How a Black Woman Can Meet and Marry a White Guy

Inter-racial marriages are more common today than ever. While they have been allowed by civil law for quite some time, it is only now that society is opening up to and becoming more accepting of inter-racial relationships. And yet there are still limited opportunities for people belonging to different racial backgrounds to meet and date each other. If you are a woman of color and seriously thinking of dating a white guy, here are few guidelines that can help you.

Explore opportunities for self-growth

It is sad but true that relatively larger numbers of black men are struggling with education and employment. An unhappy majority of men of color seem to get bogged down by drugs, alcoholism, gang wars and other kinds of anti-social behavior. While this is not to imply that white guys are all law-abiding people, the truth is prisons across America show a majority of black male inmates. Although black people account for only 12 percent of the U.S. population, an estimated 44 percent of all prisoners in the United States are black according to data from US 2000 Census. Thus if you are looking to meet white men to date and even marry, try out colleges and other educational institutions since higher education seems to attract white guys more than black men. According to a July 2006 report by the Kaiser Family Foundation fewer than 8% of black men graduated from college as compared to 17% of white and 35% of Asian origin men. Indeed certain disciplines like medicine, surgery, astronomy and space research attracts an overwhelming majority of white men as compared to those of African origin. Thus even though you may not have Mensa-level IQ yourself, make use of as many opportunities for self-growth as you can. You could join college or undertake research work if you are intellectually-oriented; but if you cannot spare the time and effort to study seriously, look for part-time courses which will not only add value to your resume but expand your social circle too. Getting part-time jobs on the campus like in the library or dean’s office are other ways of meeting white men who are into academics or research.

Get artistic

What are the chances of a black guy appearing on stage as a ballet dancer, singing in an opera or playing an instrument in a symphony? Pretty rare, you would agree. Getting involved with the classical performing arts is yet another way of meeting white men. If you can spare the time and resources and are talented yourself, it is never too late to learn an art yourself. At the same time, if you interest exceeds your talent, you can join a music-appreciation society or a club geared to promote understanding of the classical arts. For instance sign up with a dance class where you can learn ballroom dancing or the waltz – they are not only attract white men but you can get to wear beautiful flowing gowns too. However the catch is that you would be required to exhibit some skill or at least understanding of the arts in question. So brush up your piano-playing skills and read up the biography of Mozart so that if and when you make the acquaintance of a potential partner, you can attract him with an engaging discussion.

Look up church events

Time was when the church was an important pillar of black community; it would not only help people of African origin to cope with discrimination from the mainstream society but inspire them to lead a better quality of life. However recent statistics point out that the rate of marriages in the black community is dropping faster than ever. Not that white guys are overwhelmingly religious but in most cases they at least they walk up the church aisle with their partners. Thus if you are interested in marrying white guys, you would do better to join a church which welcomes members of both races. Even if you are not the religious kind, at least make it a point to attend church events like fetes, fund-raisers and Christmas fairs. And if indeed you meet a guy here, at least he can be expected to give a fair thought to marriage even if he may end up divorcing you later.

Frequent places of cultural interest

Even though generalizations are risky, you can safely assume that the average black guy would much rather go to watch a game rather than explore an art gallery. Thus places of cultural interest could be another venue where you can meet like-minded white guys. Museums, art galleries, auction houses and historical monuments are great destinations where you can not only for get to know about the beautiful things in the world but also places where you can spend an enjoyable afternoon and who knows, even strike up a conversation with a co-enthusiast.

If you can afford it, join special-interest clubs that are frequented by white people – it could be a society for connoisseurs of wine, a horse-riding club or one that organizes cruises to exotic locations. If these seem too expensive for you, see if you can get a day membership to country clubs and resorts where the highly successful professionals hang out; for various demographic and economic reasons, most of these valued clients are white and if you play your cards right, you may be able to attract the attention of the single guys among them.

Go online

If you don’t have loads of money to spare on exclusive club memberships or wish to expand the pool of potential partners, the best way is to go online. Sign up with a dating website which encourages inter-racial dating and brings together contacts from all races. However be clear as to what your expectations are from a relationship and mention in your profile about the kind of person you are looking for. Indeed it is better to subscribe to sites which cater to serious relationships instead of casual dating if you actually looking for a guy to marry.

Finally be prepared for certain challenges down the line if you are serious about marrying a white guy. You may face adverse reactions not only from white girls who will directly or through innuendos accuse you of stealing ‘their’ men but also from members of your own community who will charge you with ‘betraying’ black men and black pride. Learn not to take the reactions of strangers personally – tell yourself that this is your man and you will do everything to respect and protect your relationship.