Preparing for a Psychic Reading

Though psychics have long been treated with ambivalence by mainstream knowledge – first by the Church and then by modern science – people have always believed in the power of the unseen world to provide guidance in life. Psychic readings can act as effectively ways for people not only to understand themselves but also events of their past and even the future. However in order to get the most from the experience, it makes sense to take some advance steps – so here are a few tips in preparing yourself for a psychic reading.
Bring a focus
In most cases, first-time clients of psychic session ask for a general reading and claim that they would then take it from there. There could be many reasons for this – an inherent suspicion of the experience, fear of they may be told about their future or most likely an absence of direction in their own life – indeed, the very booking of a psychic reading is an attempt to find focus since they expect the psychic to tell them what to do with their life. Such an approach works backwards and is not the correct one to take if you are going for a psychic reading. This is because if you ask for a directionless reading, then the information that you will receive will probably be random too. Instead ask yourself why you feel the need to go in for a psychic reading and what are the areas of life in which you feel the need for psychic guidance. Having said that, psychic readings can indeed offer some help for people who are looking for purpose in life; even then much of the information will be lost since the subject does not know what he/she is looking for and thus will fail to recognize valuable information when he/she receives one.
At the same time it is equally important not to reveal all your needs and anxieties to the psychic, at least before you have cemented a trustworthy relationship with him/her – by doing this you will be giving out important information about yourself and giving the psychic scope for feeding your thoughts back to you. So even as you crystallize random thoughts in the mind in order to achieve focus of purpose, keep your questions to yourself. Also by verbalizing your needs and questions, you may be giving the psychic the opportunity to shape your life and make the choices for you. So at the reading, know why you are there and remain focused on your objectives.
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Preparing for a Psychic Reading
While planning for a psychic reading, ask your psychic if you can record the session. Competent psychics usually have no problems with that. Psychics like any other kind of consultant are responsible for their actions and words. If a psychic wishes to avoid recording a reading, chances are that their level of professional commitment is low. Even more importantly recording a reading will later help you go over the information revealed during the reading and understand it better. Very often the volume of information emerging in an hour-long session is too large for the subject to absorb it all, listen to the psychic and ask the questions that he/she needs to. Another option is to take notes during the session which can later be re-read, reviewed and understood on different levels. Only keep in mind that the reading is an inspirational event – reviewing the tape or your notes may stimulate your intuitive ability and you may find more information coming to you which may sometimes prove distracting even.
Be open to suggestions
People who approach a psychic reading with preconceived notions are usually setting themselves up for failure. Many clients who are already suspicious of psychics and psychic phenomena are only looking for evidence of fraudulent practices and approach such a session in a negative way. At the other extreme are people who have given up control of their lives and are merely looking to psychics as an easy way out – to avoid making choices and the responsibility that comes with them. In order to best prepare yourself for a psychic reading, keep yourself open to suggestions but at the same time keep in mind that you have absolute control of your life and no matter what suggestions or predictions have come up during the reading, the final choice of action is yours. This approach will enable you to use suggestions in an advisory and positive way. In other words, you listen to the suggestions of your psychic but act on them after you have understood them and consciously decided what to do.
Prepare to ask questions
An essential step in preparing for a psychic reading is to decide what questions to ask. A few days before you go for the reading, think carefully about the queries in your life, answers to which you expect from a psychic reading. Write them down and then leave them for a day to two after which review them again. Such questions are likely to fall into two broad groups – one about your ‘wants’ which can be defined as ego desires and are about things that you would like to have happen to you, the second about your ‘needs’ which can be defined as a requirement of the soul to express itself. While the first is usually conditional – if I had a larger house, then I would be happy – and require tangible things, the latter relate more to the soul and are concerned with attributes rather than objects. Most importantly unlike wants, needs can be satisfied by many different ways. Thus while preparing the questions you wish to ask at a reading, it is better to focus on needs than wants – by specifying your wants, you may be limiting your opportunities while by expressing your needs you will be more open to solutions and guidance derived from the psychic information.
What to do with predictions
Predictions form the most crucial part of a psychic reading – there are different types of predictions like preparatory which form the groundwork for a major required change in your life view, preventive which may alert you to a coming danger or inspirational which encourage you to take steps to uncover your creative potential. Psychics usually make predictions at a reading and there are as many types of reactions as kinds of people receiving the predictions. The rebellious kind of personality may try to work against the prediction in order to prove it cannot happen while the conformist personality will act in a manner to make the prediction come about. Though with different ends in mind, such people try to manipulate their circumstances in order to give a particular end to predictions and each can affect their lives in a negative way. Ideally go to a psychic reading prepared in the knowledge that things may be predicted for you – acknowledge the prediction and then do nothing about it until you understand yourself in relation to the prediction. In other words when you are preparing for a reading know what you want out of it and known what you will do with the information before you get it.
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