How to Use the Information and Guidance after the Psychic Reading

A psychic reading can be a highly effective way to gain insight into life’s muddles and also to seek answers in times of trouble. And yet no matter how competent a psychic, it is not enough to go through a reading, listen to advice and leave it at that. It is only when the information received during a psychic reading is put to use, that you stand to experience the full benefits of psychic guidance.
Take advantage of the spring season
In the book Living Intuitively, author and psychic Bruce Way describes life’s process in the form of seasons – people make decisions, act on them, create something and then assess the results. The first can be likened to the winter season which is the time for clearing out the old and making new plans. Spring is the time of energy, excitement and hope. Summer is when the plans are put into action while autumn is the season to sit back and assess the results. When this analogy of the seasons is applied to psychic readings, the immediate aftermath of the reading may be likened to the spring season. People usually leave a reading filled with hope, excitement and enthusiasm. At this time energy levels are high but it is also easy to forget that the reading is after all a contrived experience like any other planning meeting. Unless the information gathered from a reading is used in action, the reading will fade from the subject’s memory and become a sad illusion, a failed promise. So it is important to act upon the information soon after a psychic reading. this is the right time to make the best use of high levels of energy and enthusiasm and to put the information you have received in action ; you will feel insured and motivated by the assurance that you are on track and have the advice necessary to make positive changes or create something new.
Rely on yourself
In the aftermath of a psychic reading, it is easy to rely on psychic to make choices for you. Dependence on external means is deeply ingrained in social beings – people depend on employers for jobs, students on teachers and educational institutions to get degrees while the aged and infirm depend on the state to be taken care of. In the same vein, subjects often come to depend on their psychic to tell them what to do. However one must be wary of transferring the power and hence responsibility of making choices, to any external agency, including psychics. Just because a psychic says something does not mean that you have to follow it or even believe it. If a psychic mentions a symbol or an image that he/she sees during a reading, it is the subject who is best equipped to put it in perspective. This is because the perspectives of the psychic and subject are bound to be different since they are two different beings with different experiences and circumstances. Thus a subject should depend upon a psychic only to access descriptive information and not to seek opinion, in which case the psychic’s own ego and personal filters may lead to flawed advice. The job of the psychic is to relay the information received during a reading and express it objectively. It is the subject who has to decide how the information is relevant to him/her and what he/she should do with it.
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Likewise the responsibility of verification of information also lies on the subject. To do this, you need to review everything in your life and look for hidden opportunities or failing everything, you can take recourse to your intuition. You can do this by sending the question out into the universe with your mind and it will be answered to you. When dealing with predictions also, keep in mind that they are of value only when you can do something about them. Yet it is up to you to decide whether you can or not, or whether you wish to or not.
In all these ways, what you do with the information, advice and predictions from a psychic reading is your own choice – you can either decide to take the advice, reject it or simply put in the back of your mind for the time being.
How to deal with improbable advice
A psychic reading often involves some advice from the reader, especially if you have put forward specific questions about your life or other troubling issues to him/her. On occasions the advice given by a psychic may seem far-fetched and even bizarre to a modern mind trained to think according to the logical and practical. On such occasions, you can try all other options. If they fail, then test out the advice given by your psychic in a way that you feel comfortable with. If this too doesn’t work, then you know you must keep up your search but if it does, focus on the outcome and avoid obsessing about the method and its conflict with rationality.
Should you share information with others
A psychic reading is usually a highly charged experienced for a subject but also an intensely individualistic one. The connection between the reader and the client, the ambience of the room and the thrill of discovering new information may all be extremely significant for the subject but may not communicate well to others. Thus friends, family members or even your partner may not fully understand the impact of your psychic reading simply because they weren’t there. Similarly many new ideas that occur in your mind in the aftermath of a reading are still in the embryonic stage and need time to grow. Until you can understand these ideas yourself and have taken baby steps to implement them, it may not be a wise to share these will others. So after a reading, avoid playing the tape to friends or fully discussing what happened during a reading.
The most common motivation for doing this is to gain reassurance from friends that your reading was genuine and that the psychic advice given to you will be helpful. However this has the same fallacy as consulting a lawyer on a legal matter and then verifying the advice given, from your friends who have no legal training. Someone who is not a lawyer or a psychic is not qualified to offer you advice on the relevant field – if indeed you are looking for verification, then it may make more sense to consult another psychic just like you would seek a second opinion from another lawyer or doctor.
Have patience
A psychic reading can be likened to placing dots on the canvas of your life rather than outlining the future that you will have. According to this analogy, since the reading is marking out certain points on your life canvas, it acts as a catalyst for you to emerge as the creator of your own life. And yet it is important to have patience. You need to allow time to pass so that the things you want for yourself have a chance to form the way you want them to. Quite often a prediction will not take place until many other things have happened and merged into one to set the required stage. Likewise the passage of time will allow you to grow, learn and experience so that you would be ready to take the steps that have already been predicted in the reading.
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