinks, AceK has been associated with renal tumors.
- Monosodium Glutamate
MSG is a flavoring agent used most often in soups, salad dressing, and frozen meals. MSG is an excitotoxin, and it works by overstimulating nerve cells. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to MSG can lead to depression, disorientation, fatigue, headaches, and obesity.
- Artificial Coloring
Studies have consistently shown that artificial food colorings which are prevalent in most of the processed foods have a direct relationship to cognitive and behavioral disorders in children. Many of these compounds are derived from Tar and may contain up to ten parts per million of arsenic. Attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity are but two of the many ailments commonly experienced after exposure to these unnatural dyes.
- BHA and BHT
Butylated Hydroxyanisole and Butylated Hydroxytoluene are preservatives derived from petroleum and are mostly used to preserve fats and oils. BHT and BHA are most often found in beer, butter and food products with added fats. Studies suggest that these substances are carcinogenic and have caused stomach tumors in animal trials.
- Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite
These sodium salts are used as preservatives, and flavoring agents in bacon, hot dogs, and dried and processed meats. These compounds are highly carcinogenic. Once ingested Sodium Nitrate and Nitrite are metabolized into Nitrosamines. Nitrosamines have been linked to kidney and pancreatic cancer.
- Sulfur Dioxide
This chemical compound is used by the food industry to preserve dried apricots, figs, and other dried fruits as well as in the production of wine. Although considered "safe for consumption" by the Center for Science in the Public Interest, this compound is not safe for people with asthma or individuals who suffer from sensitivity to sulfating agents. Life-threatening breathing difficulties appear within minutes of ingestion by these individuals.
- Potassium Bromate
Already banned for use in food by several countries around the world, potassium bromate is still surprisingly used in the treatment of flours. The danger to humans arises when too much is added to the flours, or the bread is not baked long enough, and trace amounts of this chemical remain in the end product. Potassium Bromate is considered carcinogenic.
- Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
This manufactured fat used to extend the shelf life of many products has the unintended consequence of creating Trans fatty acids. Trans fats are subtly dangerous as they can gravely affect your blood cholesterol levels as well as increase the risk of cardiac disease and stroke.
- Brominated Vegetable Oil
Used as a beverage emulsifier, this compound has been linked to diminished thyroid function. Prolonged exposure to Brominated oils will cause headaches, fatigue, and loss of muscle coordination.
- Pesticides
Each year over one billion kilograms of pesticides are used in the production of foods; this means that on average over five kilograms of pesticides are consumed by each person per year. Many of the compounds used as pesticides are highly carcinogenic and accumulation in our bodies can lead to highly toxic effects. Birth defects, spontaneous abortions, reduced fertility as well as difficulty fighting off infectious microorganisms are some of the adverse effects that have been linked to increased exposure to pesticides.
- Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. Meeting, and World Health Organization. Safety evaluation of certain food additives. No. 56. World Health Organization, 2006.
- Pollock, I., and J. O. Warner. "Effect of artificial food colors on childhood behavior." Archives of disease in childhood 65.1 (1990): 74-77.
- D'Mello, JP Felix, ed. Food safety: contaminants and toxins. CABI, 2003.
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