Getting a Psychic Reading Online

One of the best things about successful technology is that it does not completely replace earlier philosophies and practices but in turn offer a new way of following them. The internet has proved to be a boon in this way by not only making new things – like finding information at the click of a mouse – possible but in fact offering a new spin on ancient practices like psychic reading. The ease of connecting and exchanging information on the internet has made it possible to get a psychic reading online and if you are contemplating this option, here are a few tips.

Is it for you

Based on the physical presence of the subject, psychic readings can be divided into two broad types – the distant reading ant the face-to-face reading. The former is when the subject is not physically present for the reading and telephonic or online chat-based psychic readings are examples of this type. In the latter type, a client books an actual face-to-face session with a psychic like any other consultation as with a counselor or accountant. According to established psychics distant readings as those obtained online offer several advantages over face-to-face kind in that the former reduce the interference of the ego or an overbearing personality on the quality of a reading. Thus this kind of reading can be more focused on the subject’s life path and issues he/she is facing rather than obsess about his/her wants and needs. However during an online reading, a client can miss out on the overflow of positive feelings or the physical sensation of bonding with the psychic which can mark out many a successful reading and is often referred to as the afterglow effect. So before you book for an online psychic reading, go over the pros and cons of the technique and consider if it is for you or if it suits your needs and priorities.

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How to choose

When searching the web for an online reading, take your time in looking over who is available. It may be easy to feel intimidated by the mind-boggling range of choices available - Psychics, just like professionals, also have specializations. Some may be considered as experts in using tarot cards while others use numerology to find out their clients' fortunes. Specializations can also be love and marriage, career and life in general. Choose the one that you think will be able to answer your concerns.

Once you have narrowed down your category, let your instinct guide you in your search. Consider if the picture or description of a psychic gives you a good feeling or pique your curiosity. The right psychic will be the one you feel drawn to and with whom you will likely have a good experience. Avoid any practitioners who give you a bad vibe. This need not mean they are bad psychics, only that they are somehow not the one for you.

While exploring psychic websites and online practitioners on your own is one way of choosing a reader, another would be to ask for a referral from friends and people you know well. More people get readings than you think and the trusted ones in your social circle can in fact help you steer clear of bad readers. But even then make it a point to assess the referee first.  Stick to the facts which were uncovered and communicated during the reading and ignore the emotion. Ask the referee questions about the psychic’s manner like if appeared incompetent/unsure/confident/apologetic, did the psychic explain things to the referee’s satisfaction, did the psychic allow the referee to ask questions during the session and if the information elicited during the psychic reading made sense to him/her and why. Also inquire if there was a prediction during the reading and if the psychic brought the referee a message from someone in the past.

No matter what resource you opt for while choosing an online psychic session, advertised websites or referral system, always make it a point to have a casual chat with the reader before booking a session. Apart from deciding whether or not you feel comfortable with the psychic, you can use the chat to ask pertinent questions about the reading like what type of reading you are looking for – predictive, advisory or proof of survival, whether you can ask questions during the session, how long will it take, what methods are going to be used and what is the success rate of the psychic’s prediction. For the purpose of assessing the psychic, make it a point to ask for something that he/she can tell you over the phone as proof that that the reader knows his/her job.

Use caution

Like a host of services offered on the internet, it is easy to get  conned by fraudulent psychics too. One of the basic ways to avoid the imposters is to steer clear of sites which advertise ‘absolutely free psychic readings online’ – consider if a doctor or lawyer of repute would agree to provide consultation without charging a dime and then apply the same logic in case of a psychic. While this is not to say that all psychics advertising free online readings are cons, it is best to use your own judgment in the matter rather than be deceived by the urge to save a few dollars.

Online readings can get pretty expensive depending on the psychic that you have chosen. Some psychics have low rates like $1 per minute while others charge as high as $10 per minute. In case of the latter, if it took you an hour talking to the psychic, you may have to shell out $600 for a session. So make sure that you are aware of the time and the rates before you proceed.

Before the session

Once you have decided which psychic to go to for a reading, set a time for the session when you know you will be free from interruptions. Also choose a place where you feel calm and relaxed instead of rushed and distracted. Switch off all electronic media like the TV, music system, even your cell phone. Take a while to gather your thoughts – if need be you can even jot down a few questions that you wish to ask about your life and other issues.  Once you have prepared yourself, it is time to log into the site for the online psychic reading. This itself can take place in different forms, by text-based chat or by audio-visual chat. Sometimes a psychic may simply ask you to convey some basic information like the date of your birth, gender and your questions and then send you a recorded reading.

In the end, the success of an online psychic reading will depend upon the competency of the psychic as well as what you decide to do with the information received. The ease of online chat may compel you to look towards a psychic as a quick-fix solution to your problems but you need to keep in mind that a psychic’s role is only to communicate information received during a reading and not to decide for you what course your life should take.