The 5 Cities Best for Interracial Dating

Today inter-racial relationships have come a long way since the times of apartheid and segregation. A turning point in the history of interracial relationships was the landmark ruling of June 1967 when U.S. Supreme Court knocked down a Virginia statute barring whites from marrying nonwhites. The decision also overturned similar bans in fifteen other American states. Other countries of the world have similarly strived to make cities safer and more equitable for people of various races. Here are five cities in the world which are most welcoming of interracial dating.

  1. London

    The capital of United Kingdom is truly a global city. Apart from being a major commercial, political and education center in this part of the world, London offers world-class opportunities in recreation, entertainment as well as cultural attractions. London is thus an inter-racial couple’s paradise where a date can mean anything from catching a rollicking musical at the West End to gorging on succulent chicken tikkas at an ethnic eatery in Southall Broadway. According to the Office for National Statistics, based on 2009 estimates, 69.7 per cent of the 7,753,600 inhabitants of London were White, Some 13.2 per cent are of South Asian descent, 10.1 per cent of London's population are Black. Estimates produced by the Office for National Statistics indicate that the five largest foreign-born groups living in London in the period July 2009 to June 2010 were those born in India, Poland, the Republic of Ireland, Bangladesh and Nigeria. All this only underscores London’s multicultural identity. Apart from the demographic mix, London offers a wealth of dating opportunities for the inter-racial couple. Here one can go down to the Old Town to typical English pubs like The Bobbin, with a decent choice of beers as well as fresh seasonal grub, especially traditional fare like scotch eggs, and bread and butter pudding. For more local color, one can head to Camden Market which is filled to the brim with quirky shops, stalls and eateries. Here you can sample foods from around the globe as you soak up the unique atmosphere of London’s most popular open air market. Moreover Camden market is located on the canal so that if you wish for some delicious privacy, you can easily slip out for a romantic stroll along to Regent’s Park.

    TIP: has millions of members across several nationalities. You can search by race, age, zip code and meet someone this weekend.
  2. New York

    The cosmopolitan essence of New York City is evident from its demographic distribution. In 2005 the city’s population was estimated to be at more than 8.2 million according to figures provided by the New York City Department of City Planning. Of this number as high as 36 percent are thought to be foreign-born. Around 800 languages are spoken in New York City making it perhaps the most linguistically diverse city in the world. While the Italians, Irish, Poles and European Jews had been the ones to arrive here in largest numbers in the earlier century, currently immigrants in New York City largely belong to the Caribbean countries as well as Russia, China, India, Ecuador and Colombia. This kind of ethnic diversity means that socializing in New York City has a vast array of options. You could make friends within a particular ethnic or racial group while also having huge opportunities to mingle in multi-cultural settings. A great date idea would be to explore quaint or ethnic neighborhoods which are full of local color and buzzing with delicious fare. You can wander through Little Italy down Mulberry Street and indulge in gelatos or browse through "Curry Row” in East Village Manhattan or “Little India” in Lexington Avenue and pick up Indian curious and chicken tikkas.  New York City is brimming with such enclaves housing various ethnic communities from all across the world including Africa, Asia and Latin America. Find out from your partner where his/her interests lie and you can have an enjoyable yet inexpensive time exploring the various interesting aspects of a particular community. Another great thing about this city is that almost all the year through it keeps hosting some festival, fair or parade. Events like the Village Halloween Parade, the Feast of San Gennaro, St. Patrick’s Parade, Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and of course the New Year’s Day celebrations at Times Square attract people in huge numbers and can make fun inter-racial dating ideas. Set out with your partner and soak in all the merriment and energy of the occasion. Later chill out with beer or warm up with a hot cup of joe before you drop your date home.

