10 Foods to Detox Your Body Naturally

Sugar, fat, alcohol… Having or not having them? That is the question! Fact is that most of the food we like, and the amounts of such we eat may be not good for our health. Even more, our preferences related to our beloved trash food might be toxic. And probably you are already noticing it in your own body right now. So, you just made your mind and want to get back on track. At the same time, you wonder what kind of food or diet can help you getting rid of harmful toxins.
TIP: Download the complete guide to detox.
Of course, the best advice to this respect will always come from your doctor. At the same time, you need to consider you own circumstances: maybe you are recovering from an illness, or still breastfeeding your baby. So, having yourself checked by a health professional is the first step. Never forget: toxins are everywhere, even in the air we breathe. Consider then these 10 practical foods that, consumed properly, will help your body flushing out toxins naturally.
- Lemon
Not only good for your Amaretto Sour. Apart of its very well-known content of vitamin C, this fruit has a particular cleansing effect besides being a good friend to your digestive system. Lemon also has antimicrobial properties that will cleanse your digestive system, and it’s refreshing after a long summer day. Maybe you can start your day with a glass of warm lemon water, sweetened with raw honey 30 minutes before breakfast.
- Smoothies
These beverages are a delicious way to detox.When you add them to your daily routine, you are not only feedingyour body with foods to help it purge itself, but also providing it with vitamins and minerals our body needs to function at its best. Our favorite is Cocoa Bliss Smoothie, but there are tons of combinations and tastes, each one with different healing properties, depending on the ingredients you choose.
- Tea
Starbucks is the coffee paradise for coffee lovers, but be careful with your choices down there. Coffee has many antioxidant properties, just like green tea, which is even healthier. Green tea helps the production of glutathione, which is the number one source of antioxidant your body produces by itself. Green tea also has epigallocatechin gallate, which has been linked to cancer prevention, and many healthy properties as well.
- Grains
Attention please: wheat is a kind of grain of course, but it is not included among the grains that help your body detoxing. Instead, try some crispy rice cakes, buckwheat, and millet. This last one is really cheap, and you can prepare wonderful tasty breakfasts with it. Just google some recipes and you’re good to go. Most grains provide a fantastic source of dietary fiber that allows your gastrointestinal tract to get rid from excess toxins and clogged debris in your colon.
- Nuts
We recommend almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pecans, pistachios, walnuts and pine nuts. Here comes the spoiler, if you salt, roast or flavor-coat your nuts, and think they will detox your body naturally, you are “nuts”. Eat them as fresh and unblanched as possible, remember the fiber lays in their skin.And, by the way, peanuts are not considered nuts for detox.
- Seeds
Very related to nuts, they are delicious and nutritious snacks. I recommend them especially when enjoying your favorite TV show, sport game or movie. Try sunflower, pumpkin or sesame seeds for your detox diet. They type of fiber they usually provide is water-soluble, and binds with cholesterol to show him the way out of your body. Therefore, they are a very good idea if you are looking for a weight-loss detox diet.
- Fish
Detox diets will not work properly without the protein of some white fish like cod, haddock, hake, halibut, plaice, coley and pollack. You can have it once every other day. Let us say you are thinking of canned salmon because you dislike the smell of raw fish, no problem. But make sure it is not in a sauce, and drain it completely before cooking and preparing it.
- Chicken
This is a tricky one, and it applies to turkey as well. First, make sure it is organic or corn-fed. Next, trim off any fat before cooking. And limit yourself to three times a week. If your objective is detoxing your body, avoid goose or duck, as they are too fatty.
- Soy milk
This is a good alternative to cow’s milk. We all know the taste is not the same, but in time you can get used to it, and the health benefits are many. The nutritious value is amazing, and it is a great choice for people with dairy allergies, and vegan diets. However, there are cases of soy allergy as well, and it is not recommended in women with medical records of breast cancer. By the way, sheep’s and goat’s milk are even easier to digest.
- Herbs
You are supposed to add some flavor to your cook. But wait… I mean parsley, a kidney tonic. Fennel, mint, coriander and dill, helpful in your digestion. Rosemary, notorious for being antiseptic and cleansing. Combine as you want, but avoid processed herbs and spices, remember additives in these products can spoil everything you want to achieve with h a detox diet.
Now, should we mention that all of this will work even better if you drink enough water? Again, you are not supposed to become a Tibetan monk, away from all pleasure sources and scarcely eating. You just want to toss out part of the “trash” you have been saving within your body for the past years. So, including some of the aforementioned foods in your diet will remove toxins from your body.
On the other hand, when you see the changes in your weight, feel more energy when waking up in the mornings, and so on, you will probably take this even more seriously. In time, you will definitively change some bad habits without enjoying sugar, fat, alcohol in their proper times and amounts. Remember, you own one of the best bio-machines on earth’s surface, your own body. Treat it right.
- Klein, A. V., &Kiat, H. (2015). Detox diets for toxin elimination and weight management: a critical review of the evidence. Journal of human nutrition and dietetics, 28(6), 675-686.
- Rose, N. (2005). The raw food detox diet: The five-step plan for vibrant health and maximum weight loss. Tang KinhCac.
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