What are German Women like - Dating Girls from Germany

The German people are known all over the world for order, professionalism and strive for perfection. The stereotype of German women often presents them as unnaturally strict or even masculine. However if you go weak in your knees over the likes of Claudia Schiffer, you will know that not all popular perceptions are based in reality. Here are a few pointers on what German women are really like and what they expect in their men.
TIP: This website has many German women looking for wealthy men to date.
Punctual to the second
If you want to make a good impression on your German girl, you had better turn up in time for the date. Germans on the whole are sticklers for punctuality; being on time is intrinsic to the national psyche – this is not only evident from the fact that people turn up for their appointments a few minutes early but also from the way trains and flights are almost always on time in Germany. This is quite like the Swiss. In fact a person who is late for an appointment is considered untrustworthy. Being late in certain situations may even be seen as an insult to the person you are meeting.
TIP: Sign up with Match.com to meet single German women in USA and Canada.
Technological prowess
German technology is considered to be one of the most advanced in Europe and women do not lag behind when it comes to using keywords and gadgets. So you may find your German girlfriend quite adept at fiddling with an entire range of electronics and maybe you can even pick up a tip or two from her when it comes to changing the functions of your ultra-modern dishwasher or the settings of your car DVD player. It is not for nothing that Germany is famous for its hi-tech products; so avoid appearing technophobic in the company of German women if you are keen to leave a good impression on them.
Reserved in nature
German women like their male counterparts do not believe in open display of their emotions. Thus if you try to chat up strangers, you might be met with a polite silence or even a distant formality. Fact is, Germans are simply not used to letting their guard down with strangers and do not find it easy to become friendly in a short span of time. As far as their body language is concerned, German women are quite protective about their personal space and would take it amiss if you try to greet them with a hug or kiss, especially when they don’t know you well enough. Indeed their formal stance is a way of being polite and showing you respect. So if you are trying to show interest in German women, it is better to use the subtle approach since German girls are rather wary of aggressive flirting. Here interest on the part of the man is indicated by way of a studied, concentrated look - a gaze which may, but often doesn't, include a smile. Rather than a stare, though, the look should be brief and fleeting. Also remember not to come on too strong when you are making their acquaintance. They may look at you with furrowed brow and some apprehension. Once out of their comfort zone, German women can be quite formidable. They'll turn away or let your sentences drop -- and with them your self-esteem -- into a heavy silence. Well intentioned smiles may even be rebuffed by a stare implicitly accusing you of breaching the limits of civil behavior.
Spirit of independence
German women are quite independent in nature. They are not used to being pampered by men and can look after themselves pretty well. Thus you need to show a good deal of respect when interacting with women in Germany. Don’t assume that they are helpless frauleins who need a man to change a fuse or pick up their shopping bags. Indeed the intense spirit of independence of German women has been misinterpreted in popular culture as being too masculine or aggressive. However one look at gorgeous ladies like Heidi Klum and Diane Kruger will tell you that German women are hot and attractive – as well as inviting once you start your acquaintance on the right foot.
Yet another way the individuality of German women is expressed is in the casual though cordial relationship they maintain with their families. Unlike Mediterranean societies, women in Germany are not overly dependent or involved with their parents or families and prefer to lead an independent social life.
They expect to be treated as equals
Despite being one of the most economically developed countries in the world, Germany has traditionally upheld separate roles for men and women. In the past women did not enjoy juridical equality in marriage and the family until new family legislation was passed in 1977. Previously, family law, which had been influenced by the religious orientation of the Christian Democratic and Christian Social parties, had stated that women could seek outside employment only if this were consistent with their household duties. However today things are changing at a rapid pace. The Basic Law of the Federal Republic of Germany now states that men and women have equal rights under the law. Also women are obtaining increasingly larger representation in the political leadership of the country. The most noticeable example is that of Angela Merkel who is on her second term as the Chancellor of Germany. So German women expect to be accorded equal treatment both in the workplace and domestic sphere. They are as hard-working and intelligent as men and thus strongly believe that they deserve to be treated with the same respect as their male counterparts. Therefore if you want a relationship with your German girlfriend, ensure that you behave in a fair and liberal manner to her and she will look forward to being with you.
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