Can Detoxing Help With Getting Rid of Cellulite?

It has been suggested over and over by different studies that the presence of elevated toxin levels in the body and the appearance of cellulite is closely tied. Theories abound as to why this is so, with many pointing towards poor nutrition, constipation, and circulatory problems. Additionally, certain conditions such as digestive difficulties reduce our body's ability to oxygenate cells properly and so blood becomes saturated with harmful waste substances that are difficult to expel. These waste products end up settling in critical areas of our body and end up turning into cellulite.
TIP: Download the complete guide to detox.
Cellulite is one of the most complicated and challenging to treat phenomena in the field of body aesthetics. Luckily there are several dietary measures you can take that have great potential in their ability to fight and get rid of cellulite. When included in your daily routine and performed these tips consistently will help you get free of toxins, define your silhouette, smooth your contours, and attenuate dimpled skin. In general terms, you want to base your diet and detox plan on ingesting anti-inflammatory foods, substances that can help you drain and eliminate harmful substances, and those that support circulation.
Here are some examples of foods you can use to detox if you are looking to get rid of cellulite:
- Strawberries
Strawberries are highly diuretic because of their rich potassium content. They are also an excellent natural laxative due to high fiber and an extremely potent anti-oxidant because of iron and vitamin C.
- Kiwi
This delicious and tart green fruit is rich in vitamin C and is also another fantastic natural laxative and diuretic.
- Pineapple
Pineapples contain a number of enzymes that facilitate the digestion of proteins; this, in turn, has the added benefit of improving digestive health. Pineapples are also highly diuretic with plenty of anti-inflammatory benefits.
- Asparagus
This vegetable stimulates renal function and thus improves toxin elimination.
- Artichoke
This beautiful edible thistle provides excellent benefits to kidney and liver health. Also facilitates toxin elimination and reduces liquid retention.
- Onions
Onions markedly improve blood circulation and increase waste elimination.
- Oats
Oats are a great tool to fight constipation and regulate intestinal function as well as being fantastic for cardiac and circulatory health.
We need to keep in mind that cellulite nothing more than toxins trapped in fat cells. It is not a particular kind of tissue, and it is not due to a malfunction in your body. It can be eradicated; you just have to know how to fix it and do it decidedly. Women are especially susceptible to cellulite due to hormone levels fluctuating throughout the menstrual cycle. Estrogen, for example, is tightly connected to storage of fat, which is the main place toxins are stored. Now that we have established what cellulite is and that it is entirely treatable let us talk about the steps you need to follow:
- Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables considerably as these will provide your body with the necessary nutrients for proper metabolic functions. The more efficient your metabolism becomes, the better your body will be able to handle toxin overloads.
- As much as possible consume fresh raw foods. Often the process of cooking our meals diminishes significantly the nutrient content found within. As far as possible you want to maintain your foods specific nutritional contributions unchanged.
- Avoid at all costs the ingestion of processed foods. Processed foods have been altered past their natural state through methods such as canning, freezing, and dehydration. Industrial processing of foods not only robs you of potential nutrients it also adds a significant amount of chemicals, additives, and preservatives that contribute directly to toxin build up in your tissues.
- Drink plenty of water. This method is tried and true and will do more for your body than you might initially think based on its simplicity. by increasing your comsumption of water to at least two liters of water will allow your kidneys to more efficiently isolate and eliminate accumulated toxins from your body.
- Drink teas and infusions made with green tea, mint, and fennel as these are great for your circulation and cardiac health.
- As much as you can manage to eliminate Salt from your diet. With a reduced salt diet not only will your blood pressure improve significantly, but salt is also directly linked to retention of liquids.
- Adopt a diet high in fiber. The higher the fiber content in your diet the more regular your bowel movements will become. Constipation has been shown to be a determining factor in the formation of cellulite.
- Cut down your consumption of unhealthy fats by cooking your foods using healthier methods such as steaming or grilling. Cellulite is caused by a sustained accumulation of toxins inside your fat cells, so it is only logical to assume that the less fat you have in your body, the fewer ground toxins will have to accumulate in.
- Avoid alcohol coffee and tobacco as they are primary culprits in reduced kidney and liver functions. The kidneys and liver are the organs primarily in charge of eliminating toxins from your body. Why would knowingly diminish their capacity?
- Try to include as many citrus fruits into your diet as possible. Citrus fruits contain plenty of bioflavonoids which are chemical compounds that are incredibly beneficial to circulatory health.
- Eliminate soft drinks from your diet entirely and immediately. Soft drinks are jam-packed with sugar and other chemicals that induce inflammatory processes as well as being utterly devoid of nutritional value.
- And as always with any detox program, exercise regularly. A light jog or brisk walk can do wonders to get your lymphatic system working, and this will improve waste and toxin elimination.
If you are planning a trip to the beach, or feel like wearing shorts to show off your legs but dread doing it because of that pesky cellulite, remember that there are plenty of measures you can take to diminish it. Cellulite is intimately linked to toxin retention, and so a detox program will do wonders to help you get rid of that ugly cellulite.
- Rosenbaum, Michael, et al. "An exploratory investigation of the morphology and biochemistry of cellulite." Plastic and reconstructive surgery 101.7 (1998): 1934-1939.
- Draelos, Zoe Diana, and Kenneth D. Marenus. "Cellulite: etiology and purported treatment." Dermatologic Surgery 23.12 (1997): 1177-1177.
- Struwig, U. "How, when and why to detox." Journal of Modern Pharmacy 13.9 (2006): 54.
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