  3. Sydney

    Sydney is one of the most cosmopolitan cities in entire Oceania. Figures provided by the 2006 Census of Australian Bureau of Statistics show that of its four million plus-strong population, almost 31.7% were born overseas and 1.1% were of indigenous origin. Among the most common self-described ancestries for the city’s residents were Australian, English, Scottish, Irish and Chinese. In fact Asian Australians made up around 16.9% of Sydney’s population and mostly identified themselves as belonging to Chinese, Vietnamese, Lebanese, Indian or Philippine origin. The city’s demography indicates that several different cultural events and festivals are celebrated here. Some of the major occasions which lend cosmopolitan color and energy to Sydney are the Chinese New Year, the Diwali celebrations for the city’s Indian-origin Hindus and the Cabramatta Moon festival of the Vietnamese-origin population. Such celebrations are not only ideal venues for the singles from Sidney’s ethnic groups to meet each other but also provide valuable opportunities for the city’s young people to know more about different cultures and ethnicities. In fact inter-racial and inter-ethnic dating is fast becoming a definitive trend in the city’s social landscape.
  4. Singapore

    In the continent of Asia, perhaps the most cosmopolitan city and certainly is the city state of Singapore. curiously enough unlike other global cities, the source of Singapore’s multicultural mix does not like in a democratic political system; instead Singapore is a unitary multiparty parliamentary republic with a Westminster system of unicameral parliamentary government. What attracts people here from different parts of the world is actually its commercial prowess. Singapore is the world's fourth leading financial centre, and its port is one of the five busiest ports in the world. In terms of purchasing power parity, Singapore has the third highest per capita income in the world. There are slightly over 5 million people in Singapore, of which only 2.91 million were born locally. According to the government census of 2009,t 74.2% of residents were of Chinese, 13.4% of Malay, and 9.2% of Indian descent, while Eurasians and other groups form 3.2%. Reflecting this diversity, the country has four official languages: English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil. There is however negligible presence of African-origin people in the city. On the whole, Singapore has, at 40%, one of the highest percentages of foreigners as residents. All this makes the city one of the best in Asian for inter-racial couples. A great way to spend a date would be to check out the resorts with world-class recreational facilities. The Marina Bay Sands and the Resorts World Santos are two such Integrated Resorts in Singapore which include lavish hotels, fine dining destinations, business convention centers, art museums, upscale shopping malls and a whole plethora of entertainment options. For some local color however, you can also explore ethnic neighborhoods like Little India, Chinatown and Kampong Glam which are a sensual feast with heady aromas, vibrant colors, delicious tastes and the constant buzz of life.
  5. Rio de Janeiro

    Nicknamed the Cidade Maravilhosa or "Marvelous City." Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city of Brazil, and the third largest metropolitan area and agglomeration in South America. its reputation as a global city has been cemented by the fact that the 2016 Summer Olympics will take place in Rio de Janeiro, which will also mark the first time a South American city hosts the event. Different ethnic groups contributed to the formation of the population of Rio de Janeiro. Before European colonization, there were at least seven different indigenous peoples speaking 20 languages in the region of which a part of them joined the Portuguese and expanded into the majority population.  in Rio de Janeiro, White people make up 51.2% of the population, Brown or Multiracial people constitute 36.5% , Black people 11.5%, East Asian people 0.7% and Amerindian people  make up 0.1% of the population, according to the 2010 IBGE Census. The black community was formed with residents whose ancestors had been brought as slaves, mostly from Angola or Mozambique or West African descent. Then again groups European and Amerindian ancestries are also well-represented in the Rio population.  The influx of immigrants to Brazil from the late 19th to the early 20th century, brought into Rio de Janeiro and its metropolitan area large communities of Levantine Arabs, Spaniards, Italians, Germans and Japanese. all this makes for the biggest melting pot of cultures and ethnicities in the South American continent. Inter-racial couples are thus going to feel very much at home in this multi-hued, vibrant and warm city. Date ideas here could range from visiting heritage buildings with European ancestry such as the Guanabra Palace and the Cathedral to swinging to the samba which originally came from Bahia with Angolan influence and if lucky, even taking part in the famous local version of the carnival which first appeared under the influence of the black community in the city.