How to Meet, Date and Marry the Man You've Always Wanted!

It's time to ask the right questions. Are you willing:

1. To let a millionaire take care of you?

2. To always be secure, financially.

3. To have him foot your shopping bills?

4. To have diamonds and jewelry as gifts?

5. To travel at will and have your bills taken care of?

6. To be looked after and nurtured?

7. To have the best brands in clothing, fur coats and expensive cars?

It's really as simple as that. The irony is that it's easy to find a multimillionaire man to date and marry, as long as you know how.

To understand how, let's go over the scenario today and see how depressing it is.

People are increasingly having dogs and cats as pets than opting the white picket fences dream of a marriage and kids in the US. Here's the Washington Times saying so.

In Europe the birth rate is declining, so much so that fewer babies are being seen as a population disaster. I'm not saying this. The Guardian is.

In Japan, fewer people are dating or even having sex. This is expected to impact the global economy. Here's the Washington Times report.

An American has a 50% chance of their marriage ending in a divorce according to Fortune. Europe is no better. Britain has the highest rate of the divorce in Europe.

Despite this, it's surprisingly easy to find and meet millionaires who are looking for dating opportunities and marriage.

One of the key challenges in a marriage today is reconciling the pressures that come with it. When two successful professionals marry, both have careers competing for their attention. Given that successful careers require a lot of effort and drive, it becomes an uphill struggle to give time to each other. Millionaire men whether they are self made or from wealthy families are increasingly looking for women who are not pursuing high pressure careers. This is what research as recent as April 2017 tells us. Progressive men who believe that men and women are equal and are more than happy to give women the respect the deserve prefer women who are inclined to be homemakers according to a new report from sociologists Joanna Pepin and David Cotter. According to an article by Stephanie Coontz in the New York Times, "..there is considerable evidence that the decline in support for “nontraditional” domestic arrangements stems from young people witnessing the difficulties experienced by parents in two-earner families." . While this research is not limited to millionaires, they are the ones who can afford to put their money where their mouth is and have a lifestyle with specialization where the man works for a living and has a wife who is a homemaker. Many of them wish they could have a woman they can depend on, who will complete them and who they will have a mutually fruitful relationship with.

'Multimillionaire Dating - How to Date and Marry a Multimillionaire' is the guide which will help you meet and date multimillionaires. This is a 82 page guide with tips and advice on how you can meet, date and marry a multimillionaire.

This book is not a 'hook up' book but one which focuses on finding a fulfilling partnership with someone wealthier than yourself.

This book doesn't come alone. It comes with two bonus books along with it!!

Bonus 1  - How to Meet, Date and Keep the Man of Your Dreams

If you've ever had a fulfilling relationship in your life, ask yourself why aren't you in one now? What has changed since then? Go on. Take a moment. I'll wait.

If you're like most women, you've already started whipping yourself. You think maybe you're not as attractive as you once were. Maybe you have a knack of picking the wrong men.

You've accumulated so many life experiences and you grow every day. If anything, you should be in a better space today than before.

The fact is you know all there is to it. You know just what you need to do, to meet the right men. The men who are serious, looking for love, companionship. Those with a nurturing gene.

Here's what this book is packed with!

  1. The ten types of guys you will meet
  2. How to assess yourself objectively.
  3. Are you underselling yourself? You could be a fabulous catch for someone. Instead you may be whipping yourself, being overly harsh and
  4. judgemental. It's time to stop doing that! Here's how you can get an honest opinion about your looks and appeal while steering clear of hurt and embarrassment.
  5. Tips on how to improve your appearance, whatever your age.
  6. Posting a picture
  7. We live in a time when if you haven't posted a picture of yourself on Facebook for a week, some of your friends will wonder if you've fallen off the face of the earth. Some tips to boost the response to your pictures and some pitfalls that you should avoid.
  8. Boost responsive to your dating profile
  9. A lot of women have been telling us about getting spammed on dating websites. Here's how you can boost the response to your dating profile, getting it noticed and get far more serious responses from men who can't wait to know you better.
  10. Avoid these mistakes and enhance the response!
  11. 100 ways to find single men
  12. If we asked you ways to meet single men, how many could you come up with? This book has 100 ways to meet single men. Another benefit will be the big fillip to your social life, when you follow these ways. Most of these methods will cost you little or nothing. All it will require is the investment of time and you'll be richly rewarded for that.
  13. Reasons men get turned off or don't call back outlined. Landmines to avoid!
  14. How to talk and flirt on a date
  15. How to use the right body language to convey your interest, yet come across as a catch!
  16. How to know if the man you're dating is genuinely interested or just looking to get laid.
  17. Conversation tips. Tips on how to make conversation which will turn you into a fantastic conversationalist. Your date will think of you long after the date has ended.
  18. How to dress for your date.
  19. How to end the date and ensure a second one.
  20. How soon should you have sex?

Bonus book 2 - 'Tell Me Honey...2000 Questions for Couples'


This book is a very powerful book which will turn you into a great conversationalist! This has sold thousands of copies already and helped many people form lasting relationships! This has 2000 questions you can ask your date, partner or spouse! It is going to be invaluable for you, irrespective of your current situation. You'll be able to know your partner better, draw him or her out. It will help you understand your partners hidden fears and secret desires. It is not just a great conversation starter but a very good tool to steer conversation in the direction you want it to take. These questions are spread across 77 categories including love, sex, money, religion, work, anger, animals and pets, childhood family, entertainment. You're never going to run out of conversation with this book!

You could probably spend thousands of dollars every year in time and money on locating interesting people, meeting and dating them in a single year. These books are going to save you a lot of your energy, make the path easier for you and help you charm the person who piques your interest.

These books are mobile friendly across all devices. They are in PDF format and you can view them using any PDF viewer including Adobe Acrobat Reader.

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