What are Korean Women Like - Dating Girls from Korea

Labeled as one of the Asian tigers of the global economy, Korea has made rapid strides in industrialization and technology since the 1980s. This was accompanied by a similar changing role of women in Korean society as larger numbers filled campuses of higher education and offices. So if you are keen to interact with Korean women socially, here is a brief idea on what to expect.
TIP: This website has many Korean women looking for wealthy men to date.
Proud of their culture
If you want your friendship with Korean women to start off on the right foot, spend some time beforehand getting to know the country and the culture. Find out where Korea is located and famous for so that during a conversation you don’t confuse it with other southeast Asian countries like Singapore, Taiwan and then say, “Oh but all you people look the same”. Instead read up on Korean arts, cuisine and technology so that you can not only reveal your interest in your Korean female friend but more importantly will have something to talk about on your date. For instance few people know that taekwondo is originally a Korean martial art, even though most realize that it is Asian in essence. Then again when you are out with her, be open to trying out Korean dishes like kimchee soup and bulgogi, kimchi, bibimbap and so on. Korean women are rather proud of their country and culture If you can show her you are interested in learning more about them with her, you've got on to a good start.
Pretty and fashionable
Young Korean women love fashion and one of their favorite things is shopping. They are quite cued into what trends are ruling the fashion capitals of the world and rarely think twice before splurging on premium brands and labels. In fact many of them can carry on a lenghy conversation on the style, cuts and fabrics of the season. So if you are keen to catch a trendy Korean girl’s attention, make sure you dress well. And if you can discuss fashion and trends, she will love you the more for it since Korean guys are not really into this sort of thing. And yet despite their love of fashion not all Korean women have the same preferences in male appearance - some Korean women might be into the Korean boy band look and some will be into the more Westernized style.
Love to chat
Most Korean women are very inquisitive about new men who come into their lives. They love to chat with them and find out more about them, especially if their dates happen to be foreign men. And yet women here can quickly get distracted. If your date is asking all the questions and she sees that you having trouble opening up, she could lose interest and move on to the next guy who seems more animated. So if you are the strong and silent type, you may have to learn to loosen up when dating Korean women. Also don’t keep them guessing about the real you. Have a few things ready to say about yourself so that they can have a quick idea about the kind of person they are dating. For instance, take three interesting things you know about yourself and use it in conversations. Maybe you are dreaming of skydiving one day. Or perhaps you are a guitar player or an artist. It is best to choose certain aspects of personality to highlight not only to make conversations easy but also to help them figure you out fast.
Hooked to Korean dramas
One of the biggest influences in Korean popular culture is the Korean drama; these are actually TV dramas telecast in a miniseries format. In Asia, these have not only been thought to create the Korean Wave but have also proved to immensely popular in other cultures like the Middle East and Latin America. Most Korean Women are followers of popular dramas as a result of which they often adopt notions of love and romance from them. Some dream of even starring in their own personal drama and for the purpose they may create dramatic situations to have that starring role. In all this, a partner in real life comes to play a big role. So you may find that in your Korean girlfriend’s imagination, you are the lover or the friend who could be lover or the random guy she meets at the mall or at work. The bottom line is to see yourself as her vacation away from reality. Women are tired of the mediocre life of work, they want that spark of difference that would make their lives fun, if not exciting.
Changing role
Traditionally Korean society has been male-centric with men dominating the public sphere and women either being relegated to homes and families or bars and brothels. And though after the Korean War, women were encouraged to become students and professionals, they continue to come up against age-old restrictions and conventions. Even now women get 64 percent, on average, of what men earn for the same job, while around 300,000 women in this country of 48 million are estimated to work in hostess bars, massage parlors, and "barbershops," despite much-publicized campaigns to get rid of red-light districts. So women here are quite conscious about the fact that things are changing but at a much slower pace that they would like them to. Keeping in mind the sentiments of its female populace, in October 2009, officials in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, announced a series of plans to make the public space, including washrooms, parking areas and offices more “women-friendly”. However women realize that the only way to bring about real changes would be to change the male mindset on the country in favor of more egalitarian attitudes. This is perhaps the most important reason why foreign men are perceived as better partner material by Korean women who now aspire to equality in gender roles and duties.
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