Dating in New York City - Dating Opportunities for Single Men and Women in NYC
As perhaps the most famed and storied city in the entire United States, New York has taken on somewhat of an iconic identity in America. When people think of the United States they think of New York, and when people think of New York they think of all the greatest aspects of America. So what better place could there even be to create a life for yourself? That very mindset makes The Big Apple home to some of the busiest people and hardest workers around, all trying to live the American dream. So in the midst of all the mystique and allure of the city which serves as a central driving force for the most loved, hated and influential country in the world, how does dating fit in? Given the business oriented aspirations of a large portion of New York's population it's not always easy to date, but it can certainly be done.
Speed dating is pretty popular in New York City; with such a high density of professional singles in such a fast paced environment this unusual method of meeting people, which is barely used at all in southern states, has found somewhat of a niche in The Big Apple. For those who aren't familiar, speed dating basically consists of a group of guys and girls meeting up, having 5 minute “dates” with each other until a bell is rung, then moving onto the next date until everyone has had a little mini-date with everyone else. At the end, everyone who participated lets the administrators of the speed dating service know which dates they liked and which they did not, and in turn the administrators determine the matches, or those pairs who seemed to like each other, and pass along the contact information to both interested parties. Speed dating offers some advantages over traditional bar and club style dating in that there's no need for introductions or approaches courtesy of the structured atmosphere, everyone is there to meet other singes so no sifting through people who may or may not be involved or who have no interest in dating, and it is extremely time efficient which is great for the busy professionals of New York.
You don't have to have a group of friends to meet people this way and the conversations can flow much more smoothly without the noise and calamity of alternative dating environments. Also you don't have to reject anyone or be rejected by anyone on the spot, and given the nature of the whole process there's rarely any hurt feelings to be had for anyone involved. Typically there is a fee associated with speed dating, which will likely be somewhere around $20-$30, but meeting 20 people for $20 in 2 hours might be favorable when compared to meeting 20 people over 2 years for a more spread out $20. It's certainly something to consider.
There are far more single women in New York City than single men, with four single guys for every five single women1 . This, obviously, is great for one gender and not so great for the other. Young single women tend to make their way to big vibrant cities like New York for work and in the hopes of finding the top notch eligible bachelors but the pickings become slim as a result. Those women who come to the city for business tend to stay single for a while too. This all bodes wonderfully for you single males in New York, as you have a huge pool of opportunities and no real reason to sweat the things that don't work out that well. Play the numbers and don't be “that guy” who gets caught up or ties himself down to the first girl he's even remotely interested in. This sort of clingy behavior and overt codependency is not really a particularly healthy way to go about dating for anyone but when you're in a city where your options are unusually plentiful it's even more unreasonable.
If you're a single woman in New York City then you're at a bit of a disadvantage as far as the ratio of available guys to single female competition goes, but it's not like you're perpetually stuck at a Rihanna concert or anything; you just have to make yourself stick out from the crowd and be particularly appealing when compared to the rest. Men in New York tend to like the fun and outgoing variety of women, so don't make yourself a drag. Be willing to go out on a whim at midnight on the weekends and don't close yourself off from the prospect of visiting new places or doing new things. Also don't hand out too much affection or make it obvious that you really like a guy too soon; one of the great ironies of dating is that people lose interest in people that are overly interested in them while gaining interest in those who appear to be apathetic towards them. In the early goings of your relationships give off the vibe that other men are interested in you and that you're unsure of who you ultimately want to be with, whether this is actually the case or not.
New York City will always play a vital role in the progressing culture of the United States and have a pretty hefty influence over the culture and economies of nations across the globe as well, as evidenced by the saying “when Wall Street coughs, the world catches a cold”. Being a part of such an integral part of modern society is something to be proud of, and finding love in the hustle and bustle of it all is plenty realistic, if you slow down long enough to find the one.
1. US Census Bureau’s 2008 Community Survey
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