What are South African Women like – Dating Girls from South Africa

South Africa, is rightly known as the Rainbow Nation. It is has an incredible diversity of ethnic, racial, religious and tribal groups which means that it is difficult to generalize about the population including women of South Africa. So apart from the fact that they are widely differentiated in terms of physical, economic and cultural traits, here are a few things about South African women that you should know of if you are planning a visit to the country.
TIP: This website has many South African women looking for wealthy men to date.
Diverse mix
One of the first things you are likely to notice about South Africa is its demographic diversity. The 2010 Census of South African included five major racial categories like Black African at 79.4%, White at 9.2%, colored at 8.8%, and Indian or Asian at 2.6% and Others which drew a negligible response. But none of the above is a homogenous entity; the black population for instance can be differentiated into ethnic groups like the Zulu, Xhosa, Basotho, Bapedi, Venda, Tswana, Tsonga, Swazi and Ndebele while the colored population concentrated around in the Cape region come from a combination of ethnic backgrounds like Khoi, San, Griqua, Chinese and Malay. This is enough to give one an idea of the sheer diversity of ethnic groups not to mention the fact that people of the same ethnicity may be further divided into religious groups and come from various economic backgrounds. Thus women in South Africa are a diverse mix – no single benchmark in education, culture and profession holds true for them all which is why you need to be careful when making the acquaintance of women here. Be respectful of their ethnic and racial background but at the same time avoid stereotypes about the financial or cultural traits of certain groups. The safest way to striking up an acquaintance with a woman here would be invite her to tell you about herself – her work and her interests and later maybe her family and background. Also be careful how to introduce yourself to a female stranger; while men in South Africa don’t mind starting with a warm handshake or even a hug, not every woman may feel comfortable with physical contact and thus may prefer a polite 'Hi' or a light handshake.
Hottest beauties
Even though the immense diversity of ethnic and cultural groups may make things a bit confusing, one great result is that South Africa is full of beauties to fulfill any kind of male fantasy. Hollywood star Charlize Theron is perhaps the hottest import from South Africa while Indian-origin model Shashi Naidoo is famous for her sultry looks. Then there is the gorgeous redhead Jenna Dover while African-origin Tanya Manganyi sizzles on the cover of 2009 Sports Illustrated SA Swimwear issue. For men who prefer ladies with the cool professional look, it may be hard to resist the charms of weather broadcaster Saskia Falken. Thus no matter which cultural background you are from and no matter what kind of beauties you are looking for, South African has enough variety to make your dreams come true.
Hard working and responsible
Even though South African women have made their mark in fields as diverse as politics, academics and the entertainment industry, it has not been merely on the basis of their looks. Women in this country are extremely hard working and do not shy away from putting in their best efforts to succeed. This could be because South African women have had a long history of struggle behind them, ranging from the bearing the economic burden of the past and protesting the injustices of apartheid to fighting for gender equality now. Apart from political and economic struggles, women here also have had to cope with the onslaught of AIDS, lack of equal educational and professional opportunities as well as simmering tribal and ethnic troubles. However all the difficulties have only made South African women more resilient and convinced of the fact that they have to be educated, hard-working and financially independent to be really free.
Coping with traditional mindset
One of the main forces which has kept South African women from coming up is the traditional patriarchal mindset. In general, group across the racial and ethnic spectrum in South Africa are based on the premise that women are less important, or less deserving of power, than men. Most African traditional social organizations are male centered and male dominated. If the black South Africans fall back upon tribal customs and mores to justify male superiority, Afrikaner religious beliefs emphasize the theoretically biblically=based notion that women's contributions to society should normally be approved by, or be on behalf of, men. Asian or Indian-origin cultures too are traditionally patriarchal. All these factors have long prohibited women’s empowerment in South Africa, at least on a universal scale. While women from well-educated and economically strong families or Anglo-African background are able to become financially independent as well transcend gender inequality, for the majority of South African women it is a struggle to achieve financial and social empowerment. Add to this the fact that South Africa has one of the highest incidences of crimes against women and you will have a fair idea of what the average woman here is up against. Cases of rape, domestic violence and other kinds of sexual abuse are rampant in this country. Thus if you are looking to meet and date South African women, one of the first things you need to do is to make your partner feel safe. Treat her with respect; be genuinely interested in what she is doing – whether studying or working – and appreciate her efforts and successes. Once a woman is assured of being safe with you and sees that you are interested to know and respect her as a person, you will be sure to get evidence of the colorful and vibrant personality that South African women are famous for.
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