German Guys - What is it Like to Date German Guys?

One of the things which makes it fun to date foreign guys is the fact that they are so different from the men at home. And among the most interesting experiences you could come across, is while dating a German guy. So if you are attracted to the Teutonic image of the fair-haired, beefy and glacier-blue eyed German guy, here are a few tips you can keep in mind.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many German millionaire men looking for women to date.

He will rarely open up

One of the first things you are likely to notice about German guys is that they do not believe in giving way to emotions. At first glance, the blond six-foot hunks populating Germany make the place seem like a heaven for women but once you start dating, you realize that men here can be painfully shy. So even if you are a smart and attractive woman, it is perfectly possible that you will keep standing in the corner alone at a German party and not be approached a single time. This is probably because German men are hesitant to take the initiative with a woman but it could be also because they are rather laconic on the whole and don’t see the point in engaging in conversation for its sake.  Thus the first rule about dating a German dude is to be prepared to do the heavy lifting yourself. So gather your courage in your hands and approach the great-looking guy having beer at the next table; for all you know he will be relieved to find that the hard work has been done by you.

Fanatic about rules

Germans are great sticklers to rules and you would do well to keep this in mind when going out with your Teutonic mate. In fact Germans seem to have a rule for every occasion and on the rare chance that none exists, they are happy to come up with a few. So be on your best behavior when going on a date in Germany and you will go a long way in impressing your partner. Alternatively you can also use the German’s obsession for rules to attract his attention. Say you desperately want to get a guy speaking to you but are hesitant to make your interest obvious. Simply do something as innocuous as walking on the grass where it is marked by a “Keep Off” sign or start to cross a road when the pedestrian light is green. You will probably find the guy starting to yell and argue with you. If you keep your nerves and continue smiling at him, soon you may find him warming up to you. In fact if you have the courage to argue back a bit, you may even have him laughing after a while and buying you a beer for being a good sport.

Be punctual

One aspect of the German’s abhorrence of rule-breaking is their punctuality. So when your date says he will pick you up at eight in the evening, it really means that he will ring your doorbell at seven and fifty-nine. Don’t dream of being fashionably late when you are meeting a German guy at a café down the road; if you arrive one minute past the time decided, he will probably have left or you can look forward to an evening in stony silence. You must remember to be especially punctual – read be ready at least fifteen minutes before he is coming to pick you up – when attending a concert, opera or meeting his parents.

A man of few words

When dating a German guy, don’t look forward to an evening of meandering conversation. This is because your partner is a man of few words and he doesn’t believe in wasting time on talking when he knows that a look or a particular expression will do the needful. This is not to say that you cannot have an intelligent discussion with your date; in fact you may find it quite challenging to respond to his love of debating and intellectual arguments. What this means is that talk with a German guy is rarely superfluous – they are precise and lucid when they need to make a point but otherwise usually silent and impassive.

For the same reason don’t go fishing for compliments on a date with a German guy. More likely than not, he will be starkly honest with his comments; so if you intend to ask him how you look or if red color makes you look fat, be prepared for the brutal truth. Also a German guy can be quite literal during conversation and so innuendos and allegories that bring out the imaginative best in you might go off in a tangent with your date. The same adherence to literal honesty also applies when he is talking about himself. You may have asked how he’s doing only to make polite conversation but he is quite able to take the question to heart and engage on his gastrological ordeal last night.

Go Dutch or rather German

On a date with your Teutonic partner, make sure you are carrying enough cash with you. German guys like their women to be strong and independent and thus largely assume that their dates will be splitting the bill with them.

At his practical best

When dating a German guy, avoid expecting a lot of romantic frills to come your way. People of this country believe in doing what is practical and materially useful. So instead of waiting for your date to hold open the door for you or take the shawl from shoulders as soon as you are indoors, try to be up and about yourself. You may even be required to take public transportation back to your pad once the date is over since German guys rarely see the need to hail a cab for you or drop you home themselves. However what they lack in these finer points of dating, German guys make up with their efficiency and perfectionism. If you need your dishwasher to be fixed or require inputs on why your car is making a funny noise, you cannot have an abler person at hand. They may not be romantic and suave as partners but they are definitely dependable and intelligent enough to give you a good time.